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31 janvier 2020

Classement 2020 des meilleures prépas aux grandes écoles de commerce

Top chrono! L’admission en classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles de commerce a ouvert, via le site Parcoursup, ce mardi 22 janvier. Ces prépas publiques ou privées mèneront ensuite leurs élèves au bout de deux ans, parfois trois, dans une grande école de commerce. Plus...

31 janvier 2020

Découvrez l’intégralité de notre classement 2020 des prépas

Quelles sont les meilleures classes préparatoires du pays? C’est une question que sont en train de se poser de nombreux élèves de terminale, alors que la plateforme d’accès à l’enseignement supérieur Parcoursup vient d’ouvrir ses portes le 22 janvier. Un très large éventail de lycées publics et privés permet en effet d’entrouvrir les portes des écoles normales supérieures ou des meilleures écoles d’ingénieurs et de commerce. Plus...

30 janvier 2020

Americans Rank A Google Internship Over A Harvard Degree

Techno-News BlogWhen asked what they believe would be most helpful for a high school graduate to launch a career, Americans overwhelmingly recommend an internship at Google (60%) over a degree from Harvard (40%). More...

28 janvier 2020

No.2 With A Bullet

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. No.2 With A Bullet
Grahem Wegner loks to this interesting new service, something called Learning Signal from Social Rank. Whate we have here is a service that looks at blog posts in a community (presumably defined by topic - such as 'e-learning', but we are not told what blogs constitute a 'community') and ranks them according to (a proprietary blend of?) citations, comments, and the like. It's a good idea, difficult to pull off (I've been trying stuff like that with Edu_RSS but the sorts of server loads it creates are horrendous). More...

20 janvier 2020

URAP Rankings: Sorbonne Reaches the Top Ten

This year’s URAP ranking is headed by Harvard followed by the University of Toronto and University College London. Sorbonne University, formed in 2018 through a merger of Paris-Sorbonne University and Pierre et Marie Curie University, is now in 10th place, a significant improvement since last year when it was 17th. More...

20 janvier 2020

New Computer Science Rankings Show Chinese Bid for AI Ascendency

The CSRankings show that China is on the way to dominate research in Artificial Intelligence. More...

20 janvier 2020

Rankings a Key Factor for International Students

An article in the PIE (Professionals in International Education) News by Kerrie Kennedy has discussed a report from Cturtlle based on a survey of the views of international students mainly in the UK with a smaller number from continental Europe. Fifty-seven per cent said that that “university ranking” was the most important reason for studying in the UK and 52% for studying in Europe. Other reasons were “location” (51% and 50%), price (41% and 38%), job opportunities (18% and 28%), and “alumni engagement” (10% and 12%). More...

20 janvier 2020

Best Online Courses announced by US News

Although it has not fulfilled its early promise online higher education continues to grow. At the moment the leader in the ranking of online programmes is the US News & World Report (USN). The latest USN online rankings include US bachelor’s programs and master’s programs in Business, Computer Information Technology, Criminal Justice/Criminology, Engineering, Education and Nursing. Altogether over 1,600 programs have been evaluated this year. More...

20 janvier 2020

PISA results: East Asia in the Lead

The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is published every three years by the OECD and has received a large amount of media attention. It administers tests of reading, mathematics and science to representative groups of 15-year olds. Performance in these rankings is often used to evaluate national educational policies and could have serious implications for university admission policies. More...

20 janvier 2020

Estonia’s digital future: how to go from e-government to e-business?

Estonia ranks already among the top countries in e-government. Citizens can do basically anything online except for a very few things like getting married or divorced and selling or buying real estate. The X-road, the secure communication protocol underlying e-government services, was built on the same principles as the block chain, even before the word block chain was invented. More...

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