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30 octobre 2017

Classements internationaux : basculement géopolitique avéré Educpros de Jean-François Fiorina. Si le classement de Shanghai, sa fulgurante ascension dans le registre de l’influence et de l’impact sur les systèmes de l’Enseignement supérieur en Occident sont patents, il faut se rappeler qu’il a d’abord été imaginé pour les établissements chinois ! L’objectif était de pouvoir les étalonner afin de les mettre au diapason des normes occidentales. Plus...
29 octobre 2017

Shanghai 2017 : RAS

Sur le blog "Histoires d'universités" de Pierre Dubois. Classement de Shanghaï 2017 : tous les résultats.
RAS : Rien à signaler, sauf la bonne progression de l’École normale supérieure de Paris, rue d’Ulm. Plus...

29 octobre 2017

McMaster > McGill?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Alex Usher. The Shanghai Rankings (technically, the Academic Ranking of World Universities) came out a couple of weeks ago.  This is the granddaddy of all international rankings; the one that started it all, and still perceived as the most stable and reliable measure of scientific hubs; essentially it measures large concentrations of scientific talent.  And there were some very interesting results for Canada, the most intriguing of which is the fact that McGill has fallen out of Canada’s “top 3”, replaced by McMaster. More...

29 octobre 2017

Why we should – and shouldn’t – pay attention to World Rankings

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Alex Usher. The father of modern university rankings is James McKeen Cattell, a well-known early 20th-century psychologist, scientific editor (he ran the journals Science and Psychological Review) and eugenecist.  In 1903, he began publishing American Men of Science, a semi-regular rating of the country’s top scientists, as rated by university department chairs.  He then hit on the idea of counting how many of these scientists were graduates of the nation’s various universities. More...

29 octobre 2017

U.S. News: 2018’s best global universities

eCampus NewsU.S. News & World Report today released the 2018 Best Global Universities rankings. The overall rankings evaluate 1,250 universities–up from 1,000 last year–across 74 countries and are the largest and most comprehensive assessment of research universities worldwide. More...

29 octobre 2017

Colleges of Distinction challenges trend of one-size-fits-all academic rankings

eCampus NewsGuidebook steers clear of traditional rankings; finds schools with innovative teaching and student experiences that lead to academic and career success. More...

29 octobre 2017

The top 50 community colleges for student financial aid

eCampus NewsOnlineCollegePlan.Com has created a ranking that features the Top 50 Best Online Community Colleges for Financial Aid Assistance. More...

29 octobre 2017

Reuters: These are the world’s 100 most innovative universities

eCampus NewsThe third annual Reuters Top 100 identifies and ranks higher-ed institutions that have the biggest impact on science advancement, new technologies, and that power new markets and industries. The ranking is compiled in partnership with Clarivate Analytics and is based on a variety of indicators, including patent filings and research paper citations. More...

28 octobre 2017

U.S. News & World Report: These are the 2018 Best Colleges

eCampus NewsThe 2018 rankings of best colleges reveals California schools and military academies perform strongly in this year's top public universities rankings. More...

28 octobre 2017

US loses out to UK and Asia in World University Rankings 2018

eCampus NewsThe Times Higher Education today published the 14th annual edition of its World University Rankings, a list of the top 1,000 universities from 77 countries. America’s grip on the world’s top universities has loosened further as the UK becomes home to the top two institutions for the first time in the 13-year history of the table. More...

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