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8 décembre 2019

Global Employability Ranking Identifies Top Schools for Jobs

Times Higher Education (THE) has published the latest edition of the Global University Employability Rankings which are produced by Emerging, a French human resource consulting company. The ranking of 250 universities is based on a survey of recruiters at leading global companies. More...

8 décembre 2019

US News Global Rankings: Asia Dominates Engineering and Computer Science, US Natural Sciences

The US News has published its Best Global Universities rankings. These are entirely research based and do not include metrics related to teaching or third missions. More...

8 décembre 2019

China and US Continue to Lead Supercomputer Rankings

TOP500 is a ranking of computer systems that is published twice a year by experts at the NERSC/ Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA, the University of Tennessee Knoxville, USA, and the University of Mannheim, Germany. More...

8 décembre 2019

New Ranking Measures Online Courses

There has been a significant expansion in online learning over the last few years although perhaps not as much as was hoped or feared. There are now 70 million people taking MOOC (massive open online course) courses with Coursera, edX and FutureLearn. More...

8 décembre 2019

UK Entrepreneurial Rankings Show Some Surprises

In the last few years there have been several attempts to move beyond the ranking of universities by research output and impact. Octopus Ventures, a venture capital investment group, has produced a ranking of British universities according to their ability to produce research-based innovation. The Entrepreneurial Impact Ranking analyses the spinout companies created by UK universities. More...

8 décembre 2019

US News Global Rankings: Asia Dominates Engineering While US Leads in the Natural Sciences

The US News has published the Best Global Universities rankings. These are entirely research based and do not include metrics related to teaching or third missions. The overall rankings this year contain few surprises at the very top with the first place going to Harvard. More...

8 décembre 2019

Innovative Universities: Concentrated in Western Europe, North America and East Asia

Reuter’s have announced the World ‘s Innovative Universities. This ranking measures the contribution of universities to technology through patents and articles.  It shows that some of the world’s most prestigious institutions are falling behind. Yale, for example is 20th and Princeton 65th while Oxford and Cambridge are well behind Katholieke Universiteit (KU) Leuven in Belgium which is in seventh place. More...

8 décembre 2019

QS Publishes Indian University Rankings

QS has published the 2020 edition of its India University Rankings. The upper level is dominated, as expected, by the Indian Institutes of Technology which take seven out of the top ten places. The methodology is based on that of the World University Rankings but with modifications to suit national priorities. More...

8 décembre 2019

Malaysian Research and the Drive for Ranking Success

In recent years, Malaysian universities have reported some success in global and regional rankings. Leading national institutions such as Universiti Malaya, Universiti Sains Malaysia, and Universiti Putra Malaysia have performed well in the QS rankings while a private university, Universiti Tunku Abbul Rahman (UTAR), has achieved a remarkable score for research impact in the THE rankings. More...

8 décembre 2019

Economist MBA Rankings: US Still Leads Despite Growing Competition

US business schools are facing a difficult time with growing competition from abroad and online courses and the need to adapt to changing demands of students and employers. Even so, US schools continue to dominate the world rankings of top business education programmes. More...

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