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20 septembre 2019

You May Not Be the Inside Candidate

HomeBut you can still be the top choice for the job, argues Kay Kimball Gruder, who offers advice for how to increase your odds. More...

14 septembre 2019

'The Dangers of Fluent Lectures'

HomeBy Colleen Flaherty. A study says smooth-talking professors can lull students into thinking they've learned more than they actually have -- potentially at the expense of active learning. More...

14 septembre 2019

Fake Citations Kill a Career

HomeBy Colleen Flaherty. Columbia says a historian's acclaimed book on North Korea was plagiarized, and its publisher says it's been taken out of print. More...

14 septembre 2019

Asking the Editors: Part 1

HomeAbout 18 months ago, I defended my humanities dissertation and took a tenure-track job. More...

14 septembre 2019

Great Expectations

HomeJo Guldi learns a lesson from students who embrace the challenge of high academic standards. More...

14 septembre 2019

Navigating the Dialectic of Privilege and Oppression

HomeJennifer M. Gómez writes of her tendency as a new faculty member of color to highlight the systemic wrongs she's experienced while ignoring the potential for change her position now allows. More...

14 septembre 2019

In Praise of the Humble Email

HomeThanks to the efforts of the software salesforce, almost every request a faculty member used to make simply and in seconds is now unnecessarily complicated, argues Jacqueline Foertsch. More...

14 septembre 2019

The Importance of Validating Faculty Research

HomeFar too often, researchers’ scholarly and creative achievements simply become lines on curriculum vitae, argue Scott Slovic and Janet E. Nelson, who offer recommendations for change. More...

14 septembre 2019

The Faculty Lounge

HomeAcademe’s devolution into online and contingent labor has already caused many changes to the college work environment. More...

7 septembre 2019

Better pay and more challenge: here’s how to get our top students to become teachers

The ConversationAustralia’s young high achievers are turning their backs on teaching. They want to make a difference in their careers, and they are interested in teaching, but when it comes to the crunch they choose professions with better pay and more challenge. More...

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