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26 novembre 2016

Closing the gap between college career services and employers

University Business LogoBy Susan Brennan and Kara Della Croce. College and universities must face a harsh reality: employer expectations of their graduates are changing. As the world becomes more complex, so do employer demands. It’s not enough for candidates to have the professional or technical skills needed for a particular job. More...

26 novembre 2016

7 Strategies for Tenure-Track Success

HomeBy Tanya Golash-Boza. Even if tenure is a few years off, new tenure-track faculty can take a few important steps right now, writes Tanya Golash-Boza. Read more...

20 novembre 2016

International peer learning seminar on Tracking Graduates' Career Paths

Logo of the Bologna ProcessSharing good practice in graduate tracking, with a special focus on arrangements at national level, and discussing challenges related to the implementation of schemes ensuring reliable and meaningful information on graduates’ career patterns are the main objectives of the seminar. More...
13 novembre 2016

How long do vice-chancellors stay in post?

HEPI has undertaken a small piece of desk research on the tenure of university leaders over the past half a century.
For a full explanation of the chart below, see the new blog outlining the research on the Times Higher website. More...

12 novembre 2016

Fostering Career Opportunities in the Changing Media Industry

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""Technological developments in recent years mark a significant moment of opportunity and innovation in the media industry, as media is now driven by the Internet rather than by television and radio. As analog technology transitions to digital technology, media producers are seeking new ways to deliver content to smartphones, tablets, and computers. More...

11 novembre 2016

Frustrations of Early Career Scientists

HomeBy Colleen Flaherty. Current research funding trends discourage innovative thinking, according to a new essay in a special issue of Nature. The essay, written by four early-career scientists who have been named by the World Economic Forum as part of a group of scientists under the age of 40 who “play a transformational role in integrating scientific knowledge into society for the public good,” says that the “scientific enterprise is stuck in a catch-22,” with researchers charged with advancing promising new questions, but receiving “support and credit only for revisiting their past work.” Read more...

4 novembre 2016

Career transitions don’t happen overnight

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Jennifer Polk. In the three years I’ve worked as a career and life coach, and through the years of my own transition, I’ve learned lots about the process of changing careers. What fascinates me most are the thoughts and feelings that accompany such a shift. More...

4 novembre 2016

How to find those weird and wonderful career options

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Liz Koblyk. Information on different career options is out there, just not all conveniently in one place. More...

4 novembre 2016

Make time for reflection when contemplating a new career

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Liz Koblyk. Making yourself competitive for a new career and figuring out what that career might be are two peas in a pod, not two steps in a staircase. Instead of being done with one before moving onto the other, you might be best served by undertaking them both at the same time. More...

4 novembre 2016

What to do when a career option loses its lustre

Résultat de recherche d'images pour By Liz Koblyk. Maybe you’ve spent some time exploring career options. But, the deeper you dig, the less you like the options. It happens. My last post was about how to work around fears that new career paths are out of reach for you. More...

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