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21 novembre 2015

Re-Conceptualizing Student Services for the Non-Traditional Learner

The EvoLLLutionBy Paul Cochrane - EvoLLLution. Succeeding in the provision of student services requires more than just having a counseling office; institutional leaders must really understand their non-traditional students and create an engaging environment that meets their expectations at every level. More...

21 novembre 2015

Attracting and Retaining Adults: Adult Learners Need Family- and Work-Friendly Program Schedules

The EvoLLLutionBy Jennifer Kalfsbeek-Goetz - EvoLLLution. Scheduling programs that take into account the incredibly busy lives of adult students—who must juggle family and work responsibilities while enrolled—will have a positive impact on an institution’s ability to attract and retain non-traditional learners. More...

21 novembre 2015

Adult Learners in Higher Education: Adjusted Views from a Campus Leader

The EvoLLLutionBy Barry Thomas - EvoLLLution. Leaders who are part of higher education’s “old guard” have had to challenge significant misperceptions of non-traditional students as they have grown to become the majority demographic. More...

21 novembre 2015

Knowing Your Adult Learners: Use Data!

The EvoLLLutionBy Anthony Picciano - EvoLLLution. By collecting and measuring data, institutions can vastly improve their level of service for non-traditional students, creating a positive impact on persistence, completion and lifetime retention. More...

16 novembre 2015

In defence of the annoying mature-age student You might think they’re a pain, but the mature-age students I prepare for university are thrilled to receive the intellectual nourishment they thought was reserved for others. More...

11 novembre 2015

Rétrospective : « Le numérique dans la formation des adultes »

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Dans ma contribution d’ouverture de la conférence, j’ai décrit l’état d’avancement du débat sur l’apprentissage électronique et mis en évidence les implications pour les structures d’éducation des adultes : aujourd’hui, l’éducation des adultes se focalise fortement sur l’organisation de « cours », alors que les médias numériques ouvrent aussi des perspectives pour un nouveau « discours ». Voir l'article...

11 novembre 2015

Dix principes de professionnalisation dans le cadre de la formation des adultes à l'université

Résultat de recherche d'images pour

Dix principes de professionnalisation dans le cadre de la formation des adultes à l'université
Notre pratique et les recherches sur la formation des adultes à l'université, nous amène à repérer dix principes de professionnalisation :
- Education permanente : Si la finalité de la professionnalisation est l'accès à l'emploi, le développement professionnel et l'employabilité, elle est aussi de proposer des possibles, de permettre des choix et de sortir des cadres de la reproduction sociale. La formation n'est pas enfermement mais ouverture, par les liens qu'elle tisse avec la société, les savoirs, les publics et le fait de favoriser le développement culturel et social. Même si nous avons bien conscience des difficultés de passage de l'ambition éducative et sociétale à l'action, ce principe demeure une valeur fondatrice directrice. Voir l'article...

10 novembre 2015

European Parliament publishes report comparing the use of OER in adult education

Résultat de recherche d'images pour The European Parliament has published the study “Adult Education and Open Educational Resources”, highlighting the possibilities offered by the employment of OER within adult learning. More...

5 novembre 2015

Critical Changes Needed to Transform the Student Experience for Non-Traditional Learners

The EvoLLLutionBy Darlene Brown - EvoLLLution. There are myriad challenges that millions of students are confronted with when attempting to pursue higher education to ensure their future success. This is something I have become very aware of having worked closely with students over the past decade. More...

5 novembre 2015

Fostering Belonging Key to Non-Traditional Student Success

The EvoLLLutionBy Ashley Gleiman - EvoLLLution. Non-traditional students are one of the most researched and discussed populations in higher education today. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, in order for someone to be defined as a non-traditional student, the student must meet at least one of the following characteristics. More...

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