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26 novembre 2015

La formation des adultes en Europe au milieu du gué

Par Philippe Flamand. Une étude du Centre européen pour le développement de la formation professionnelle (Cedefop) dresse un état des lieux des progrès accomplis dans la formation continue des adultes en Europe depuis cinq ans. Verdict : si la situation s’est améliorée des efforts doivent encore être réalisés pour rendre cette formation plus attrayante, plus efficiente et plus égalitaire. Voir l'article...

26 novembre 2015

La France a du retard pour la montée en compétences des adultes en TIC

Par Paul Santelmann. Une note de l’OCDE (de juin 2015) sur les compétences numériques des adultes fait état des effets négatifs de leur sous-développement en matière de taux d’activité, d’employabilité et de rémunération. Dans tous les pays, c’est parmi les adultes sans expérience dans l’utilisation des TIC (technologies de l’information et de la communication) que le taux d’activité est le plus faible : seuls 47 % d’entre eux sont actifs, contre 90 % des adultes ayant atteint les niveaux les plus élevés de compétences dans l’utilisation d’appareils numériques selon une évaluation (PIAAC) de 2012. Voir l'article...

22 novembre 2015

3 Challenges Online Education Helps Adult Learners Overcome Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. Nontraditional students with outside responsibilities can benefit from the flexibility online courses offer. ​After a long and difficult decision, I decided to return to college after a 12-year gap between my sophomore and junior years. More...

22 novembre 2015

Young Adults More Likely to Own Smartphone Than PC Ed Tech News and Research ~ Ray Schroeder, editor. There is a proliferation of devices in the marketplace. When it comes to ownership, young adults ages 18 to 29 are more likely to own a mobile phone or smartphone than a desktop or laptop, pointing to how mobile is becoming an all-purpose device that users are increasingly relying on. More...

21 novembre 2015

Accelerated Programs for Adult Learners: Five Steps to Get Started

The EvoLLLutionBy Colette Atkins - EvoLLLution. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, adult learners aged 25 and over have grown by 34 percent in the last decade and will grow by another 20 percent this decade. More...

21 novembre 2015

Attracting and Retaining Adults: Adults Succeed in Programs Envisioned for Their Ambitions and Busy Lives

The EvoLLLutionBy Jennifer Kalfsbeek-Goetz - EvoLLLution. Designing accelerated programs that run during summers will appeal to adults as it will allow them to complete their degrees more quickly. More...

21 novembre 2015

Four Ways to Attract Today’s Adult Students

The EvoLLLutionBy Rebecca Gilpatrick - EvoLLLution. There has been an increasing interest in postsecondary education by adult student populations over the past few years, spurred by the weak national economy and recognition of the need for a better educated workforce in the competitive global marketplace. More...

21 novembre 2015

Understanding the Needs and Expectations of Non-Traditional Students

The EvoLLLutionBy Dave Jarrat - EvoLLLution. Most institutions don’t adequately understand the needs and experiences of their non-traditional students — a pattern that has to change as more adults enroll in colleges and universities. More...

21 novembre 2015

What It Takes to Bring Adults Back

The EvoLLLutionBy Dustin Worsley - EvoLLLution. Shifting gears to serve non-traditional students requires institutional administrators to understand and respond to the specific needs of adults. More...

21 novembre 2015

Five Ways to Succeed in the Growing Adult Student Market

The EvoLLLutionBy Carolyn Callaghan - EvoLLLution. Strategically approaching the adult student marketplace by targeting high-success prospects and sharing messages they want to hear will make a big impact on growing adult enrollments. More...

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