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Formation Continue du Supérieur
17 mars 2013

Corporate university sponsorship taken to task

A lecture hall sponsored by the German supermarket chain AldiBy Richard Fuchs. Struggling with tightening purse strings and shrinking research budgets, Germany's universities are fighting back with funding from big business. A new online portal aims to publicize any dubious sponsorship deals.
Berlinstudent Erik Marquardt sometimes feels like German universities are really just glorified advertising agencies.
He see's a future where lecture halls will no longer be named after great thinkers and poets, but after discount stores and online dating companies. Cafeterias will no longer be decorated according to the seasons, but furnished year-round with the colors and slogans of cell phone networks. And new students' introductions will no longer be organized by peer representatives, but by consultancy firms. Read more...
17 mars 2013

Wanted: New visions of the university Ronald Barnett. The presence of University World News is witness to massive global forces affecting universities, such as the emergence of a global knowledge economy, marketisation and neoliberalism. More recently, too, global changes in knowledge creation and circulation have been noted, so helping to form ‘cognitive capitalism’, as it has been termed. Partly as a result of such global forces, we are witnessing the rise of the ‘entrepreneurial university’. This is a university that has come to understand that it is in command of services and products – intimately connected with the formation and transmission of knowledge – that have exchange value in the market. Read more...
17 mars 2013

A post-Chávez higher education conciliation? Elliot Storm and Grace Karram. There is no question that Hugo Chávez has left a controversial mark on the pages of social and political history. For some he was a charismatic, bold visionary committed to social justice and the eradication of inequality. But for his critics, the late president was a harbinger of democratic decline and economic decay. His influence on Venezuela’s higher education system was likewise divisive, marked by direct clashes with university administrators and student leaders. What the government intended as reforms for participatory, 'protagonist' democracy, universities took as a challenge to the traditional values of autonomy and academic freedom. In reaction to Chávez’s reforms, universities have mounted serious opposition to the regime on both procedural and substantive grounds. Read more...
17 mars 2013

‘Manifesto for Change’ for women in higher education Katherine Forestier. Hong Kong: zero. Japan: 2.3. India: three. Kuwait: three. Turkey: seven. UK: 14. Australia: 17. The numbers tell a story. They are the percentages of universities that have women as leaders in a range of jurisdictions around the world. Knowledge that women are under-represented in the upper echelons of higher education is not new. But after academics from countries in Asia, Europe, the Middle East and North Africa shared experiences and information, they came up with an action plan for change. On 6 March the “Manifesto for Change” was resoundingly endorsed by participants attending the session “Action for Women in Higher Education Leadership” at the Going Global 2013 conference, the culmination of a year of workshops held by the British Council in Hong Kong, Japan, Kuwait and finally Dubai, supported by new research. The manifesto calls for actions to hold institutions to account by: including gender equity in ranking and quality indicators; transparency about the representation of women, including their participation in research – usually the stepping stone to leadership; a commitment to invest in women; and the need for more international data on and research into what is holding women back, and what enables success. Read more...
17 mars 2013

ASEAN, China must bridge HE and workforce skills gap Katherine Forestier. Countries of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and China face serious disconnects between the knowledge and skills that their higher education systems provide graduates, and the skills needed for the countries’ future development. Education reforms and more international knowledge exchange and collaboration will be needed to bridge this gap and should be the first task for the ASEAN as it moves towards economic integration, according to speakers at the British Council’s Going Global 2013 conference held in Dubai from 4-6 March.
The ASEAN – comprising Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam – will become an ‘economic community’ and regional common market by 2015, with important implications for its workforce and skills development. Read more...
17 mars 2013

Student loans to require residence permit Jan Petter Myklebust. Six applicants for student loans and grants have taken Luxembourg to the European Court of Justice after being turned down by the country’s student loan scheme, CEDIES, on the grounds that they are children of frontier workers. CEDIES claimed that eligibility requires residence in Luxembourg. A court ruling is expected later this year.
In his opinion to the Court on 7 February, Advocate General of Luxembourg Paolo Mengazzi stated that “financial aid for higher education is granted to citizens of Luxembourg and other EU citizens on the conditions that they are residents in Luxembourg”. Read more...
17 mars 2013

EUA project calls for transparency in PhD programmes Carmen Paun. Universities should be more transparent about what they offer through PhD programmes, to better allow students to compare doctoral studies across Europe, Thomas Jørgensen, author of the recently concluded Accountable Research Environments for Doctoral Education (ARDE) project told University World News in Brussels. If doctoral candidates understand what is available regarding career development resources, their research environment, funding and mobility options, it should be easier to choose between PhD programmes across Europe, said Jørgensen, who leads the European University Association (EUA) Council for Doctoral Education. Read more...
17 mars 2013

Chávez leaves a legacy of poorly funded universities Andrew Rosati. As Nicólas Maduro takes the reins as Venezuelan interim president following the death of his strongman predecessor Hugo Chávez, educators and university administrators are hoping for a chance to repair tattered relations with their government.
“It could be an opportunity; we're waiting for them to listen to us,” said Rafael Escalona, academic vice-rector at Caracas’ Simón Bolívar University, or USB.
Educators have long lambasted the government for setting university budgets that never grow, crippling these institutions’ ability to improve infrastructure, conduct research and offer competitive wages. Read more...
17 mars 2013

‘No risk from reforms’ – But universities beg to differ David Jobbins. The 2012 reforms of higher education in England – the switch to higher tuition fees and lower direct state funding – pose no immediate risk to the overall financial health of the country’s universities, says an official report published last week.
But the report from the Higher Education Funding Council for England, or HEFCE, says the changes in funding, coupled with recruitment shortfalls in 2012-13, have led to a wide variation in the financial performance and health of different institutions. Read more...
17 mars 2013

A higher education avalanche is coming, says new report

By Karen MacGregor. Higher education requires “deep, radical and urgent transformation”, says a just-published report from the UK’s Institute for Public Policy Research. A new phase of competitive intensity is emerging, technology is changing and the traditional university is under pressure from, among others, private providers and MOOCs.
In the report, An Avalanche is Coming: Higher education and the revolution ahead, authors* Sir Michael Barber, Katelyn Donnelly and Saad Rizvi write that last century’s models of higher education are broken. Read more...
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