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3 février 2013

Bookings open for Storyville, the HEA’s Arts and Humanities conference

Booking is open for the HEA’s second annual Arts and Humanities conference, Storyville: Exploring narratives of learning and teaching, in Brighton 29-30 May. At the heart of the Arts & Humanities disciplines sit stories. Stories are everywhere, and Storyville seeks to explore the intersections between narrative and learning and teaching. The conference will reflect the innovation in learning and teaching which is taking place in all Arts & Humanities discipline areas.
The two-day conference comprises workshops (varying from 15 – 180 minutes), and paper sessions. A new option for submissions was added to the programme, in the form of offering 'wildcard' sessions. These give presenters the option of more time as well as encouragement to be creative. As a consequence, the main programme contains workshops and papers covering topics such as the power of field visits in studying religion, and a practical session using archives. The longer, wildcard, sessions include a workshop on oral storytelling, in which participants will learn how to tell a story (and do it!) and a collaborative excursion into Brighton using processes of improvisation and the ‘non-institutional environment’ to assert the value of uncertainty, disorientation and intuition in teaching and learning.
Throughout Storyville runs a strong theme of sharing good practice. The conference aims to invigorate delegates, giving them a new awareness of stories and identity in their teaching. The full draft programme is available on the HEA website. Complete your booking form and read more about the conference at the HEA website. On Twitter, follow @HEA_AH and follow #storyville13 for conversation leading up to the conference.

3 février 2013

Nouveau: le portail de la rupture conventionnelle est un nouveau service en ligne qui permet aux employeurs et aux salariés d’effectuer une demande d’homologation de la rupture conventionnelle.
La rupture conventionnelle permet à l’employeur et au salarié de rompre le contrat de travail d’un commun accord. Pour être valide, cette rupture conventionnelle doit être homologuée par l’administration.
Employeur, salarié(e), TéléRC vous permet d’effectuer une demande d’homologation de rupture conventionnelle d’un(e) salarié(e) en contrat à durée indéterminée (CDI). saisie assistée vous offre une garantie de qualité de remplissage de votre dossier et un traitement rapide de votre demande par l’administration.
Cette opération ne vous prendra que quelques minutes. Nous vous invitons à consulter nos rubriques, notamment la visite guidée, qui vous permet de visualiser les étapes de la saisie.
Une fois rempli, votre formulaire personnalisé devra être:
-      téléchargé (format pdf) puis imprimé,
-      signé par l’employeur et le ou la salarié(e),
-      envoyé à l’issue du délai de rétractation, au service dont les coordonnées vous auront été indiquées à la fin de la saisie.

Votre demande sera instruite par le service compétent à compter de la réception du formulaire papier.
Ce site vous permet également de:
-      Mémoriser votre formulaire personnalisé pour le compléter ultérieurement. L'accès aux données saisies est limité à 3 jours. Passé ce délai, votre dossier sera effacé.
Compléter une demande

-      Télécharger et imprimer (format pdf) une attestation d’homologation à l’issue du délai d’instruction (15 jours ouvrables après réception de votre demande).
Demander une attestation d'homologation. is a new online service that enables employers and employees to make a request for approval of the contractual termination.
Breaking conventional allows the employer and employee to terminate the contract of employment by mutual agreement. To be valid, this conventional termination must be approved by the administration. More...
3 février 2013

10000ème article sur le blog / Organisme de formation

Vous êtes un organisme de formation ou vous souhaitez le devenir? Ces informations vous concernent
Vous voulez devenir un organisme de formation et être enregistré? Vous êtes un organisme de formation et vous souhaitez exercer dans le domaine spécifique de la formation professionnelle continue?
Nous mettons à votre disposition de quoi constituer votre dossier, ainsi qu’une documentation susceptible de vous soutenir dans vos démarches et de répondre à vos questions.
Constitution du dossier
Pour obtenir un numéro de déclaration d’activité, vous devez: Nous retourner le cerfa dûment complété, daté et signé: Bulletin de déclaration d’activité d’un prestataire de formation; Notice explicative du bulletin de déclaration d’activité d’un prestataire de formation.
Joindre également à votre dossier les pièces suivantes:
1-le justificatif d’attribution du numéro Siren (Kbis, avis de situation au répertoire Sirène, etc.)
2-le bulletin n°3 du casier judiciaire de moins de 3 mois
3-la liste des formateurs
Liste des formateurs.
4-une 1ère convention ou un 1er contrat daté de moins de 3 mois
Convention simplifiée de formation professionnelle (modèle).
Contrat de formation professionnelle (modèle).
5-le programme détaillé de l’action de formation
A noter: si vous êtes sous-traitant, vous fournirez en lieu et place de la convention votre contrat de sous-traitance. N’omettez pas de joindre le programme et la liste des formateurs qui sont à fournir également.
Guide de la formation professionnelle
Feuilletez ou téléchargez ce guide: il contient les organismes de formation professionnelle, mais aussi leurs droits et obligations....
Document à télécharger: organismes de formation, fonctionnement, droit du travail, obligations...
Document à feuilleter:
Vos outils, au quotidien
Voici quelques documents téléchargeables, qui peuvent vous êtres utiles:
Plan comptable; Modèle de règlement intérieur; Modèle de feuille de présence.
Les autres repères du blog:
9500ème article sur le blog/Un crédit d'impôt innovation pour les PME,
9000ème article sur le blog/La VAE dans les ministères certificateurs en 2011,
8500ème article sur le blog
/Cahier n°3 Enseignement supérieur du CESER,
8000ème article sur le blog/La VAE à l’Università di Corsica Pasquale Paoli,

7500ème article sur le blog
Les enjeux de la qualité au sein de l’ESS,

7000ème article sur le blog
Osez l'Université dans l'un de ses 31 CFA,

6500ème article sur le blog
6000ème article sur le blog/L'Association ASSPRO,
5500ème article sur le blog/Apprentissage le guide régional,
5000ème article sur le blog
/La formation continue des adultes dans le supérieur
4500ème article sur le blog
/40 ans de formation professionnelle,

4000ème article sur le blog
/Les chiffres 2010 de la VAE à La Réunion,
3500ème article sur le blog
/La VAE en Poitou-Charente en 2010,
3000ème article sur le blog/Contrats apprentissage et pro,
2500ème article sur le blog
/Journées Nationales des MDE et des PLIE,
2000ème article sur le blog
/Question Formation n°1,
1500ème article sur le blog/Seniors - le groupe SPB signe son accord,
1000ème article sur le blog
/Fête de la musique dans les jardins du MESR,
500ème article sur le blog/L'archipel de l'ingénierie de formation,
1er article sur le blog/Un forum de la Commission européenne pour promouvoir la coopération entre l’université et le monde des affaires.

Tá tú ar eagraíocht oiliúna nó mian leat a bheith? An t-eolas a thabhairt duit. Want a bheith ina eagraíocht oiliúna agus a bheith cláraithe? Tá tú ar eagraíocht oiliúna agus is mian leat a chleachtadh i réimse sonrach ghairmoiliúint leanúnach? Ar fáil againn tú leis an méid a d'fhoirm iarratais agus doiciméadú a d'fhéadfadh a tacaíocht a thabhairt duit i do chuid iarrachtaí agus do cheisteanna a fhreagairt. Níos mó...
3 février 2013

HEA appoints convenors to Internationalisation Special Interest Groups

The Higher Education Academy (HEA) has appointed convenors, following a competitive process, to lead two Special Interest Groups (SIGs) on Internationalisation. Dr Gavin Bunting from the University of Wales will convene the Special Interest Group - Transnational Education, while Dr Sue Robson (Newcastle University), Dr Scott Burgess and Dr Diane Sloan (Northumbria University) will convene the Special Interest Group - Internationalisation of the Curriculum. The two SIGs reflect the operational priorities of the HEA’s internationalisation work:

  1. Internationalisation of the curriculum: This SIG will build on the HEA’s inaugural group convened in 2011-12, focusing on effective learning and teaching policy and practice to enhance the student learning experience, for both the home and international students.
  2. Transnational education: New for 2012-13, this SIG will focus on promoting high quality learning and teaching on overseas programmes. The group will bring together those in HE interested in either/both staff and student issues in transnational arrangements, whether ensuring equitable student learning experiences or teaching excellence.

The SIGs will run, in the first instance, till July 2013. Each SIG receives £4000 to facilitate its work. In return for the funding, each SIG will be expected to produce at least one practical output for the UK HE sector such as a resource, tool or guide  which will promote engagement in the theme of the SIG, encouraging the development of policy and/or practice or address one (or more) key issue(s). The HEA encourages staff of UK higher education institutions with a genuine interest in developing high quality learning and teaching for home and international students to join the SIGs. Members will need to commit to a number of meetings (face-to-face or virtual).

Find out more about the HEA’s work on Internationalisation at the HEA website.

3 février 2013

EUCIS-LLL key messages on the “European Year 2013 of Citizens”

logo-lifelong-learning-programmeEUCIS-LLL welcomes the European Year of Citizens that gives a stronger focus to topics that are crucial for our organisations such as the recognition and validation of diplomas and qualifications. However, EUCIS-LLL vision on what European citizenship implies goes beyond and includes important topics such as education to (European) citizenship or civil dialogue and participatory democracy that are so crucial to re-connect citizens to the EU project especially one year before the European elections. EUCIS-LLL has just published its key messages on the European Year. They will be further discussed during its next Annual Conference to take place in Vilnius on 14 May 2013. EUCIS-LLL is also a member of the coalition of NGOs “European Year of Citizens 2013 Alliance“.
3 février 2013

More effective national research systems

Open national-level competition is crucial to deriving maximum value from public money invested in research. Best-practice performance in this respect which all Member States should attain involves:
• Allocating funding through open calls for proposals, evaluated by panels of leading independent domestic and non-domestic experts (peer review) - this incites researchers to reach internationally-competitive levels of performance
• Assessing the quality of research-performing organisations and teams and their outputs as a basis for institutional funding decisions - peer review can form a part of such assessment and, in the long-term, lead to organisational change.
While the balance between these two approaches may vary, they should be at the core of research funding decisions in all Member States in order to overcome divergences in performance across the EU.
Member States are invited to:
• Introduce or enhance competitive funding through calls for proposals and institutional assessments as the main modes of allocating public funds to research and innovation, introducing legislative reforms if necessary
• Ensure that all public bodies responsible for allocating research funds apply the core principles of international peer review
The Commission will:

• Support mutual learning and the exchange of good practice between Member States on the removal of national legal and other barriers to ERA for the priorities set out in this Communication
• Support through the Smart Specialisation Platform Member States and regions in using Structural Funds to develop research capacity and smart specialisation strategies, including support to joint research programmes, in line with Cohesion Policy objectives
• Support ERA Chairs aimed at fostering structural change in institutions to raise their research quality to international levels of excellence.
3 février 2013

Every year, 26 September is the European Day of Languages

European Commission logoEuropean Day of Languages
Every year, 26 September is the day we celebrate Europe’s rich linguistic heritage – the EU’s 23 official languages, the 60 or so regional/minority languages, and the languages spoken by people who’ve come to Europe from other parts of the world.
The first European day of languages was held in 2001 as part of European Year of languages when hundreds of events were organised, reaching millions of people in 45 countries. Organised jointly by the EU and the Council of Europe, the European day of languages continues that work, to raise public awareness of the languages used in Europe, to promote cultural and linguistic diversity and to encourage people – schoolchildren and adults – to learn languages.
Multilingual sounds of celebration
Besides the official aims, 26 September should also be about having some fun together. Every year throughout Europe, events are organised to celebrate languages: shows, kids’ activities, music games, language courses, radio and TV programmes, conferences… The possibilities are endless.
  български (bg)čeština (cs)dansk (da)Deutsch (de)eesti keel (et)ελληνικά (el)español (es)français (fr)Gaeilge (ga)italiano (it)latviešu valoda (lv)lietuvių kalba (lt)magyar (hu)Malti (mt)Nederlands (nl)polski (pl)português (pt)română (ro)slovenčina (sk)slovenščina (sl)suomi (fi)svenska (sv)
Highlights from September 2012

Highlights from September 2011

Highlights from September 2010

Highlights from September 2009

We would like to know what you did to mark European language day. Please contact us if you have any articles, photos, or films you’d like to share about events in your country.

3 février 2013

NELLIP - Network of European Language Label Initiatives and Projects

QuizNELLIP - Network of European Language Label Initiatives and Projects
This network currently has EU funding for 3 years (2012-14) through the Lifelong learning programme, under the strand Key Activity 2 – Languages.
The NELLIP Network aims to promote high-quality language learning by applying the criteria used to award the European Language Label.
In its first year, NELLIP selected relevant language-learning initiatives that have received the European Language Label and are consistent with the Commission's current political priorities on language learning. 471 projects have been reviewed and uploaded to the NELLIP database. Of these, some 200 case studies and 50 best practice projects were identified.
National reports
on the implementation of the European Language Label have been produced. For each country, the report presents:
  • how the label is organised and managed locally
  • the national label campaigns and national priorities
  • how the label is awarded
  • how earning the label has affected the projects
  • a series of recommendations and best practice.

Numbers of NELLIP network members are currently expanding. So far, 67 language-learning organisations have officially joined. Benefits for members include:

  • sharing experience on quality issues in language learning and on the European Language Label
  • being in contact with other language experts
  • identifying potential partners for international language-learning projects.

If your organisation has been awarded the European Language Label, you are invited to join the NELLIP network. To do so, contact the network coordinator at:
More on NELLIP

3 février 2013

Multilingual database for European Language Label

e-newsletterMultilingual database for European Language Label
New database now available in 23 languages
The European Language Label has now a database which is available in all EU languages: Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish and Swedish.
Also new, two dynamic sections:
  • "Label of the day"
  • Statistics

Visit the new ELL database!

3 février 2013

eTwinning at the BETT show in London

the British Educational Training and TechnologyOne of the world’s biggest educational events, the British Educational Training and Technology (BETT) trade show is taking place in London’s ExCel centre this week, from Wednesday 30 January to Saturday 2 February.
Teachers from all over Europe visit the BETT show to find out what’s new in the world of educational training and technology.
For the second year running, there will be a stand where visitors can find out more about eTwinning, the community for schools in Europe. They can talk to experts and teachers already involved, sign up for eTwinning and find partner schools in other European countries.
You can join in the eTwinning BETT discussion on Twitter by following @eTwinning_CSS or by using the hashtag #etwbett.
More about eTwinning.
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