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Formation Continue du Supérieur
14 août 2013

Studie offenbart Diskriminierung an Schulen und Unis anders ist, hat es in Schulen, an Unis und am Arbeitsplatz schwer: Kinder mit Migrationshintergrund, Behinderte und Homosexuelle leiden häufig unter Diskriminierung, wie eine Studie des Bundes zeigt. Hilfe bekommen die Betroffenen zu selten.
Es fängt häufig schon in der Kita an, geht in der Schule weiter, sogar an der Hochschule und später im Arbeitsleben: Diskriminierung gehört an Schulen und Universitäten zum Alltag. Das zeigt eine Studie der Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes (ADS), die heute dem Bundestag vorgelegt werden soll (hier finden Sie die Studie). Demnach fühlt sich jeder vierte Schüler oder Student mit ausländischen Wurzeln diskriminiert. Schülerinnen und Schüler würden aufgrund ihres türkischen oder arabischen Hintergrunds oft beschimpft. Mehr...

14 août 2013

Recognition of higher education graduates' competences on European labour markets of higher education graduates' competences on European labour markets. Par Christine Guégnard, Julien Calmand. Training and Employment, n° 83, 2008, 4 p.
The number of students attending higher education institutions has more than doubled in Europe during the last twenty-five years. The resulting flow of graduates on the labour market may justify the doubts expressed about these young people's career prospects, given the present economic and social trends. In this context, the European Union has opted for increasing the level of education, and the wager seems to have paid off. In a survey conducted in fifteen European countries, it was established that the graduates questioned quickly obtained long-lasting employment and that they were satisfied on the whole with their occupational situation. Télécharger la publication.

14 août 2013

Mesurer la formation tout au long de la vie : une enquête européenne réalisée en 2003 la formation tout au long de la vie : une enquête européenne réalisée en 2003. Par Martine Möbus. Net.Doc, n° 29, 2007, 18 p. La participation des adultes à la formation tout au long de la vie en Europe a fait l’objet d’une interrogation en 2003 en complément de l’enquête Forces de travail. La publication sur le site d’Eurostat des principaux résultats de ce module ad hoc fournit l’opportunité de revenir sur le sens et l’évolution des catégories utilisées à l’échelle européenne pour mesurer l’effort d’éducation et de formation tout au long de la vie. Après avoir brièvement présenté le cadre dans lequel le module ad hoc Formation tout au long de la vie a été élaboré, un point sera fait sur les trois catégories de formation auxquelles l’Europe se réfère : l’éducation formelle, la formation non-formelle et les apprentissages informels. Quelques illustrations tirées des résultats de l’enquête mettront en évidence la nécessité de recourir à des travaux plus qualitatifs pour pouvoir les interpréter correctement. Télécharger la publication.

11 août 2013

Formation continue des salariés en Europe la dernière édition du bulletin de recherche "Bref", le Céreq dresse un panorama des pratiques de formation en Europe. Si l'accès des salariés à la formation conti­nue varie sensiblement d'un groupe de pays de l'Union européenne à l'autre, les niveaux de recours à la formation tendent toutefois à converger : les pays les moins formateurs rattrapent les plus formateurs.
Les résultats montrent que les salariés européens sont plus nombreux à se former qu'il y a 10 ans. Les écarts entre pays ont tendance à se réduire au fil du temps, mais l'accès à la formation, son financement et le type de formation suivie présentent encore de grandes disparités au sein de l'Europe.
Les salariés français sont parmi les salariés européens qui se forment le plus souvent par cours et stages mais pas par autres types de formation. En 2010, les entreprises européennes ont dépensé, pour la formation de leurs personnels, 1,6 % de leur masse salariale, la France se situant en haut de la distribution.
Le Royaume Uni, la Suède ou encore l'Allemagne sont parmis les pays fortement formateurs contrairement aux pays de l'UE de l'ancien bloc de l'est (Croatie, Hongrie, Roumanie...).
Source : Bref n°312 -Formation continue des salariés en Europe : les écarts entre pays se réduisent encore. Juillet 2013.

17 juillet 2013

Europe et ESS: quelques clés pour mieux comprendre le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques.Face à une tendance largement partagée dans notre pays à avoir sur tout sujet une vision franco-française, il est vital d’avoir des possibilités d’élargissement du champ de compréhension avec des analyses vues d’ailleurs. En ce sens le “working paper” (nous aurions volontiers parlé de document de travail) du think tank belgo-européen “Pour la Solidarité”, signé par Camille Rosenblatt et intitulé “Quelle place pour l’économie sociale en Europe?” est tout a fait intéressant.
Centré sur les institutions européennes, ce travail complète celui qu’avait initié le CIRIEC afin de mesurer le poids de l’Economie sociale dans l’ensemble des pays de l’Union (voir L’Economie Sociale dans l’Union Européenne: de 11,16% à 0,05% des emplois selon les pays). Suite de l'article... Dėl Michael Abhervé tinklaraštyje ekonominių alternatyvų.Susidūrus su plačiai dalijamasi mūsų šalyje linkę būti bet kuriuo klausimu Prancūzijos ir prancūzų vizija, tai yra labai svarbu turėti galimybę išplėsti supratimo taikymo sritį, analizė iš kitur. Šia prasme "darbo dokumentas" (mes noriai kalbėjo apie darbo dokumentą) iš Belgijos ir Europos Think Tank "solidariai". Daugiau...
12 juillet 2013

EU launches new strategy to promote European higher education in world

The European Commission Thursday launched a new education strategy to ensure that Europe remains the most attractive destination for international students.
Androulla Vassiliou, EU Commissioner for Education and Culture presenting the new strategy at a press conference said that the international higher education landscape is changing dramatically in shape and size, with greater competition from countries such as China, India and South Korea.
"This calls for an overhaul in the way Europe's 4,000 universities operate - not only internationally, but also in how they deliver education to European students in their home countries," she said.
The new EU programme for education called ERASMUS-PLUS will allocate more than 400 million euro a year to support international student exchanges and increased cooperation between European universities and their partners worldwide.
Europe currently attracts around 45 percent of all international students, but its competitors are rapidly increasing their investment in higher education, said the EU official. Read more...
6 juillet 2013

Egracons (European Grade Conversion System) Survey for HEIs in Europe Egracons (European Grade Conversion System) project aims to facilitate exchange mobility by working out a conversion system based on ECTS grade conversion tables as used in the ECTS Users’ Guide.
The project, which is cofunded by the EC, aims to “create tools to enable an accurate interpretation of marks (or grades) given abroad and a fair and manageable conversion of these marks to a local mark in the home institution”.
As part of the project, the organisers are carrying out a survey of higher education institutions in Europe. The survey is open to staff with authority on grade conversions and recognition at the institutional, faculty or departmental level within HEIs. The information gathered from the answers will be used “to draw up both institutional and country reports for the whole of Europe and work out the final specifications for the Egracons online tool for grading conversion”.
The survey is available online and the deadline is 1 August 2013. More information about the project, comprised of a consortium of partners from across Europe, is available here.
16 juin 2013

The role of European initiatives in higher education in national policy development

Hedda - Higher Education Development AssociationBy Marielk. We are pleased to share yet another session from the HEIK academic seminar series in the field of higher education, with both invited international speakers and members of the research group HEIK (Higher Education: Institutional dynamics and Knowledge cultures) here at the University of Oslo. This lecture was recorded in February 2013 and features Martina Vukasovic (HEIK, UiO) who discusses the role of European initiatives in higher education in national policy development, with focus on three countries of the former Yugoslavia – Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia, and covering roughly the period between the break-up of the former federal country (1990) and the proclaimed deadline for establishment of the European Higher Education Area (2010). Read more...
16 juin 2013

The European Language Label in the new programme European Language Label in the new programme - European priorities for 2014-2015
The European Commission has defined the priorities for the years 2014-2015:
    * Languages for social inclusion
    * Languages and sport
Read the whole text.

European priorities for the 2014-2015 Label Campaigns On the basis of the Commission Staff Working Document, Language competences for employability, mobility and growth accompanying the Communication "Rethinking Education: Investing in skills for better socio-economic outcomes", the European Commission hereby defines the priorities for the years 2014-2015.
1. Languages for social inclusion
The term "Social inclusion" is a keyword for allowing people to feel respected and valued as individuals and to secure that their basic needs are met, so that they can live in dignity. It is also imperative to guarantee people to be part of the social, economic, political and cultural systems which contribute to their integration into the surrounding community. From a sociological perspective, social inclusion also means assuring to all individuals and groups in society certain rights such as employment, adequate housing, health care, education and training. Especially within the latter context, but fully in line with the former ones, languages play a relevant role. Following up on successful innovative approaches to language learning for people of all ages and backgrounds, further ways should be found to encourage individuals mostly in need to feel socially integrated to learn languages, e.g. extending their scope to offer help for immigrants, people coming from disadvantaged backgrounds, disabled persons, people who use sign-language, to name but a few.
2. Languages and sport
Several sports clubs are involved in projects aimed to motivate young and adult people to learn languages and other cultures through their passion for sports, which means that sport can make language learning more interesting and appealing. There is a clear link between youth exchanges in the field of sport and the need to understand and practice foreign languages. This is all the more reason for combining sport with best practices in language learning and intercultural dialogue. It is not difficult to motivate people to meet across borders and practice sport together. During such exchanges, language learning often happens in a non-formal way. The goal is not necessarily that the language is learned perfectly, but rather about reducing barriers to language learning and about learning in a playful but constructive way. Label projects should explore how such practices can be proliferated and possibly translated to more formal settings. By looking at innovative learning practices and teaching resources inspired by a cross-fertilisation between international sports and language learning, new approaches should be targeted which can promote multilingualism all over Europe. The world of sport and the world of languages should come together to develop common paths and discover what sport can do for languages and what languages can do for sport; encourage synergies for the development of new multilingual projects involving the world of sports and education; identify areas where further action on languages is needed and discuss new channels, new actions and new methodologies.
16 juin 2013

Launch event: European Alliance for Apprenticeships European Alliance for Apprenticeships will be launched in Leipzig on 2 July and aims to increase the quality and supply of apprenticeships across Europe and change mind-sets towards apprenticeship-type learning. This would facilitate a smooth transition of young people from education to work.
The launch event will begin with opening remarks by the German Federal Minister for Education and Research, Johanna Wanka followed by opening speeches by Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, László Andor and Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, Androulla Vassiliou.
Link: Launch event: European Alliance for Apprenticeships.

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