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21 avril 2019

Pictures of Academic Laptop Lids

By Joshua Kim. Tweeted pictures in response to my question about how academics decorate their laptops. More...

21 avril 2019

What's On Your Laptop Lid?

By Joshua Kim. What we tell the world about ourselves when we open our laptops. More...

19 avril 2019

Tech and Other Topics for April 1 'News'

HomeBy Scott Jaschik. Many colleges make momentous announcements on April 1 (please note that date). Several of the April 1 announcements concerned technology. More...

18 avril 2019

10 technologies that will impact higher education the most this year

Techno-News BlogTechnology is now integral to the learning process for students and professionals. Here are the 10 technologies predicted have the biggest impact on higher ed in 2019. More...

18 avril 2019

5 ways augmented reality apps are changing the game on college campuses

Techno-News BlogAugmented reality (AR) has been one of higher ed’s big buzzwords for a number of years, but it’s not until just fairly recently that institutions have used the technology in practical ways. More...

18 avril 2019

Creating a voice search experience for your brand

Techno-News BlogGartner predicts that by 2020, voice search will account for 30% of all web-browsing. Preparing your brand for this unprecedented rise in voice search. More...

18 avril 2019

The convergence of 5G and AI: A venture capitalist’s view

Techno-News BlogIf AI and 5G had a baby, its name would be “AV.” Autonomous vehicles are essentially data centers on wheels. If you look at them closely, you’ll notice they are loaded with multiple 4G LTE modems, because, with “brains in the device,” they require intelligence at the edge. More...

18 avril 2019

13 Methods For Accelerating The Learning Curve For New Tech Team Members

Techno-News BlogIn a growing company, the hiring process alone can be pretty daunting, with a seeming revolving door of new candidates coming in one after the other. More...

15 avril 2019

Appli mobile "1001 connexions France"

Logo EtoileCet outil d'apprentissage propose :

- des exercices fondés pour un usage pratique, dont l’apprentissage se fonde sur des cas de vie quotidienne ;
- une utilisation progressive pour gagner en autonomie chaque jour : au travail, dans la rue, dans les administrations, dans les commerces ;
- une approche ludique qui n’ignore pas les expressions, les tournures familières afin de comprendre et d’intégrer les conversations courantes. Plus...

11 avril 2019

DFINITY is the Cloud 3.0 that Marries Crypto Valley with Silicon Valley

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. DFINITY is the Cloud 3.0 that Marries Crypto Valley with Silicon Valley
Michael K. Spencer, Medium, 2019/02/01
First there was blockchain, characterized by digital coins like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Then there were smart contracts and distributed applications (dApps) that could represent and manipulate more than just money. What this article portends is a third wave of distributed computing. More...

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