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24 mars 2019

Marine marchande. L'impact de l'automatisation sur les métiers et les formations

L'internationalisation des équipages, les nouvelles technologies et l'automatisation impactent les métiers de la marine marchande en exigeant du personnel plus qualifié et moins nombreux. Frédéric Moncany de Saint-Aignan, président du Cluster maritime français et ancien capitaine de navire témoigne : "quand j'ai commencé, on était 35 sur un cargo de 150 m.
Source :

21 mars 2019

Ed Radio Reimagined

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Ed Radio Reimagined
Stephen Downes, Ed Radio, 2014/10/03
I find it interesting to note that audio podcasting has almost dropped off the internet map. For someone like me, audio is a lot more useful than video, and almost any time of the day, unless I'm actually in a meeting, I'll be listening to something online (in my car I still listen to radio, but my mobile phone connects to it by Bluetooth and gives me a lot more content). Bryan Alexander has listed a number of podcasts he listens to, so I'm not alone.
So. I've been puttering away off and on for the last few months to convert Ed Radio into something that's fresh and valuable, and not just playing canned content. So I've set up my aggregator to harvest a number of ed tech podcasts; these in turn are used to create a single podcast feed you can subscribe to, an M3U and PLS file you can download as a playlist, and a live Shoutcast stream you can listen to over your computer or mobile phone. I've also set up an AudioBoo account as one of the sources. There's new content every day, and I have the capacity to broadcast live events. I love radio, and even if nobody ever listens, I love being able to create something like this.
[Link] [Comment]. More...
21 mars 2019

Colossus: A New Service Framework from Tumblr

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Colossus: A New Service Framework from Tumblr
Dan Simon, Tumblr Engineering, 2014/11/28
I got this link from Andriy Drozdyuk, one of the developers working on LPSS. It describes a framework called Colussus developed by Tumblr to support the implementation of microservices. More...

21 mars 2019

Personal Learning in a Connected World: Learning and Performance Support Systems

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Personal Learning in a Connected World: Learning and Performance Support Systems
Stephen Downes, [Sept] 18, 2014, Future of E-Learning Environments, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
This presentation outlines the NRC's Learning and Performance Support Systems program as an instance of a personal learning environment. It situates this program in a context where education depends on the development and refinement of critical literacies, which are in turn fostered by the interactive and communicative capacities of the PLE.

[Slides] [Audio]. More...

21 mars 2019

Licence information in and LRMI

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Licence information in and LRMI
Phil Barker, Sharing, Learning, 2014/09/16
The LRMI (Learning Resources Metadata Initiative) had from the start a property called useRightsUrl, "The URL where the owner specifies permissions for using the resource." But as Phil Basrker notes, skipped useRightsURL when it adopted most of the LRMI properties, pending further review. More...

21 mars 2019

3 Questions to Ask Before Implementing Predictive Analytics for Online Student Success

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. 3 Questions to Ask Before Implementing Predictive Analytics for Online Student Success
Ellen Wagner, Academic Impressions, 2014/09/17
Ten minute podcast from Ellen Wagner things to keep in mind regarding predictive analytics, and specifically:

  • "What will predictive modeling give you that your current strategies cannot address?
  • What research questions will lead to the most actionable results?
  • What should institutions be doing to prepare for a shifting mindset?". More...
21 mars 2019

Linked Data Platform Access Control

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Linked Data Platform Access Control
Ashok Malhotra, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), 2014/09/17
In an email to the respective groups titled "Marriage made in heaven or pistols at dawn?", Phil Archer introduces the Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL) and the Linked Data Platform (LPD) work groups to each other, this all under the heading of LDP Access Control. More...

21 mars 2019

The challenges of open data: emerging technology to support learner journeys

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The challenges of open data: emerging technology to support learner journeys
Graham Attwell,, 2014/09/02
One of the consequences of an outcomes-driven competency-based education system is that it creates the risk of running through the gamut of issues surrounding metadata that characterized the development of online learning resources. More...

21 mars 2019

The Launch of Twitter’s Analytics Service

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The Launch of Twitter’s Analytics Service
Brian Kelly, UK Web Focus, 2014/09/08
Twitter has launched a new analytics service. Here's the announcement. Brian Kelly: "the service provides statistics on tweets (potential impressions, engagement and engagement rate). Additional tabs provide information on followers (changes in the numbers of followers and profiles of their gender, location and interests) and Twitter cards." I'm not sure I even want this. More...

21 mars 2019

Bootstrap 3 Less Workflow Tutorial

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Bootstrap 3 Less Workflow Tutorial
Erik Flowers, HelloErik Experience Design, 2014/09/09
Responsive design, JQuery libraries, Bootstrap, HTML templates, CSS preprocessors... the world of web page design has become impressively complex. At the same time, if you're able to step lightly over these tools, it has never been easier to design complex pages that display well on any media. More...

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