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16 août 2019

Impression 3D grâce à la lumière

L'Observatoire de la MétallurgieDes chercheurs ont mis au point une nouvelle technique d’impression 3D grâce à la lumière. Avec la photopolymérisation, il devient possible de s’affranchir des procédés couche par couche pour réaliser un volume 3D en une seule fois. Cette nouvelle technique permet de créer des objets plus lisses, en seulement quelques minutes, avec un choix multiple de résines. Plus...

11 août 2019

Intergros - Observatoire - Impact des mutations technologiques et de la digitalisation sur le modèle économique

L’étude diagnostic de l’impact des mutations technologiques et de la digitalisation sur le modèle économique du commerce de gros, ses métiers et ses besoins en termes de formation a été commanditée par Intergros et la Direction Générale des Entreprises.
Cette étude diagnostic met en évidence les évolutions des métiers clés du négoce BtoB, en lien avec la digitalisation.

1 août 2019

Dites adieu aux plages bondées à Marseille grâce à une appli... parisienne

Bpifrance CréationUne start-up parisienne a lancé il y a un an une expérimentation à l'aide de capteurs vidéo pour mesurer le taux de fréquentation des plages marseillaises. Cette expérience intervient dans le cadre d'une étude menée par la Ville en prévision des JO 2024. Plus...

12 juillet 2019

Short Video on Common Cartridge

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Scott Leslie[Edit][Delete]: Short Video on Common Cartridge, EdTechPost [Edit][Delete] August 22, 2006
I don't know - it just seems to me odd that interoperability has finally been achieved - at the course level. "IMS Common Cartridge, recently demonstrated in action between Angel, Sakai, Blackboard and WebCT at the Alt-i-lab 2006 sessions... to create a common standard for full course import and export between CMS and useful to publishers. More...

12 juillet 2019

A Laptop in Every Hut?

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Sonia Arrison[Edit][Delete]: A Laptop in Every Hut?, TechNewsWorld [Edit][Delete] August 16, 2006
This opinion column argues that the $100 laptop initiative is a group of "open source zealots are looking to export their ideological crusade overseas, creating a need for their commercial services by tying a new generation of young consumers to laptops running on Linux software." The author is from the Pacific Research Institute, listed at SourceWatch. More...

12 juillet 2019

Oracle and Unicon, Inc. Unveil Plans to Create Next-Generation Academic Enterprise Environment

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Press Release[Edit][Delete]: Oracle and Unicon, Inc. Unveil Plans to Create Next-Generation Academic Enterprise Environment, Yahoo! [Edit][Delete] August 15, 2006
This came out at the beginning of August but I've just seen it now. In a nutshell: Oracle is backing Sakai, the open source LMS. Now, if we think about that for a second, we have here a pretty clear and unambiguous response from Oracle to the Blackboard patent, which was unveiled just four days before this announcement. And that response - which is actually unprintable in this newsletter - is, I think, more eloquent than anything else I could say here. More...

12 juillet 2019

The Edubloggypodlearnonlinosphere - Are We a Field And If So...

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Dave Cormier[Edit][Delete]: The Edubloggypodlearnonlinosphere - Are We a Field And If So..., August 15, 2006
Dave Cormier asked this question in reaction (in part) to a statement on Wikipedia to the effect that I am unremarkable - it's nothing personal, says Cormier, but if I'm not remarkable what does that say about the field as a whole? While I sat and pouted at the Wikipedia dis (doesn't being connected to Adam Curry count for anything?) Cormier set up an Ed Tech Talk segment in which I spent about 45 of a planned 5 minutes talking about propaganda and publicity pre- and post-2.0 style. And while I joke about the Wikipedia thing, I do think the remarks on the Ed Tech Talk show are well worth a listen. More...

12 juillet 2019

21st Century Learning #20: Bill Fitzgerald on DrupalEd

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Alex Ragone[Edit][Delete]: 21st Century Learning #20: Bill Fitzgerald on DrupalEd, Ed Tech Talk [Edit][Delete] November 1, 2006
With Drupal 5.0 just released (in very Beta) this discussion of the education-specific verion of Drupal, DrupalEd, is timely. "A distribution for Education will mean different things to different people: a set of tools to support classroom blogging, a set of tools to support teacher professional development, a set of tools to allow a school to track student progress (aka a SIS), a public-facing school web site, an internal teacher professional development site, a personal learning space (the PLE), to say nothing of the library sites, the LMS's, etc, etc, etc." Also worth a look is the Drupal Groups feature generally. More...

12 juillet 2019

EdTech Posse Podcast 2.3 - Communities

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Dean Shareski[Edit][Delete]: EdTech Posse Podcast 2.3 - Communities, Open Source in Education, Ed Tech Posse [Edit][Delete] November 1, 2006
Some audio discussion of my recent critique of K12Online and the responses. Folks, this should have been a very minor thing; it was just a casual remark on one small post. But as this link points out, many of the comments in response "seemed more like they would be heard in a junior high class." From my perspective, this vindictive response just reinforces what I have been saying recently about groups and networks. More...

12 juillet 2019

Vertical To Horizontal: A New Workplace Reality

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Rune Kvist Olsen[Edit][Delete]: Vertical To Horizontal: A New Workplace Reality, [Edit][Delete] October 26, 2006
I'm not endorsing this item, but I am not exactly disputing it either. Certainly there are many parallels with my own thinking, and it is interesting enough to pass along. Some things to consider: "There are no such things as nice bosses. Control is by its essence damaging and destroying to self-awareness, self-esteem and self-respect whether or not the boss is nice or bad"t. More...

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