Teaching and Learning Online With Wikis
Brief introduction to the concept of a wiki, with some examples, and then a discussion of the use of a wiki as an icebreaker in an online course. Good example, and some ideas for people who may know what wikis are but were wondering how to use them. More...
Ads Making Overtures in RSS
Ads Making Overtures in RSS
Some discussion of recent moves by companies like Overture, the search advertising division of Yahoo, which is working with Feedburner, to insert ads into RSS feeds. There are only a few places ads could be inserted into feeds; these services insert them at the source as they offer to create RSS feeds for you. More. More. The only other place, really, is in the RSS reader - and with 640 different readers available, that's not really a reliable placement. More...
Blogs, RSS and Other Cool Stuff
Blogs, RSS and Other Cool Stuff
People seem to like that title. They also like the presentation, which covers everything from content management systems, blogs, wikis and RSS. The MP3 audio of my session Friday in Whitehorse, Yukon, is available online. The main link above points to my Yukon photos, which you can use to decorate your desktops, slides or web pages. On Saturday I went hiking at Miles canyon in the Yukon wilderness with fellow photographer and former RCMP officer Hank Moorlag, who offers his photographs of the day (including one of me on a cliff). Don't miss his other set of Yukon photos. By Stephen Downes, Stephen's Web, November 22, 2004 [Refer][Research][Reflect]. More...
Comment Spam Blocker
Comment Spam Blocker
I have installed a new spam blocker in my discussion area (the place you reach when you hit [Reflect]). Actually, I had several running, one which actually blocked all comments - a little less than useful. If you had a problem posting a comment recently, this should be fixed now. But I still have my main spam filter, a wonderful array of misdirects and hidden keywords designed to fool automated systems and yet let real people post comments anonymously. I'll email the code to anyone I know who asks and promises to keep it reasonably well hidden. It's in Perl only, but of someone wants to code a PHP bit it should work equally well for wikis (assuming it works reasonably well - I'm still testing, but so far it has worked beautifully). By Stephen Downes, Stephen's Web, November 16, 2004 [Refer][Research][Reflect]. More...
Hardware Devices - iPods at the Gate
Hardware Devices - iPods at the Gate
Some people are calling it a publicity stunt, but as podcasting gains ground Duke will be thought of as the university where it was done a good four months (at a minimum) prior to anyone else. This article describes podcasting at Duke website (More). More...
A discussion on the risks and benefits to education of AI and automation
Does policy-making support or restrict advances in higher education technology?
Technology, by its very nature, has always sought to make processes simpler than before – and new advances have made the impossible, possible. Today, the juggernaut that is ‘technological change’ is moving at speeds incomprehensible to many, often leaving behind even the most modern universities, and outdating government policies aimed to guide decision-making in a way that produces rational outcomes for the benefit of higher education as a whole. More...
VR packs a powerful punch in learning
Tech-enriched teaching can make all the difference. More...
Mold forces colleges to relocate students
Above-normal humidity across the East this summer caused mold problems in residence halls at several colleges and universities. More...
Keeping college students’ streaming habits private
Video has emerged as the dominant data type in higher ed. Long-form entertainment video from platforms such as Netflix, HBO Go, Hulu and Amazon Prime are coursing through the network infrastructure for student consumption. More...