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29 octobre 2017

Roll up your sleeves! Why accessibility in higher ed needs all hands on-deck

eCampus NewsFundamentally, delivering an accessible platform is not about checking a box and saying, "It's done." Why accessibility is never-ending and needs IT and vendor input. More...

29 octobre 2017

Robots taking jobs? How higher ed can help students skill up for the jobs of the future

eCampus NewsGroundbreaking study forecasts only one in five workers are in occupations that will shrink; lays out blueprint for evolving student skills. More...

29 octobre 2017

Poll: How has technology impacted the future of work?

eCampus NewsA majority of Americans would like to see technology companies take a more active role in improving U.S. education by creating apprenticeship programs and providing more technology resources, according to new data. More...

29 octobre 2017

5 ways to apply Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to edtech for better outcomes

eCampus NewsAs schools look to modernize teaching and personalize learning, a student-centered approach to implementations through Maslow's theory could lead to better outcomes. More...

29 octobre 2017

2 reasons why blockchain tech has big, tangible implications for higher ed

eCampus NewsWhile many may not be using bitcoin in the near future, the tech behind bitcoin–called blockchain–has the potential to influence higher ed in more ways than one might think. More...

29 octobre 2017

University builds virtual reality CAVE for a new higher ed era

eCampus NewsVillanova University aims to understand VR’s strengths and weaknesses for classroom use through its virtual reality CAVE. More...

28 octobre 2017

University researchers get boost thanks to network for big data applications

eCampus NewsThe Energy Sciences Network, Internet2 and NYSERNet extend agreement to connect U.S. research community to major international network hub. More...

28 octobre 2017

Report: Higher ed leaders reflect on the next 20 years of education technology

eCampus NewsBlackboard's new white paper has college and university leaders discuss the possibilities and challenges of higher ed tech in the future. More...

27 octobre 2017

13 strategic technologies to keep on your fall semester radar

eCampus NewsTechnologies for planning and mapping students’ educational plans, along with mobile app development, are among the top strategic technologies covered in EDUCAUSE’s 2017 Integrated Planning for Advising and Student Success (iPASS) trends and technologies report. More...

27 octobre 2017

Large coding bootcamp overhauls curriculum to meet employee demand

eCampus NewsCoding Dojo, a large coding school, announced it is continuing to innovate its curriculum by adding a full-stack course in Java. Java is an extremely common programming language used in Android development and on the backend of companies such as LinkedIn, Google and Amazon. More...

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