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8 septembre 2012

The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers

EURAXESS JobsThe "HR Strategy for Researchers" supports research institutions and funding organisations in the implementation of the Charter & Code in their policies and practices. The concrete implementation of the Charter & Code by research institutions will render them more attractive to researchers looking for a new employer or for a host for their research project. Funding organisations implementing the Charter & Code principles will contribute to the attractiveness of their national research systems and to the attractiveness of the European Research Area more generally. The logo "HR Excellence in Research" will identify the institutions and organisations as providers and supporters of a stimulating and favourable working environment.
Since the adoption of the Commission Recommendation on the Charter & Code in 2005, over 1 200 institutions from 35 countries in Europe and abroad (and European/international organisations) have expressed their explicit support for the Charter & Code and 102 have obtained the Commission's "HR Excellence in Research" badge.
What is the "Human Resources Strategy for Researchers"?

The "Human Resources Strategy for Researchers" is a tool that helps employers and funders to put the principles of the Charter & Code into practice. It has the following features:
    It is implemented by individual research institutions and funding organisations on a voluntary basis;
    It is based on an internal self-assessment and respects the autonomy of the institutions;
    It is as simple and light in terms of administration as is possible, avoiding cumbersome procedures and recognising the variety of situations across institutions and national research systems;
    It is not a prerequisite for participating in the EU Research Framework Programme;
    It is a transparent approach that provides easily accessible public information on the actions of participating institutions and organisations to implement the Charter & Code principles.
How does it work?
The "Human Resources Strategy for Researchers" is articulated in five main steps:
    An internal analysis by the participating research institution or funding organisation, involving all key players, to compare policies and practices against the Charter & Code principles;
    On the basis of the results of this analysis, the participating institution or organisation develops its own HR strategy for researchers which should include a concrete action plan. This document is made public;
    The analysis and action plan are then reviewed and acknowledged by the European Commission. The acknowledgement implies the right to use the 'HR Excellence in Research' logo;
    Progress in the implementation of the strategy and action plan is subjected to a self-assessment after 2 years;
    An external evaluation is carried out at least every 4 years.
The HR strategy's five steps in more detail
Step 1 - The research institution or funding organisation carries out an internal analysis according to a standard template grouping all the 40 Charter & Code principles in 4 areas ('Ethical and professional aspects', 'Recruitment', 'Working conditions & social security' and 'Training').

The internal analysis is an assessment of rules and practices in place vis-a-vis the Charter & Code principles. In order to be transparent, the analysis must involve all key players concerned (i.e. Rector, HR managers, researchers, etc.).
Where other HR initiatives of a similar nature are already in place, the "HR Strategy for Researchers" could be easily embedded in them. Thus, tools other than the suggested standard template for the internal analysis may be used, provided that the same type of information is gathered (relevant legislation, current practices, actions required by when and by whom etc).
The use of indicator systems and staff opinion surveys is recommended, as they are important supporting tools to implement the HR strategy according to institutional and national rules and practices.
Step 2 - The research institution or funding organisation publishes its "Human Resources Strategy for Researchers" on its website and on the European EURAXESS Rights webpage. It should summarise the main results of the internal analysis and present the actions proposed to ensure and/or improve alignment with the Charter & Code principles.

The HR Strategy should include clear engagement to carry out internal (within the institution/organisation) and external (at regional or national level) awareness-raising actions on the Charter & Code principles. Only the main results of the internal analysis have to be published, while internal/confidential information is obviously not included.
Step 3 - Provided that the above steps are formally respected, the European Commission "acknowledges" that the participating research institution or funding organisation has adopted a Human Resources Strategy for Researchers.

The acknowledgment by the EC is based on a rapid formal check of the respect for the procedure. This check focuses on whether the publication of the HR Strategy is based on an internal analysis and the involvement of relevant actors.
Once the European Commission has acknowledged the efforts, the research institution or funder will be rewarded with the 'HR Excellence in Research' logo, which can be placed on its website. With this logo, participating research institutions will benefit from increased visibility as employers committed to the principles of the Charter & Code. This will help them to attract the best researchers from around the globe. Participating research funders will be able to use the logo to promote their respective national research system and the European Research Area as a whole as an attractive place for researchers from all over the world to develop their careers.
Step 4 - The research institution or funding organisation implements its HR strategy and conducts a self-assessment within the framework of its existing internal quality assurance mechanisms. This self-assessment should be undertaken regularly, at a minimum every second year.

Based on the self-assessment, the HR Strategy for Researchers is updated as necessary and published on the website or the participating research institution or funding organisation and on the European EURAXESS Rights Webpage.
In order to avoid cumbersome procedures, the self-assessment should be simple. If the standard template was used for the internal analysis (Step 1), it may be used for these purposes as well. No additional reports are required.
Step 5 - External evaluation: at least every 4 years, the research institution or funding organisation drafts a short report, showing the progress made towards the objectives of its HR Strategy for Researchers and its compliance with the principles of the Charter & Code.
The report is evaluated either by a panel of external reviewers or through national quality assurance mechanisms, such as National Evaluation Agencies, peer reviews, etc. The evaluation should at least focus on the coherence between the HR Strategy and the actions carried out.
If the evaluation is positive, the European Commission's acknowledgment is confirmed. If there are reservations from the evaluators regarding actual progress, recommendations for improvements within a reasonable timeframe are made. If, at the end of the period granted for improvements it emerges that no adequate actions to implement the recommendations have been undertaken, the acknowledgment by the European Commission is withdrawn.
The choice between the national quality assurance mechanisms, external reviewers or any other appropriate mechanism is made either at institutional or national/regional level.
What does the 'HR Excellence in Research' logo stand for?
Research institutions can use the logo to help promote themselves to prospective research talent as providers of a stimulating and favourable work environment. The logo also conveys to researchers their commitment to fair and transparent recruitment and appraisal procedures. Funding organisations can use the logo to increase their visibility as organisations actively promoting their national research system and/or the European Research Area more generally as an attractive destination for researchers from all over the world.
Which organisations have already expressed an interest in the HR Strategy for Researchers?
The list of institutions and organisations that have already declared their intention to use the HR Strategy for Researchers to align their policies and practices to the principles of the Charter & Code can be found here.
List of institutions and organisations having received the Commission acknowledgement for their progress in the context of the HR Strategy (by country)
The list can be viewed here.
What about similar initiatives already in place?
Where such initiatives/mechanisms are undertaken at national/regional level (as for example, the "UK mechanism for demonstrating sector-wide and institutional alignment with the European Charter and Code") , these mechanisms may be considered as equivalent to the "HR Strategy for Researchers", provided that they serve the same purposes with respect to the Charter & Code and that the key requirements are met. In addition to the formal endorsement of the Charter & Code principles, these initiatives should include an internal analysis vis-a-vis the Charter & Code, the results of which (including the actions to be taken) should be made public. Their implementation is to be self-assessed with an external evaluation at least every four years.
5 juillet 2012

Retour sur les Assises nationales de l'ANDRH

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)L'ANDRH a tenu, en juin 2012, des Assises nationales sur le thème de l'urgence de l'innovation sociale. En présence de Michel Sapin, cet événement a été l'occasion pour l'association de présenter ses propositions sur l'emploi des jeunes et le dialogue social.
L'Association a relancé l'idée d'un contrat de travail unique pour en finir avec la précarité et pour réinventer un contrat de confiance avec les jeunes. Elle suggère de porter à 5% le nombre d'alternants dans les entreprises et propose de fusionner les institutions représentatives du personnel (CE, DP et CHSCT) et de valoriser la carrière des représentants du personnel (voir toutes les propositions).
Le ministre du Travail a confirmé que l'une de ses priorités sera l'inversion de la courbe du chômage et la mise en oeuvre du contrat de génération qui sera un dispositif simple. Le concept: l'entreprise embauche en CDI un jeune de moins de 26 ans, accompagné par un senior dans le cadre d'un tutorat formalisé. L'entreprise s'engage à conserver dans ses effectifs le senior jusqu'à son départ à la retraite et bénéficie d'une exonération de cotisations pour les deux emplois.
Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes) The ANDRH held in June 2012, the national conference on the theme of the urgency of social innovation. With Michel Sapin, this event was an opportunity for the association to present its proposals on youth employment and social dialogueSee all proposals. More...
11 janvier 2012

La « valorisation du capital humain » peine à passer de la parole aux actes'à quel point les grandes entreprises françaises intègrent-elles dans leur stratégie les problématiques de ressources humaines ? Elles progressent, mais sont encore loin d'être à l'optimum, répond le "Baromètre de la gouvernance RH", publié le 10 janvier par les cabinets de conseil Deloitte et Misceo.
Sur les 40 grandes entreprises (dont 22 du CAC 40 et 15 du SBF 120) interrogées, 78% se sont dotées d'un conseil des rémunérations et d'un conseil des nominations, conformément aux règles de bonne gouvernance généralement admises, mais 40% seulement ont élaboré des "plans de succession" ou de "compétences-clés" pour désigner leurs dirigeants.
Les conseils d'administration ne semblent cependant guère participer à la définition ou la gestion des stratégies RH des entreprises: seulement 58% ne jouent pas de "rôle actif" en la matière, et 37% seulement disposent d'une "cartographie des risques RH", autrement dit qu'en langage de consultant, d'une vision de la stratégie RH de l'entreprise.

En revanche, la fonction RH semble être reconnue au plus haut niveau de la direction de l'entreprise, puisque le DRH est membre du Comité exécutif dans 88% des entreprises, et 78% affirment avoir mis en place une gestion prévisionnelle des emplois et des compétences "rigoureuse".
88% des sociétés du CAC 40 et 41% de celles du SBF 120 disent avoir signer des accords mondiaux ou régionaux avec les partenaires sociaux ou atures parties prenantes, pour déployer leur stratégie RH à l'échelle internationale auprès de leurs filiales, et respectivement 87% et 71% des "outils ou instances de dialogue". Ako veľké francúzskej spoločnosti, ktoré do svojich stratégií rozvoja ľudských zdrojov problémov? Jedná sa vyvíja, ale ešte zďaleka optimálne, hovorí, že "Barometer HR vládnutia", publikoval 10 január v poradenskej spoločnosti Deloitte a MISCEO. Viac...

1 juin 2008

Enquête Besoins en Main-d'Oeuvre (BMO 2008)

Les employeurs du champ de l’Assurance chômage envisagent de réaliser
1 298 100 embauches en 2008.

Ce résultat, en augmentation de 6,1%, confirme le retournement des perspectives de recrutement amorcé l’an dernier. Ce sont ainsi 74 900 projets d’embauche supplémentaires qui sont comptabilisés. Cette tendance est confirmée par l’évolution favorable de la propension à recruter : près de 23,4 % des employeurs envisagent de réaliser au moins une embauche au cours de l’année 2008, soit 1,6 point de plus que l’an dernier.
L’amélioration des perspectives d’embauche concerne en premier lieu les secteurs du tertiaire (+ 41 300 projets) au sein desquels les prestataires de services sont ainsi à l’origine de 60 % de l’ensemble des projets formulés par les employeurs. Dans l’industrie manufacturière, la reprise des intentions d’embauche (+ 15 800) s’amplifie en 2008. En revanche, la reprise des intentions de recrutement constatée l’an passé dans la construction s’infléchit fortement (+ 3 000 en 2008 après + 25 700 en 2007). Plus de la moitié des intentions d’embauche sont désormais jugées problématiques par les employeurs. En effet, la proportion atteint 51,1 % en 2008, soit une progression de plus de 5 points par rapport à 2007. Dans plusieurs secteurs d’activité, comme l’industrie des biens d’équipement ou les transports, l’augmentation des difficultés de recrutement est très nette et n’épargne plus les grands établissements.
Le rapport national : France1.pdf, France2.pdf.
Les rapports PACA : Alpes-Provence.pdf ; Cote d'Azur.pdf.
Les rapports des autres Régions: Lire la suite :
Indagine sulle risorse umane: La relazione nazionale: France1.pdf, France2.pdf.Rapporti PACA: Provence.pdf Alpes-Côte d'Azur. Pdf. Rapporti da altre regioni: Per saperne di più: Maggiori informazioni...

3 mai 2008

Séminaire GRH établissements d'enseignement supérieur

Mise en place de la réforme de la formation professionnelle tout au long de la vie, 19 et 20 mai 2008, Université Descartes.
Seront abordés : VAE dans le cadre de la GPEC, DIF, Entretien professionnel, Bilan de carrière, Stratégies et priorités de formation, etc.
Trois tables rondes thématiques :
- Le plan de formation
- Les mesures d'accompagnement de carrière
- Mise en oeuvre de la réforme et accompagnement
programme : asg-parfaire.pdf
site de l'ASG (Association des Secrétaires Généraux) :
site de PARFAIRE (Pour Aides les Responsables de Formation des établissements d'enseignement supérieur dans leur Activité d'Intervention et de REcherches) :
議論されます: VAEのGPEC 、 DIF 、専門メンテナンスBilanキャリア戦略や訓練のための優先順位の下に. 完璧なサイト( )内は高等教育の教育機関を担当してその活動や研究を支援するには: ほかの...

2 avril 2008

Vocabulaire pour la direction des ressources humaines

Ce livre s’adresse aux DRH, bien sûr mais aussi aux managers qui se soucient des relations humaines et aux intervenants de métier qui sont appelés pour optimiser les relations au travail : experts, consultants, accompagnateurs et coachs. Mais aux formateurs aussi, à tous ceux qui doivent gérer les ressources humaines et donc faire des choix engageant l’avenir des personnes, évaluer la relation interpersonnelle, estimer les qualités des personnes dans le cadre professionnel, tous ceux qui travaillent dans les métiers de l’humain. Tous ceux, en somme, qui ont à intervenir sur le destin de l’autre.
Šī grāmata ir paredzēta HRD, protams, bet arī vadītāji, kuriem rūp cilvēku attiecības un biznesa ieinteresētajām pusēm, kas ir nepieciešama, lai optimizētu attiecību darbā: eksperti, konsultanti, vadītāji un autobusos. Vairāk...

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