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30 novembre 2018

Memorandum of Understanding - PanCanadian ePortfolio

Memorandum of Understanding - PanCanadian ePortfolio
Information on the developing pan-Canadian memorandum of understanding on e-portfolios has been posted on the Learning Information Forum (LIFIA) website. From Kathryn Barker: "LIfIA has proposed to serve as an ePortfolio institute or agency for Canada, with established links to the European Union and the Americas. More...
6 novembre 2018

Portfolium extends ePortfolio partnership with Cal State University System

University Business Magazine logoPortfolium, the leading Student Success Network, announced today that they're extending their partnership with the California State University (CSU) system for an additional three years, keeping Portfolium as the provider of its ePortfolio network to CSU's 484K students and 3.6M alumni from all 23 CSU campuses. More...

26 octobre 2018

Creation of a Learning Landscape: Weblogging and Social Networking in the Context of E-Portfolios

Creation of a Learning Landscape: Weblogging and Social Networking in the Context of E-Portfolios
The authors are responding to what appears to be an irresistable trend in learning, the tendency to want to apply "standards, controls and criteria" to new learning technology and to fix it firmly to that bastion of traditional learning, the course. More...

26 octobre 2018

EPortfolio: Does the E mean "Exploitation?"

EPortfolio: Does the E mean "Exploitation?"
Some doubts and unease about portfolios are expressed in this article (as the title suggests). Asks the author, "Can we, should we, force students to publish their work online?" And if we do, "Who is the owner of the items uploaded into an ePortfolio?" The author argues that "the work should be placed in the public domain." But that's unreasobale; any person, including students, should be able to determine whether their work is donated to the public. More...

25 octobre 2018

Directions for ePortfolio Research

Directions for ePortfolio Research
E-Portfolios have been getting a fair amount of attention lately, especially with the recently completed conference on the subject in Vancouver. This page gets us started on e-portfolios by suggesting research questions from a number of different people. More...

24 octobre 2018

ePortfolios and Weblogs: One Vision For ePortfolio Development

ePortfolios and Weblogs: One Vision For ePortfolio Development
Speculative paper discussing how the use of webogs and e-portfolios could be combined. Quite strong on the tech side of things, and I appreciated seeing an actual (proposed) e-portfolio XML example. More...

6 septembre 2018

Blackboard to Launch Learning Content Management and e-Portfolio System for Academic Market

Blackboard to Launch Learning Content Management and e-Portfolio System for Academic Market
Blackboard will be launching a set of content management applications later this fall, according to a press release. You have to read several paragraphs of absolute fluff (are people paid to write these press releases?) to get to it, but the core of the announcement is this: "four key areas: Learning Content Management – share and reuse individual content assets across courses, organizations and institutions... e-Portfolio Management – assemble, present and share information within online portfolios for student and/or faculty to use... Virtual Hard Drive Management – virtual storage needs... Library Digital Asset Management – create an interactive environment for faculty to search, access and incorporate digital library resources." Of course the cynics out there (including me) will say that this amounts to no more than giving Blackboard LCMS functionality. More...

20 août 2018

Pôle emploi - 3 raisons d'avoir un portfolio professionnel

Logo Pôle emploiLe portfolio n’est pas l’apanage des photographes ou autres professionnels de la création. Ce document présentant vos réalisations professionnelles peut être un vrai plus pour votre candidature. Plus...

6 août 2018

Europass : une journée pour aborder le portefeuille de compétences comme un outil d'employabilité

Logo Agence Erasmus+ France Education FormationPlus de soixante personnes ont participé le 19 juin dernier à la journée Europass. Accueillie par l'école Ynov Campus de Nantes et intitulée Le portefeuille de compétences, outil d'employabilité ?, la conférence a alterné paroles d'experts, moments participatifs et témoignages. Plus...
5 août 2018

Le portefeuille de compétence, un outil d'employabilité ?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Plus de soixante personnes ont participé le 19 juin dernier à la journée Europass. Accueillie par l'école Ynov Campus de Nantes et intitulée Le portefeuille de compétences, outil d'employabilité ?, la conférence a alterné paroles d'experts, moments participatifs et témoignages. Plus...
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