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6 mars 2018

How ants build bridges using very simple rules

How ants build bridges using very simple rules
Jason Kottke,, 2018/03/01
I love ants precisely because they are very simple things that can behave in very complex ways. And so I like this video. But I want to ask whether it's accurate to say "ants follow rules". More...

6 mars 2018

Exploring the Benefit Mindset

Exploring the Benefit Mindset
Robert Ward, Edutopia, 2018/02/28
I wouldn't say I buy into the Benefit Mindset as branded here but I learned a lot about managing to benefits while I was a program manager a few years ago and appeciate several aspects of the concept. The core idea is to examine a product or service from the perspective of the benefits it produces (as opposed to its function or output). More...

6 mars 2018

How To Beat Procrastination (backed by science)

How To Beat Procrastination (backed by science)
Darius Foroux, 2018/02/28

I'm just adding this link here so I remember to get around to reading this article later. More...

5 mars 2018

Universities eye Hong Kong as stem cell research base

Four world-renowned universities are eyeing Hong Kong as a stronghold in Asia for developing cutting-edge stem cell research as the city’s financial chief is expected to announce incentives to make it easier for foreign research institutions to invest in innovation and technology locally, write Cannix Yau and Olga Wong for the South China Morning Post. More...

5 mars 2018

Universities need to confront their past, not omit it

By William Tierney. As far as academic fêtes go, this one felt pretty run of the mill. It was 2014 at my institution, the University of Southern California (USC), and the event was an elaborate dinner to celebrate the unveiling of a statue – that of Judge Robert Maclay Widney, one of the institution’s founders. More...

5 mars 2018

De l'impact d'un titre : le même sujet peut avoir neuf fois plus de lecteurs

5 mars 2018

Inclusive Citation: How Diverse Are Your References?

Inclusive Citation: How Diverse Are Your References?
Maha Bali, Chronicle of Higher Education, 2018/02/23
I do pay attention (and always have) to diversity in the references in this newsletter and in my work in general. But I do it a bit differently than suggested here. In one sense, I have to - over the years I've referenced thousands of authors. So I can't spend time figuring out wherether they're gay or black or indigneous - how could I? It's not like people put race/gender/orientation/identity metadata in their posts. More...

5 mars 2018

The End of the Gatekeeper

The End of the Gatekeeper
Joshua Singletary, EDUCAUSE Review, 2018/02/23

Good article about (what we hope is) the changing role of IT departments in the institution (your mileage may vary). More...

5 mars 2018

I have forgotten how to read

I have forgotten how to read
Michael Harris, Globe and Mail, 2018/02/20
I thought at first the author was describing some rare mental condition involving Broca's area but all he is saying is that he reads differently now. More...

5 mars 2018

Autopsy of a Failed Holacracy: Lessons in Justice, Equity, and Self-Management

Autopsy of a Failed Holacracy: Lessons in Justice, Equity, and Self-Management
Simon Mont, NonProfit Quarterly, 2018/02/20

Here is an article highlighted by Wendy Wickham directly relevant to the Engagement in a Time of Polarization MOOC I am currently taking (it's a subscription article but I have six free views left, so...). More...

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