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5 septembre 2018

Court Backs Thumbnail Image Linking

Court Backs Thumbnail Image Linking
Way cool! "Search engines' display of miniature [thumbnail] images is fair use under copyright law, a federal appeals court ruled Monday, but the legality of presenting full-size renditions of visual works is yet to be determined." I can't see the latter being so easily accepted. More...

5 septembre 2018

Why New Ideas are Both Disruptive and Necessary

Why New Ideas are Both Disruptive and Necessary
The bit about new ideas we know and understand - they are disruptive, but we like them, and we like their champions, because that's how we grow. Ah, but where to find new ideas? Not on the web, according to Laurence Prusak, the author interviewed in this article. More...

5 septembre 2018

Checking in with Mr Safe

Checking in with Mr Safe
The debate about Echo continues with this commentary from Dave Winer, which puts the issue into a nutshell. Winer beliefs two things. First, as he writes here, he believes that standards development must be the work of a single person, maybe two or three, not by committee. More...

5 septembre 2018

Is the Academy Ready for Learning Objects?

Is the Academy Ready for Learning Objects?
The authors of this article answer "yes, but not at a level that suggests massive institutional transformation—yet." Academics must consider whether the contents of learning are incommernsurable across disciplines. More...

5 septembre 2018

A Group Is Its Own Worst Enemy

A Group Is Its Own Worst Enemy
A large group is its own worst enemy. This is the paradox of social software, one we've seen over and over again from online games (or MUDs) to community bulletin boards. Which means three things: first, an online community - any online community - must be managed. More...

4 septembre 2018

Défi métiers - Les troubles psychiques ne sont pas un obstacle à la formation

L’altération de la fonction psychique se caractérise par la manifestation des troubles de la pensée, de la perception, de la communication, du comportement, de l’humeur, de la vie émotionnelle et affective, etc., et par le caractère évolutif de la maladie qui peut être stabilisée par un traitement thérapeutique. Plus...

4 septembre 2018

Action de formation en situation de travail (AFEST), de quoi parle-t-on ?

Par . Mais l’action de formation en situation de travail (AFEST) ne se réduit pas à un apprentissage « sur le tas ». Sa mise en œuvre relève d’une ingénierie précise, et son efficacité implique que les conditions de réussite soient réunies. Plus...

3 septembre 2018

Popular Culture, Textual Practice and Identity

Popular Culture, Textual Practice and Identity
The author opines, "If literacy is changing, in the context of the new technologies, schools and teachers need to find ways to work productively with students to help them become critical users and producers of new texts and literacies." And given the analysis found in the body of the paper - analyses of text-based communication in the context of online gaming environments - it may well be that literacy is changing. More...

3 septembre 2018

My Conversation With Mr. Safe

My Conversation With Mr. Safe
More on the potential successor to RSS, Echo. What strikes me as the most interesting about this is that the best way to design the specification seems to be to use the online equivalent of a blackboard with fifty writers. But, "Like I said, this is politically necessary. More...

3 septembre 2018

LoJack for Your Stradivarius

LoJack for Your Stradivarius
RFID tags - small, passive radio frequency identification tags embedded in objects - can be used to track inventory or, as this story suggests, help trace stolen musical instruments. The obvious next killer application: lapel-pin RFIDs broadcasting information (marital status, business card, sponsored personal advertising) to listening handhelds and other mobile devices. More...

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