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26 octobre 2018

The Platform for Online Deliberation

The Platform for Online Deliberation
This is an interesting effort. The Platform for Online Deliberation (POD) "is a freely available, open-source web tool for conducting asynchronous meetings that include discussions, document collaboration, polls and voting among small to medium sized groups of people." So the project is worth doing, but I think that the authors would have done well to look at some of the more popular open source community applications such as Drupal or PostNuke. More...

26 octobre 2018

Assessing Discursive Writing

Assessing Discursive Writing
What I have tried to do in this paper is mostly to describe the way I mark papers (and these days, criticize blog posts - and of course I wonder what sort of mark I would give my own paper...). But as in everything, I do it this way because I think it ought to be done this way. More...

26 octobre 2018

Springer Open Choice

Springer Open Choice
Peter West sent me this link last night and so I've had all day to think opf it. Essentially, the deal is this: when your paper is accepted by a journal published by Springer, you as an author have the option to make it open access by paying $3,000. This link fills in the details of the program. More coverage is available at Information World Review, including some naysaying from Oxford University Press. More...

26 octobre 2018

Q & A with Stephen Downes

Q & A with Stephen Downes
Short interview talking about the impact of diploma mills, disintermediation, and how to learn how to use the web for learning. By GA.Buchholz, Contentology, July 7, 2004 [Refer][Research][Reflect]. More...

26 octobre 2018

The Common Sense Assault on a Liberal Education

The Common Sense Assault on a Liberal Education
Speaking before a group of engineers, former Ontario Premier Mike Harris asked, "where would you be if you had studied philosophy and Latin?" Not unemployed, probably; my own formal education in philosophy turns out to be uniquely useful for an internet career. More...

26 octobre 2018

Bringing the Press Into the Story

Bringing the Press Into the Story
Convergence. Dave Winer writes: "I can't trust you until I know where you're coming from. So a blogger always discloses his opinion on something he's reporting on, so we can triangulate, get a variety of points of view to determine what's really going on." Why is this the case? I wrote to ITForum today: "once a certain level of complexity is reach[ed], the having of a property or quality ceases to be a constituitive function and begins to be a contextual function... By 'contextual', what I mean is that the having of a property is a matter not merely of being composed a certain way, but of standing in a certain relation to a (large) number of external entities, the nature of which cannot be determined by a study of the entity in question." I think this is important, but I need to think about it more (follow the entire ITForums thread here). More...
26 octobre 2018

I Took the Green Pill

Meg Spohn[Edit][Delete]: I Took the Green Pill, Megablog [Edit][Delete] January 2, 2006
[link: 1 Hits] Leigh Blackall writes about and links to this post by blogger Meg Spohn, who was fired from her teaching position at DeVry over content in her blog (true to form, this happened with no warning and with no indication of what it was about her blog that offended them so). More...
26 octobre 2018

Flattening The Pyramid Of Influence

Graham Wegner[Edit][Delete]: Flattening The Pyramid Of Influence, Teaching Generation Z [Edit][Delete] January 2, 2006
[link: Hits] In a world that needs millions of learning objects, what's wrong with this math? "My copy of CEGSA RAMpage magazine tells me that both the Aussie and Kiwi governments have committed more than $100 million to the Learning Federation project for 8000 Learning Objects. Using my LO calculator that works out to twelve and a half grand per object." What's more interesting that this reasoning is that it may, possibly, influence policy. More...
26 octobre 2018

The Dumbness of Crowds

The Dumbness of Crowds
Kathy Sierra makes the distinction I have been trying to get at with the recent discussion on groups and networks. "Art isn't made by committee. Great design isn't made by consensus. True wisdom isn't captured from a crowd. More...

26 octobre 2018

Where's That Line Between True Democracy And Mob Rule?

Where's That Line Between True Democracy And Mob Rule?
A furor has erupted on Digg his week. On Monday, a reader posted visual evidence of a power user submitting an exact copy of an earlier post - and getting 3000 diggs while the original user received almost none. The resulting comment thread has more than a thousand reactions. More...

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