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13 janvier 2020

The Holiday Season… Read!

This is my favorite time of year. For me, the holiday season is filled with feelings of nostalgia, familiar traditions and a focus on the very best traits of mankind: giving, listening and being together. More...
13 janvier 2020

On Shadowbox(ing) Our Degree Paths

Ever since I was a youngster, no other holiday season has filled me with such giddy anticipation as this time of the year. More...

13 janvier 2020

On Being Erased and Rendered Invisible

We Americans need to find ways of believing in each other again. More...

13 janvier 2020

The Return

By Matt Reed. The Boy is home for the break, having finished (and thrived in) his first semester of college. He’s busily assembling his social calendar for the break, and we’re already back into “who takes which car where and when?” mode. More...

13 janvier 2020

Ed-Tech Failures

By Matt Reed. Among the torrent of end-of-year and end-of-decade lists over the last few days, you may have missed Audrey Watters’s list of the “100 Worst Ed-Tech Debacles of the Decade.” It’s worth checking out in its entirety. More...

13 janvier 2020

Someone's Feeling a Draft

By Matt Reed. The Boy has been home from college for a couple of weeks; he heads back this Saturday. So we’ve been at full strength again for a bit. More...

13 janvier 2020

Backing Into Fairness

By Matt Reed. I have to admit being fascinated by the Inside Higher Ed story about the Council of Independent Colleges Presidents Institute. The presidents of many small, tuition-driven colleges are panicking, with reason, about the sustainability of their colleges. I can’t blame them. More...

13 janvier 2020

Folding Towels

By Matt Reed. Sometimes the most direct route is the least effective one. For instance, when wrestling with writer’s block, staring at a blank screen only makes things worse. Instead, stepping away and doing something entirely unrelated for a while can allow the pieces to fall into place. I’ve had many a breakthrough while folding towels or taking the trash to the curb. More...

13 janvier 2020

Local Economy Drives Academic Agenda

HomeBy Marjorie Valbrun. Saint Peter's administrators believe students benefit when an institution has mutual economic interests with its host city. As a result, the university is aligning its strategic plan with Jersey City. More...

13 janvier 2020

Since 2013, Fewer Americans Think College Is Important

HomeBy Elin Johnson. According to a new Gallup poll, about half of Americans consider a college education very important, but the percentage of those that agree with the sentiment has decreased since 2013. More...

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