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1 novembre 2014

How private schooling is deciding the millionaires of tomorrow . Study by Institute for Fiscal Studies calculates that graduates who attended an independent school earn 7pc more than their colleagues even if they went to the same university and do the same job. Read more...

29 octobre 2014

À quoi servent les IRT ? Headway - Olivier Rollot. « Nous ne sommes absolument pas là pour concurrence les grandes écoles et les universités. Au contraire, nous comptons sur elles pour réaliser nos programmes de formation et nous leur amenons des projets de recherche. » Directeur de l’Institut de recherche technologique Jules-Vernes de Nantes et ancien directeur des Mines de la même ville, Stéphane Cassereau balaye les interrogations apparues lors du dernier congrès de la Conférence des Grandes écoles sur une éventuelle concurrence des IRT. Pour autant, l’IRT Jules Verne compte bien ouvrir en 2017 son IRT Manufacturing Factory pour former, du CAP au doctorat, des jeunes que les entreprises reprochent aujourd’hui aux centres de formation de ne pas former. Suite...

28 octobre 2014

Stop Being So Positive

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Stop Being So Positive
Gabriele Oettingen, Harvard Business Review, 2014/10/28
Although it addresses an important point, the title is very misleading. The study cited in the article (Future thought and behaviour change) is actually pretty interesting, but it divides future thoughts (ie., thoughts about the future) into 'fantasies' and 'beliefs'. More...

28 octobre 2014

Stand Up for Education

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Stand Up for Education
Various authors, National Union of Teachers, 2014/10/27
Britain's National Union of Teachers (NUT) has released a manifesto (16 page PDF) addressing changes to the direction of that nation's schools. While the document is focused on the British general election slated for 2015, the document has wider relevance. More...

28 octobre 2014

Chartbeat tries to fight the smoke and mirrors in web measurement by going public with its metrics

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Chartbeat tries to fight the smoke and mirrors in web measurement by going public with its metrics
Mathew Ingram, GigaOm, 2014/10/21
We need to "stop thinking about pageviews or other traffic-focused metrics, and start thinking about measuring actual attention or engagement," says Chartbeat founder and CEO Tony Haile as his company is set to open access to the company's metrics and procedures. More...

28 octobre 2014

Student Experience and Efficiency Go Hand-in-Hand

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. 1. As operational budgets start to shrink, but student expectations grow, operational efficiency has started to take center stage as a silver bullet for higher education administrators. When an institution is really efficient, though, do students notice the difference?
Operational efficiency is now starting to be viewed almost as an imperative; it’s not even a choice any more. Do students notice the difference? Absolutely. More...

27 octobre 2014

Op-ed: Are education boot camps the new Gold Rush?

eCampus NewsBy Meris Stansbury - . Highly motivated individuals are flocking to California, seeking a way to make money in a short amount of time using nothing more than their smarts and a drive to succeed…And no, they’re not Forty-Niner’s. More...

27 octobre 2014

There Are More Important Things Than Saving for College

The New York TimesBy . I often tell my children, “With humility and a good sense of humor, you never have to be embarrassed.” I think I’ll add, “You never have to be embarrassed for honesty either.”
That’s how I feel after scanning the comments about our family after we were featured last week in The New York Times. When the paper’s financial columnist, Ron Lieber, shot me an email requesting an interview to follow up on a post I had written for Motherlode about not having saved money to send our children to college, I had mixed feelings. More...

27 octobre 2014

Remembering Bob Bontrager Eric Stoller. "We need to figure out how we're going to be high-tech while also being high-touch." That was one of many memorable thoughts that Bob Bontrager would share with me during countless conversations in his office at Oregon State University. Bob passed away on October 17th and I will miss his wisdom, wit, and leadership. More...

27 octobre 2014

Father Knows Best

By Wendy Robinson. My two-year-old daughter has been sick lately. Nothing serious, thankfully, but the kind of cold where she is sneezy, clingy, and generally miserable. Last night, as I was working on revisions to my dissertation proposal, she woke up coughing and started crying pitifully from her crib. More...

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