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10 janvier 2015

A Season of Anger

By . The last weeks of the fall semester were uneasy ones on many campuses as students angrily protested the police killings of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Tamir Rice. We can pretend that we didn’t really know what happened in these cases: parse the Ferguson, Mo., grand-jury testimony, ignore the video of Staten Island police taking Garner down in a choke hold, or speculate on what happened in the two seconds that elapsed between the arrival of police at a Cleveland playground and the shooting of 12-year-old Rice. More...

10 janvier 2015

Administrators, Authority, and Accountability

By . The battle over who should lead colleges and universities has been raging since the inception of higher education. It is most often, and stereotypically, cast as a fight between administrators and faculty members. Supposedly both interested in what students need, those parties are alternately said to be effective governors of higher education and major impediments to effective leadership. More...

10 janvier 2015

How Philistinism Wrecked 'The New Republic'

subscribe todayBy Sean Wilentz. In the very first paragraph of The New Republic’s very first issue, the founding editors proclaimed their belief that there was a place in America for what they called "a journal of interpretation and opinion." These men—Herbert Croly, Walter Weyl, and Walter Lippmann—were eminences of the Progressive Era, who were repulsed by what had become of the nation’s business civilization. They aimed, as Croly later put it, a bit grandly, to help "mould social life in the light of the best available knowledge and in the interest of a humane ideal." More...

10 janvier 2015

Joint honours degrees – twice as nice or a timetabling nightmare? . You’ll be pulled from one set of demands to the other, but a joint honours degree could double your chances in the jobs market. More...

10 janvier 2015

University is one big popularity contest – but don't try too hard . Students make lots of snap judgments – in the end though, your real qualities will be what counts. More...

10 janvier 2015

Creative sector also needs global talent Dyson (No Theresa May, we need those foreign graduates, 5 January) rightly says that Theresa May’s proposal to train up then kick out brilliant foreign students would be a major barrier to progress. The home secretary’s proposal must be the first deliberate attempt by a mainstream UK politician to stop the brain drain operating in our favour. The creative sector would sustain particular damage were this proposal to go ahead. More...

10 janvier 2015

Want to enrol and keep Indigenous university students? Then look to what already works . In 2011, I chaired a review into Indigenous higher education. We already know that institutions who commit at the highest levels get better results. More...

10 janvier 2015

THE podcast: 1-7 January 2015 issue review

The 2014 research excellence framework, the effectiveness of making unconditional offers to students and university governance are all discussed in this week’s issue review podcast.
Reporter Chris Parr is joined by reporters Holly Else and Chris Havergal, and deputy news editor John Morgan to discuss this week’s Times Higher Education. More...

10 janvier 2015

Sir David Bell calls for change of tack on teacher training

By . Government fixated with education departments being ‘Marxist hotbeds’, says Reading v-c. More...

10 janvier 2015

Déclaration du Président Juncker suite à l'attaque des locaux de Charlie Hebdo

Logo  Agence Erasmus+ France Education FormationLe Président de la Commission Européenne, Juncker, choqué par l'acte barbare et inhumain contre les valeurs les plus nobles de la république française et de l'Europe.
Voici son message de soutien.
"Tous les européens sont ce soir, parisiens et français"

Bruxelles, 07 janvier 2015
Je suis profondément choqué par l'attaque brutale et inhumaine qui a frappé les locaux de Charlie Hebdo.
C'est un acte intolérable, une barbarie qui nous interpelle tous en tant qu'êtres humains et Européens.
Mes pensées vont aux victimes et à leurs familles. J'exprime, en mon nom personnel et au nom de la Commission européenne, notre plus grande solidarité avec la France.
Pour plus d'infos : Voir l'article...

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