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Formation Continue du Supérieur
20 janvier 2015

New modes of integration: Individuality and sociality in digital networks

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. New modes of integration: Individuality and sociality in digital networks
Marian Adolf, Dennis Deicke, First Monday, 2015/01/12

This paper looks at the impact of the decline of mass media on community. It suggests that a two-part process takes place: first, the removal of individuals from traditional social structures and supports, and second, their reintegration into a new type of community defined by networked sociality. More...

19 janvier 2015

Le Digital Learning, preuve de la transformation digitale Michel Diaz. Alors que la transformation digitale des entreprises s’accélère, la culture digitale des métiers et des salariés devient un impératif. Une chance pour les professionnels de formation, entreprises et organismes de formation confondus, qui sauront donner l’exemple. Suite...
19 janvier 2015

New report evaluates digital courseware’s impact on student learning

eCampus NewsA new report assesses five years of technology investments in digital courseware by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Postsecondary Success initiative in order to understand what is required for digital courseware to produce positive student learning outcomes at scale. More...

19 janvier 2015

4 ways a GoPro can boost your campus profile

eCampus NewsBy . 3D printers, digital signage, educational video games—there’s just some technology that, while not vital to day-to-day campus operation, helps boost student engagement and communication, and ultimately makes your campus stand out from the competition. More...

19 janvier 2015

Windows Server 2012: 4 critical abilities and how to implement well

eCampus NewsBy . One door closes, another opens. That adage is apropos not only of the process of matriculation, but of the technology tools on which educational institutions rely. And one of those transitions is now upon us, as Windows 2003 nears its official “end of life” – that is, Microsoft’s termination of support, effective July 14, 2015 (as it happens, Bastille Day). More...

17 janvier 2015

Microsoft Office for Android (Beta) . Last week, Microsoft announced that they’re expanding the “preview” — formerly only available to a limited number of users — of their Office apps for Android tablets. Read more...
17 janvier 2015

Google’s Inbox (Zero) . Google’s new app and interface for Gmail, concisely named Inbox, tries to streamline email and thus make “inbox zero” more attainable and less something one needs to chase. Currently, the app is available through invitations only, but one can request an invite through a friend or through Google. Read more...
17 janvier 2015

Education in the Digital Era: What are the challenges?

By OEE Editorial. What is the digital era and what are its implications? What are the opportunities of learning in the digital era?  What are the challenges for teachers in the digital era? Those questions and some other interesting ones are analysed in this video summary of the Education in the Digital Era Conference speakers’ interventions. More...

17 janvier 2015

Erkundung von UNESCO Welterbestätten mit digitalen Medien

Der kurze Artikel zum Erkunden von UNESCO Welterbestätten mit digitalen Medien bezieht sich nicht nur auf das Mittelrheintal, sondern enthält allgemeine, programmatische Überlegungen: Erkundung von UNESCO Welterbestätten mit digitalen Medien. Ergänzt wird der Beitrag durch eine Liste mit beispielhaften Operatoren für mobiles Lernen nicht nur an Welterbestätten: Operatorenliste. More...

13 janvier 2015

Les 100 métiers qu'exerceront les "digital natives" de la génération Z

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)La numérisation, le développement continu des nouvelles technologies, les évolutions démographiques et les préoccupations écologiques transforment les métiers actuels.
Consultez les points de vue des spécialistes et leurs prévisions sur les métiers de demain. Voir l'article...

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