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1 décembre 2017

Le MOOC classe inversée revient pour une 3e édition améliorée

l'emag de l'educationAprès le succès des deux éditions précédentes, le réseau Canopé lance aujourd’hui la troisième session de son MOOC « La classe inversée à l’ère du numérique«. Plus...
1 décembre 2017

Etape 3 - Des Moocs pour mieux s'orienter dans l'enseignement supérieur

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "onisep logo"France université numérique (FUN) propose des formations en ligne d'aide à l'orientation. Si vous voulez tout savoir sur les études de droit, Staps ou psychologie, vous préparer à la Paces, réviser les notions mathématiques ou booster votre dossier d'entrée à l'IUT, suivez le guide. Plus...
30 novembre 2017

#openedMOOC begins October 1st

#openedMOOC begins October 1st
Jenny Mackness, Jenny Connected, 2017/09/11

David Wiley and Geoprghe Siemens are launching a new MOOC on open education at the beginning of October. More...

29 novembre 2017

Des MOOC encore !

Blog Educpros de Yves Epelboin. Le terme MOOC signifie simplement que le cours est structuré autour d’un parcours pédagogique qui propose des vidéos courtes, des documents et des contrôles au moyen de devoirs et de quizz et éventuellement la participation à des activités comme des blogs et des forums. Plus...

28 novembre 2017

Why Is Live Interactive Video Streaming So Rare Among MOOCs and LMSs?

Why Is Live Interactive Video Streaming So Rare Among MOOCs and LMSs?
Henry Kronk, eLearning Inside News, 2017/10/16
I can answer that question from my own experience. It's really hard to put hundreds of people, let alone thousands, into a live interactive streaming conference. This article doesn't seem to recognize that difficulty. "It’s possible—in a course with scheduled lectures—for students to tune in, listen to a lecture in real time, ask questions, and participate in discussion from a remote location." Well yes, it's possible, but not in video. More...

28 novembre 2017

Udacity Official Declares MOOCs ‘Dead’ (Though the Company Still Offers Them)

Udacity Official Declares MOOCs ‘Dead’ (Though the Company Still Offers Them)
Jeffrey R. Young , EdSurge, 2017/10/16
Udacity's latest word on MOOCs, reported first by Economic Times in India: “Our mission is to bring relevant education which advances people in careers and socio-economic activities, and MOOCs aren't the way.” I don't think that's an accurate statement of Udacity's mission. I think that what drives the company is investor demands for profits. Really, I don't know why for-profit companies bother with a mission statement that says anything else, because we all know that they're in it for the money, nothing else - that's not a criticism, just a statement of fact. More...

28 novembre 2017

TokyoTechXʼs MOOC Development Toolkit

TokyoTechXʼs MOOC Development Toolkit
Nopphon Keerativoranan, Online Education Development Office, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2017/11/27
This is a set of three tools in Python and Excel to support content development in EdX MOOCs. One is a content modification tool, which basically automates cobtent import and export to make it easier to work with entire courses. The second uses a similar functionality to create a course content and outline tool. More...

28 novembre 2017

More Or Less Technology In The Classroom? We’re Asking The Wrong Question

More Or Less Technology In The Classroom? We’re Asking The Wrong Question
Cathy Davidson, Fast Company, 2017/09/07
I'm not sure whether Catrhy Davidson's description of MOOC as "Massive Open Online Courseware" is a deliberate commentary or an accidental oversight. I prefer to think it's the former, especially in the context of her denunciation of tech hyperbole. More...

28 novembre 2017

The Massively Open On Air Courses (MOOAC): Contextualizing MOOCs in Africa

The Massively Open On Air Courses (MOOAC): Contextualizing MOOCs in Africa
Rebecca Yvonne Bayeck, e/merge Africa, YouTube, 2017/09/06
Education in Africa faces numerous challenges: infrastructure, affordances, teacher shortages and distance. MOOCs can be deployed to address these issues. But few African students actually attend MOOCs. Access to the internet is still very limited (about 9 percent) in Africa. More...

22 novembre 2017

MOOC Adaptation and Translation to Improve Equity in Participation

MOOC Adaptation and Translation to Improve Equity in Participation
Freda Wolfenden, Simon Cross, Fiona Henry, Journal of Learning for Development, 2017/08/02
This study shows why it's important to test hypotheses with different models and different user groups. It describes a MOOC in India offered first in English and then in Hindi, attracting more than 40,000 students in all, and achieving completion rates over 50%. More...

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