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9 juin 2013

China vs America – Quality, plagiarism and propaganda John Richard Schrock. As with other countries, academe in China is a mixed bag. There are essentially five ‘bands’ of universities from rank one downwards, and I visit the top one – mostly ranks one and two. I have also met some of the 1,000 talent scholars who have been brought here from Western universities, and they are nearly all impressive. I sit on evaluation panels for masters and doctoral defences in my field of entomology. The universities have all-day sessions where eight to 12 students defend in a row – China has to deal with large numbers of students and limited faculty – and I see a range in quality. Read more...
3 juin 2013

Kleve International Universität Studiengänge in Deutschland lassen sich schon in englischer Sprache bestreiten - und es werden mehr. Zugleich bemerken die Hochschulen, dass auch Deutsch wichtig ist.
Ein bisschen Angst vor der Sprache hatte ich, als ich mein englisches Studium begann“, sagt Linda Rozendaal, die im sechsten Semester das Fach Information and Communication Design an der Hochschule Rhein-Waal studiert. Hier werden schon drei Viertel der Studiengänge in englischer Sprache angeboten. Immerhin ein Viertel der Studierenden kommt aus dem Ausland.
Linda Rozendaal brauchte zuvor, während ihrer Ausbildung zur Bürokauffrau, selbst ihr Schulenglisch nur selten. „Aber man kommt rein in das Fachvokabular, wenn man ständig englische Texte liest und ab und zu etwas nachschlägt. Außerdem helfen die Profs, wenn es ein Verständnisproblem gibt“, sagt die angehende Designern. „Ich kann ein Studium auf Englisch nur empfehlen, weil es einen vielseitiger einsetzbar macht.“ Mehr...
3 juin 2013

European and Arab University leadership discuss cooperation priorities in Barcelona than 200 participants from around 150 European and Arab universities gathered at the University of Barcelona (UB) on 30-31 May to discuss cooperation possibilities and common higher education challenges between the Arab world and Europe.
Jointly organised by UB, EUA and the Association of Arab Universities (AARU), this was the first conference between the two associations, and hence focused on prospects for closer cooperation between them. The conference addressed, in particular, university leadership (approximately 100 rectors attended), and discussed a wide array of topics such as the internationalisation of higher education, research training and doctoral education, frameworks for higher education convergence and employability and university-labour market interaction.
An inspiring keynote speech was given by Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan of Jordan, founder of the Princess Sumaya University for Technology, who highlighted the critical need for Arab countries to boost their research capacity and underpin growth and modernisation with knowledge. She stressed how the European higher education integration project — the Bologna Process — is an important model and vision that should be emulated by the Arab world. Read more...
2 juin 2013

Board of Investment leads island bid to become HE hub Guillaume Gouges. Mauritius has been showcasing its assets in recent years and is aiming to become a hub for world-class education and a destination for international students and institutions. Board of Investment Chair Ken Poonoosamy spoke to University World News about the Indian Ocean island’s strategies for achieving these goals.
UWN: Why are international institutions establishing branches in Mauritius?
Poonoosamy: With its bilingual educational system and a multicultural learning environment, Mauritius is positioning itself as an international knowledge hub. Read more...
2 juin 2013

China in African education – A force for good? Obamba. China and Africa have a long tradition of bilateral cooperation. But the establishment of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation – FOCAC – in 2000 has revolutionised Sino-African cooperation. FOCAC is an intergovernmental agency established jointly by China and African nations to provide a plan for strengthening bilateral cooperation between China and 50 African member countries. Read more...
1 juin 2013

Looking Past China

HomeBy Elizabeth Redden. China has in recent years dominated the flow of international undergraduates coming to the United States – but that’s an old story. A session Thursday at the annual NAFSA: Association of International Educators conference focused on identifying “the next big thing” (or place) in international student recruitment, drawing on data from the College Board and the experiences of recruiters at two different types of institutions. “China and India have been top of mind,” said Clay Hensley, director of international relations and strategy for the College Board. Saudi Arabia too, where, due to the King Abdullah Foreign Scholarship Program, the numbers of students coming to the U.S. increased by 50 percent last year. Read more...

1 juin 2013

La OCDE lanza el Índice para una Vida Mejor 3.0: la satisfacción ante la vida, la salud y la educación son las máximas prioridad OCDE ha lanzado hoy la versión 3.0 de su pionero Índice para una Vida Mejor (, una herramienta interactiva en línea que permite a los usuarios medir y comparar sus vidas en todo el mundo. Esta versión actualizada contiene las últimas estadísticas, informaciones nacionales y conclusiones de los usuarios. Por primera vez, está disponible también en español.
“Nuestro Índice para una Vida Mejor va más allá de las frías y duras cifras del PIB para intentar entender realmente qué quieren y esperan las personas para sus propias vidas y sus sociedades”, indica Angel Gurría, Secretario General de la OCDE. “Estoy encantado de que sigamos actualizándolo con nueva información y nuevas lenguas, para poder obtener una visión verdaderamente mundial del bienestar”. Read more...
1 juin 2013

Learning from other countries’ experiences in education Andreas Schleicher. The data that the OECD collects can help countries map their strengths and weaknesses in education. But what’s the best way to address those weaknesses? Rather than prescribe actions, the OECD often prefers to show policy makers what everyone else is doing and how successful those initiatives have been. A new OECD series of individual Education Policy Outlook Country Profiles does just that: each profile describes how an individual country is responding to key challenges to improve the effectiveness of its education system. The idea behind the series is to offer policy makers easily accessible profiles of countries’ education systems, and the policies adopted to improve those systems, that could inspire reforms at home.
For example, the profile on Australia reports that, while the country is a top PISA performer and has high completion rates in upper secondary and tertiary education, its PISA scores have not improved since 2000. In addition to targeting teacher and school leadership quality and evaluation and assessment, the country has been focusing on defining a more transparent and fairer funding model for schools presented recently in a national plan for school improvement. Read more...
1 juin 2013

Getting our youth back to work Andreas Schleicher. If there’s one lesson we’ve learned over the past few years, it’s that we cannot simply bail ourselves out of a crisis, we cannot solely stimulate ourselves out of a crisis and we cannot just print money our way out of a crisis. But we can become much better in equipping more people with better skills to collaborate, compete and connect in ways that drive our economies forward.
There is no group for whom this is more important than today’s young people. Between 2008 and 2011, the gap in unemployment rates between higher- and less-educated youth widened dramatically. While young people with advanced skills have weathered the crisis reasonably well, those without foundation skills have suffered. Unemployment among young people without a high school education soared 20% in Estonia and Ireland and 15% in Greece and Spain. The short-term impact on individuals, families and communities beg for urgent policy responses; the longer-term impact, in terms of skills loss, scarring effects and de-motivation, will affect countries’ potential for recovery. Without the right skills, people will languish on the margins of society, technological progress will not translate into economic growth, and countries can’t compete in the global economy. Read more...
1 juin 2013

Creativity in schools: what countries do (or could do) Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin. Are we really serious when we say that schools should nurture creativity and other skills for innovation? An increasing number of countries see fostering of creativity and critical thinking as the next educational challenge: traditional good grades may no longer suffice to equip the workforce with the skills needed to fuel innovation-driven economic growth.
The recent international OECD-CCE-Singapore workshop gave 30 education decision-makers from 12 countries the opportunity to share the lessons from Asian educational initiatives aiming to foster pupils’ creativity and critical thinking. While most of these initiatives build on project-based, research-based, and other active pedagogies, some start to use design thinking methods to scaffold the learning of innovation skills. Read more...
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