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16 novembre 2014

ATHENA training seminar focuses on university governance models

LogoThe second training seminar of the EUA-led ATHENA project, which aims to contribute to the development, reform and modernisation of higher education systems in Armenia, Moldova and Ukraine took place last week (3-4 November) in Portugal. The event was co-hosted by the University of Coimbra and the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra. The main focus of discussions was governance and autonomy reforms in the higher education sector, a topical issue as some European countries seek to adapt university governance models to an evolving and increasingly competitive environment. More...

8 novembre 2014

La gouvernance dans le cadre de la réforme de la formation professionnelle (2014)

AccueilLe chapitre III du titre Ier de la loi n° 2014-288 du 5 mars 2014 relative à la formation professionnelle, à l'emploi et à la démocratie sociale porte sur la gouvernance nationale et régionale des politiques de l’emploi et de la formation professionnelle et sur la décentralisation de compétences résiduelles de l’État en matière de formation professionnelle. Lire la suite...

12 août 2014

FAFIEC - La réforme : Gouvernance et décentralisation

logo-fafiecLa loi renforce le rôle de principe de la région en matière d’emploi et de formation professionnelle, confirmant le phénomène de décentralisation des politiques publiques, l’Etat conservant une compétence subsidiaire sur certains publics, tels que les jeunes sous statut scolaire et universitaire.
La région organise et finance le service public régional de la formation professionnelle et coordonne, dans ce cadre le nouveau conseil en évolution professionnelle. Voir l'article...

4 août 2014

Shared Among Whom? Reed. Among whom should “shared governance” be shared?  And how, exactly?
This week, IHE featured two articles on the subject, both of which rely on an assumption I find troubling. The first is a profile of the argument in a new book, The Rise and Decline of Faculty Governance, by Larry Gerber. Read more...

4 août 2014

Shared or Divided Governance?

HomeBy Brian Rosenberg. Few people appear happy with the state of shared governance at American colleges and universities. Faculty members complain that they are being disempowered by administrators and trustees who are creating an increasingly "corporatized" academic environment and who are more concerned with budgets than with quality. Read more...
15 juin 2014

Dissecting the USask fiasco

By Melonie Fullick. It’s not all that often that we see a case study in Canadian university crisis communications and in particular, where a crisis happens because of a conflict involving fundamental ideas about what universities are for and how they should be governed. That’s one way to look at the recent events at the University of Saskatchewan, where actions by the administration have brought unwanted international attention to the university, sparking a nationwide debate about the nature of academic freedom, administrative and professorial rights and responsibilities, and university politics and funding. Read more...
15 juin 2014

Administrators — they’re just like us! Maureen Mancuso. It’s all about learning. In past columns, I’ve tried to focus on some larger issues, or at least issues that loom large from the perspective of the administrator’s chair. But administration is not all about grand gestures and transformative changes; most of the job consists of the small stuff – the sort that people often say not to sweat, except that if no one took on that duty to perspire, some important aspects of the university experience might start to expire. So in this, my last column, I plan to give a sense of what the administrative life is really like, in all its routine glory and drudgery. More...

9 juin 2014

Notes on 'Shared Governance Reconsidered' Matt Reed. Susan Resneck Pierce’s new book, “Shared Governance Reconsidered,” offers a useful outline of many of the dilemmas facing shared governance in American higher education, and I’m not just saying that because it’s part of the same series as my book. Pierce is the former president of the University of Puget Sound, in Washington state, and much of her perspective reflects that.  Although shared governance is found throughout higher education, her focus is mostly on four-year colleges and universities, and especially on private ones. Read more...
5 juin 2014

Transparence. Bravo l’UB (Dijon)

Sur le blog "Histoires d'universités" de Pierre DuboisL’exercice de la démocratie représentative dans les universités (élections des conseils centraux par les personnels et les étudiants) exige des instances qu’elles rendent compte à leurs électeurs, en toute transparence.
L’université de Bourgogne met en ligne les actes du conseil d’administration : bravo Dijon ! 17 délibérations depuis décembre 2012Suite...

20 mai 2014

Call for Articles for the Handbook of Higher Education Policy and Governance

Bologna Process - European Higher Education AreaThe editorial team consisting of Jeroen Huisman (Ghent University, Belgium,, Harry de Boer (University of Twente, the Netherlands,, David Dill (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA, and Manuel Souto-Otero (University of Bath, UK, has proposed Palgrave Macmillan to edit a Handbook of Higher Education Policy and Governance. The publisher has accepted the proposal and now the contributions are being solicited. Thus, the editorial team is inviting interested researcher (either as a single author as with colleagues) to consider to contribute a chapter to this handbook.
Proposals for chapters (one- to maximum two-page outlines) should be sent in by 1 July 2014 to Jeroen Huisman ( The proposal should be explicit on the topic, objective, approach and key literature of the chapter to be offered as well as be accompanied by a briefly information about the author (in terms of expertise and/or experience). The editors will discuss the submissions and invite a selection to elaborate on their outline (July 2014). The proposers will also receive feedback from the editors.
Draft chapters should be submitted by November 2014 and will then be reviewed by editors and/or reviewers. In January 2015, contributions should be finalized and in March the finalized manuscripts will be sent off to the publisher. The book will appear in the latter half of 2015.
For the outline of the handbook, please click here. More...

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