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13 octobre 2013

Industrial giants to invest funds in higher education Eugene Vorotnikov. The Russian government is hoping to attract the country’s major industrial companies to invest in establishing higher education institutions and chairs in top universities, to prepare highly skilled employees and produce research for their sectors.
The initiative targeting companies such as Rusal, Rosneft, Gazprom and LUKOIL was proposed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who promised that the government would provide companies with all the support they needed to implement such projects, including partial tax exemptions. Read more...
13 octobre 2013

Risk of university failures demands 'insurance' scheme – Commission David Jobbins. Students attending universities at greater risk of institutional failure in the post-White Paper higher education market in the United Kingdom need an insurance scheme to protect them from the consequences, the Higher Education Commission said last week.
In a report on the inadequacy of the current regulatory framework in England, the commission, an independent body drawn from the higher education sector and the three main political parties, warned that lack of legislation to enhance regulation of higher education in England “is putting students at risk from failing universities and threatening the UK’s global reputation for higher education excellence”. Read more...
13 octobre 2013

Wake-up call for European research and innovation Alan Osborn. At the 5th European Innovation Summit, big names in research agreed that it was high time for a ‘wake up Europe’ call. A five-point declaration addressed to European Union policy-makers and member states was agreed after several speakers sought to identify ways to remove obstacles in the way of Europe becoming a successful innovation economy. Read more...
12 octobre 2013

Teachers and School Heads Salaries Report Teachers and School Heads Salaries and Allowances in Europe, 2012/13.
A report comprising 62 indicators on topics such as initial teacher education or working conditions for teachers and school leaders from pre-primary to upper secondary education in 32 countries.

Attractive salaries combined with the potential for earning additional allowances as well as good working conditions constitute some of the primary incentives for drawing people into the teaching profession and ensuring high levels of satisfaction and motivation among staff.
In recent years, the range of skills required of teachers has become increasingly broad. Besides their traditional responsibility for transferring knowledge, teachers now have to be able to perform a variety of extra tasks, such as using information technology, working in teams, assisting in integrating children with special educational needs, and contributing to school management, etc. At the same time, the education sector is increasingly in competition with the business sector in terms of attracting the best qualified young graduates. Salaries and working conditions must be competitive to ensure that sufficient numbers of people of the right calibre are attracted into the profession. Policies that affect the earnings of those employed in the education sector cannot, therefore, be overlooked.
This overview compares the different levels of decision-making responsible for setting teachers' statutory salaries in Europe. The minimum and maximum statutory salaries are presented relative to per capita GDP in each country, with an indication of salary progression and its relationship to professional experience. The impact of the economic crisis on teachers’ salaries and their purchasing power is also analysed. Finally, the different types of allowances available to teachers are presented, indicating the decision-making levels involved in allocating these payments.
Download the
Report Teachers and School Heads Salaries and Allowances in Europe, 2012/13.

12 octobre 2013

Annuaire régional Eurostat 2013’annuaire régional 2013, publié par Eurostat, l’office statistique de l’Union européenne, présente des statistiques régionales sur un large éventail de domaines, donnant ainsi une image plus détaillée et diversifiée de l’UE par rapport aux données de niveau national. Il permet également une analyse, par exemple, de la façon dont la crise financière a affecté les régions de l’UE.
Voir le document. En savoir plus...

12 octobre 2013

EMMA : module d'autoformation Euroguidance France : module d'autoformation Euroguidance France
Découvrez emma (Entretien Mobilité Module d'Autoformation), module d'autoformation Euroguidance destiné aux conseillers en mobilité.
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Découvrez gratuitement Emma, le module d'autoformation destiné aux conseillers en mobilité européenne.
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12 octobre 2013

Lancement officiel du programme Erasmus + Repentin, ministre délégué chargé des Affaires européennes, a lancé officiellement le programme Erasmus + (période 2014-2020) le 3 octobre au Pres Sorbonne Universités.
C'est dans le cadre du 50ème anniversaire du Traité de l'Elysée que l'Agence Europe-Education-Formation France (A2e2f), le Pôle de Recherche et d'Enseignement Supérieur « Sorbonne Universités » et le DAAD France ont proposé une présentation prospective et stratégique du nouveau programme « Erasmus + » dont plus des deux tiers de l'enveloppe financière sera allouée au secteur de l'éducation et de la formation.
« J'engage tous les jeunes à déposer des candidatures pour Erasmus+ » : Pour le ministre, ce nouveau programme a des atouts multiples : un budget plus important pour plus de participation, des opportunités d'insertion professionnelle avec en ligne de mire un statut d'apprenti européen et pour chacun, une expérience humaine irremplaçable. En savoir plus...

12 octobre 2013

Conférence Erasmus + : nouveau programme, nouvelles opportunités programme européen Education et Formation Tout au Long de la Vie, qui a déjà permis la mobilité de plus de 3 millions de jeunes européens depuis 1987, connaît un nouveau développement : il deviendra ERASMUS + dès 2014.
Ces journées seront donc l'occasion de mettre en lumière les expériences réussies du programme actuel d'éducation et de formation tout au long de la vie, et d'ouvrir une réflexion sur les défis et opportunités d' « Erasmus + ».
Cet évènement a également pour but de mieux faire connaître les opportunités que ce nouveau programme va offrir à nos compatriotes, et de valoriser ses enjeux territoriaux à travers l'organisation de sessions thématiques.
Tandis que l'Europe affronte de nouveaux défis et que nos jeunes recherchent des dispositifs qui confortent leur capacité à trouver un emploi, cette conférence de Nantes représente un des rendez-vous de l'année 2013 qui permettront de partager une vision positive des programmes européens, notamment ceux liés à la formation.
Cette conférence nationale s'adresse à tous les acteurs de l'éducation et de la formation qui font de la mobilité et des partenariats européens un outil de performance sociale et économique, qu'il s'agisse des universités, des lycées ou des collèges, des centres de formation, des collectivités territoriales, des entreprises ou des associations. A Nantes, plus de 200 responsables dans ce domaine seront réunis à l'occasion de cet évènement.
Plusieurs stands proposeront des informations et des mises en lien relatives aux dispositifs de mobilité. En savoir plus...

12 octobre 2013

Social model event ‘excellent illustration’ of agencies’ contribution Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, Laszlo Andor, in his speech at the seminar organised jointly by the European Parliament, Cedefop, ETF, EU-Osha and Eurofound, congratulated the four EU agencies on their contribution to the European social model adding that the event was an ‘excellent illustration’ of their work. The event prompted a debate by MEPs of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, senior European officials, social partners’ representatives and the agencies’ directors on how the social model needs to evolve in order to be sustainable.
Link: Press release .

12 octobre 2013

The Opening up Education initiative European Commission's Opening up Education initiative in a nutshell
The main goal of this initiative is to stimulate ways of learning and teaching through ICT and digital content, mainly through the development and availability of OER. Amongst its actions, the most important one is to change the role of digital technologies at school. All the actions within the initiative are put in place with the hope that they help attain the ultimate objective, namely to boost competitiveness and growth at the European level.
Opening up Educationcalls for EU-level cooperation to push reforms towards the adoption of open learning environments as drivers to enhance digital skills both for pupils and teachers, and in education in general. Another major concern of the European Commission, stated in this initiative and in alignment with the Open Education Europa portal, is to be able to support the deployment and availability of digital technology and content.
This initiative addresses several educational difficulties at the European level. Europe is falling behind in the digital sphere; the great majority of schools are not digitally equipped and their students are not taught by digitally confident teachers, rather teachers who mainly use ICT to prepare their teaching but not as a skill for students to develop in the classroom. In the background, remains the threat of facing a new digital divide between those who have access to innovative, tech-based education and the digitally excluded.
The solution lays in open technologies that grant access to education for everyone and allow:
- students to build knowledge from open and free sources other than their teachers and institutions, and with different methods;
- everyone to engage in learning/study groups, thus creating learning communities beyond their classrooms; make personalisation and customisation of education a much easier task;
- teachers to create communities of practice to exchange teaching materials and best practices; provide access to a wider range of educational resources across borders and languages.
The actions foreseen in this initiative hope to enable Europe to gain leadership in education, attract new talent, train its citizens with the relevant skills, and as a consequence fuel innovation, productivity and growth.
The Open Education Europa portal: a key player to improve visibility of high-quality European OER
The main goal of the Open Education Europa portal is to grant access to all existing high-quality European OER repositories in different languages in order to make them easily accessible for learners, teachers and researchers. The ultimate aim is to be able to foster the wide use and creation of OER in several languages, for all educational sectors and disciplines, and to help overcome the current fragmentation of European OER use.

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