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20 octobre 2018

Facilitez le développement des compétences de vos salariés grâce à Script Emploi

FAF.TTLe FAF.TT vous propose de bénéficier d’une prestation de conseil et accompagnement RH assuré un consultant externe pour : 
  • Faire le point sur les besoinsen compétencesde vos salariés intérimaires et permanents,
  • Définir une stratégie de développement des compétences (GEPC)
  • Identifier les pistes d’actions pour améliorer vos process RH
  • Optimiser vos budgets de formation
  • Et mettre en place un plan de formation opérationnel et répondant à vos enjeux. Plus...
18 octobre 2018

Zoom sur le service Focus Compétences l’avez remarqué ? Aujourd’hui, la notion de compétence est au cœur de l’actualité et des attentes des recruteurs. Pour vous aider à valoriser vos compétences et votre profil, il est essentiel d’abord de les identifier pour les mettre en valeur. Oui mais comment ? En suivant le cours en ligne “Focus Compétences” entièrement dédié à cette thématique. Plus...

18 octobre 2018

Focus compétences ses compétences, c’est essentiel pour rendre sa candidature attractive auprès des employeurs. Pour vous permettre d’être plus percutant, Pôle emploi a conçu le service Focus compétences proposé sous forme d’atelier (groupe de 5 à 8 participants) ou de cours en ligne sur l’Emploi Store si vous préférez travailler en autonomie. Plus...
1 octobre 2018

Memory Lane on Skills Shortages

By Alex Usher. Cast your mind back to 2012 or so.  The Conservative Party was in its sixth year of office, but just getting into the swing of a real majority.  The craziest thing we had to worry about in American politics was a 6-day outbreak of Santorum-mania.  Gagnam was in style.   And the one phrase on everyone’s lips was “skills shortage”. More...

1 octobre 2018

Lifting the skill levels of the workforce

The biannual appraisal of African economies conducted by the World Bank observes that while Sub-Saharan Africa boasts the youngest population in the world and its associated positives, there are several hurdles in the way of this economic prospect. Chief among these hurdles are the damning skill levels of Africa’s workforce, the lowest in the world as per the report, writes Eden Kironde for The New Times. More...
30 septembre 2018

What is faculty’s role in competency-based education?

eCampus NewsEducators implementing CBE programs must consciously build models with both students and faculty in mind. More...

30 septembre 2018

We need a GI Bill for cyberskills at the college level

University Business Magazine logoHigher ed can fuel U.S. dominance in cybersecurity, AI and machine learning. To help meet the growing demand for tech professionals, we need an ambitious program similar in scope to the GI Bill. More...

27 septembre 2018

The Pros and Cons of Six Different Competency Models

The Pros and Cons of Six Different Competency Models
Kerry Williams, Avilar, 2018/08/23
The headline of this post is a bit misleading. A competency model is "a framework for defining the skill and knowledge requirements of a job. It’s a collection of competencies that jointly define successful job performance." More...

24 septembre 2018

Embedding the Skills to Teach Online: Is It Technical or Personality Skills That Are Needed?

Embedding the Skills to Teach Online: Is It Technical or Personality Skills That Are Needed?
The responses to this question from a group of people involved in e-learning in the U.K. are surprisingly similar: while technology competence is required, it is only required to a point, after which teaching and tutoring skills take over. More...

23 septembre 2018

How Is The Skills Transformation Impacting Modern Work?

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. Today, there’s a new shift happening in our digital and service-focused economy: rapid skills transformation. The job market is changing so rapidly that the skills needed to perform these jobs transform every few years, intensifying pressure on workers to learn continually and, in some cases, transition entirely into new and emerging fields. More...

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