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13 février 2019

Research: Career Hot Streaks Can Happen at Any Age

Stephen Downes PhotoBy Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Research: Career Hot Streaks Can Happen at Any Age
Dashun Wang, Harvard Business Review, 2018/10/05
In my own mind I often compare my own career to that of a musician. Such a career is a mixture of hit songs, near misses, duds, and even periods where nothing seems to be happening at all. And it's very relative; I've never had a gold record, but I could, but it isn't up to me, and doesn't really reflect my work in any case. And this randomness isn't just me; it rules across the board. More...

12 février 2019

Cedefop - CareersNet

HomeCareersNet was created to collect comparable and reliable information on a European scale in the field of lifelong guidance and career development issues. The gathered information and analysis aims at identification of gaps and solutions, beyond a snapshot of national guidance systems. More...

29 janvier 2019

Should Traditional Faculty Pivot to Academic Careers in Campus Learning Organizations?

By Joshua Kim. We define a campus learning organization as a higher education unit that is devoted to student learning, but that is not a traditional academic department or school.  Under our definition, a center for teaching and learning (CTL), and academic computing unit, an online learning organization, or a division of continuing education would count.  So might other groups that work directly with professors on advancing student learning. More...

27 janvier 2019

Career Certainty -- and the Uncertainty of It All

HomeIt may feel a little scary, but it also means there aren’t really any wrong choices, writes Joseph Barber, who gives advice for making the most of yours. More...

21 janvier 2019

Crehana launches online career courses

By Viggo Stacey. Online training platform Crehana has launched a series of courses that aim to educate students in creative skills including graphic design, digital illustration, 3D modelling and motion graphics. More...

13 janvier 2019

A Beyond the Professoriate Faculty Challenge

HomeFaculty members can better advise students about career options by interviewing people in higher education -- and they don't even have to leave their campuses to do it, write Jennifer Polk and L. Maren Wood. More...

13 janvier 2019

The Joy of Kids for the Teacher-Scholar

HomeKids and academic life complement and enrich each other in lovely, unexpected ways, writes Kyle Sebastian Vitale. More...

13 janvier 2019

Fostering Trust in Academic Departments

HomeIt is crucial in a vibrant academic unit, and you can cultivate it in some specific ways, advise Elizabeth A. Luckman, C. K. Gunsalus, Nicholas C. Burbules and Robert A. Easter. More...

13 janvier 2019

Validation and Sassiness in Academe

HomeWhen a professor saw herself heading toward the jaded attitude she'd noticed in senior colleagues, she decided she had two choices. More...

9 janvier 2019

Synthèse EPALE: au mois de novembre, l’accent a été mis sur la formation des adultes pour l’évolution de carrière

Résultat de recherche d'images pour Comment comprenez-vous la notion d’évolution de carrière? Un très bon élément sécurisant son évolution au sein de son entreprise? Une employée confrontée à une réorientation professionnelle si son ancien poste est supprimé? 
Dans le monde d'aujourd'hui, l’évolution de carrière se réfère à ces deux cas, et l'apprentissage tout au long de la vie joue un rôle majeur dans tout cela. Plus...
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