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20 juin 2019

Finland: Skills in 2035

HomeA National Forum for Skills Anticipation report highlights changes in competences and skills that will be needed in 2035. Important future skills include customer-oriented development of services and knowledge of sustainable development. The labour market will require digital, information evaluation and problem-solving skills. More...

20 juin 2019

Germany: new nationwide training concept for Industry 4.0

HomeContinuing digitisation poses new challenges for professionals, with an impact on vocational education and training. In order to prepare industrial-technical apprentices for the world of Industry 4.0 right from the start, the chambers of commerce and industry (IHKs) have developed an interdisciplinary training programme that is offered nationwide from 2019. More...

20 juin 2019

Latvia: demand for validation of non-formal and informal learning increases

HomeValidation of non-formal and informal learning outcomes was introduced in 2011 (for professional qualifications at EQF levels 2-4) and in 2012 (for higher education at EQF levels 5-7). More...

20 juin 2019

Sweden: higher vocational education continues to expand

HomeThe Swedish Agency for Higher Vocational Education decided in January 2019 which programmes are to be added to the HVET portfolio over the next few years. More than 14 000 new study places were added for 2019. The expansion of higher vocational education in Sweden continues. More...

20 juin 2019

Slovenia: video recordings of in-company learning outcomes

HomeWell-defined learning outcomes (LO) are considered to be crucial in many aspects of vocational education and training (VET), such as in VET promotion, supporting learners to plan their learning and asses their progress, and transnational mobility. The project See the goal: in-company learning outcomes as video recordings (2016-18) used video technology to apply the learning outcomes approach in some VET programmes. More...

20 juin 2019

The Netherlands: promoting research in VET schools

HomeTeacher-researchers (practor) have formed a multi-disciplinary teacher team (practoraat) in many VET-schools. Practors operate as mediators conducting and linking research with education practice. More...

20 juin 2019

Poland: VET reform continues

HomeIn November 2018, an act introducing significant changes in VET was signed into law. The new law complements the recent structural reform of the education system initiated in 2016. More...

20 juin 2019

Spain: skills anticipation and future sectoral training needs - outlook and challenges

HomeThe Observatory of Occupations of the State Public Employment Service (SEPE) has published its 2018 Forecast and identification of training needs report. It addresses skill mismatches in the labour market to ensure that the public training offer responds to current and future demands of the national production system. More...

20 juin 2019

Faites endosser le costume de la réussite à vos étudiants

logoL'effet Pygmalion est connu comme l'influence qu'une personne peut exercer sur une autre, selon l'image qu'elle se fait d'elle-même. Leurs croyances peuvent influencer la performance de l'autre; de cette façon ils chercheront à réaliser leurs attentes et à devenir réalité avec des comportements qui ont tendance à les confirmer. Cet effet est aussi connu sous le nom de "prophétie auto-réalisatrice. Plus...

20 juin 2019

Valar Morghulis !

logoSi à la simple lecture de ces deux mots vous haussez les sourcils, vous ne faites pas partie des initiés, ceux qui auront compris instantanément qu’ils veulent dire « Tous les hommes doivent mourir ». Plus...

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