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Formation Continue du Supérieur
12 juin 2019

Connecting with centuries-old stories about women’s painful struggles

The ConversationIn 2016 female students at South Africa’s universities started the #EndRapeCulture campaign to mobilise against the pervasive culture of sexual violence on the different campuses. In Stellenbosch the campaign was marked by two striking occasions. More...
12 juin 2019

Journée portes ouvertes de la Formation continue, le 15 juin - Choisissez parmi 103 langues et civilisations !

Vous souhaitez apprendre une langue orientale en cours du soir ou le week end, en stage intensif, passer un certificat, obtenir un diplôme de compétence en langue ?
La formation continue de l'Inalco vous ouvre ses portes samedi 15 juin 2019.
Un moment privilégié pour visiter les locaux, découvrir notre offre de formation, rencontrer vos futurs professeurs ou d’autres stagiaires, vous renseigner sur les possibilités de financement...
Etudiante tenant dans une main un phylactère avec les mots chinois, arabe, russe, turc, hindi, coréen, japonais et vietnamien

La formation continue de l'Inalco vous ouvre ses portes !

Samedi 15 juin 2019 de 13h30 à 17h dans le hall du 2ème étage

  • Venez découvrir ses nombreux dispositifs de formation en langues et civilisations 

Formations en cours du soir ou stages intensifs, des certificats, des diplômes de compétence en langue (DLC), de la reprise d'études et validation d'acquis de l'expérience (VAE), mais aussi des formations sur mesure, séminaires professionnels ou individuels...Choisissez parmi 103 langues et civilisations !

  • Renseignez-vous sur les possibilités de financement
  • Rencontrez vos futurs professeurs
  • Assistez à des ateliers gratuits d'initiation aux langues (hindi, swahili, turc, hébreu et tibétain)

Contact :
Samedi 15 juin 2019 de 13h30 à 17h dans le hall du 2ème étage

Inalco - Pôle des langues et civilisations (PLC)
65, rue des Grands Moulins - 75013 Paris

Métro ligne 14 ou RER C arrêt Bibliothèque François Mitterrand. Plus...

12 juin 2019

How controversial “racist” research opens door for a decolonisation drive

The ConversationThe article suggested that “coloured” women in South Africa “present with low cognitive function and which is significantly influenced by education”. Coloured is a racial classification legalised during apartheid for people of “mixed race”. This allegedly low cognition was also linked to unhealthy lifestyle behaviours. More...
12 juin 2019

African universities need structures to assess and measure the impact of grants

The ConversationSince Africa’s earliest modern public universities were established on the continent in the 1940s, these institutions have struggled to generate adequate and sustainable funding. For the most part, universities on the continent depend on money from national governments; grants; donations from international donor communities and industries to fund their learning, teaching and research activities. More...
12 juin 2019

Ideas for the 2020 Horizon Report

By Joshua Kim. Each year, I find myself eagerly anticipating reading the Horizon Report, as it is good fun to think about the technologies that we will be using on campus in 5 years.  And then, each year the Horizon Report leaves me disappointed, as I come away from reading the document thinking that the Report thinking that it is asking the wrong questions. More...
12 juin 2019

Thoughts on the LA Times Story on USC and 2U

By Joshua Kim. How should our community make sense out of the recent LA Times story: Online Degrees Made USC the World’s Biggest Social Work School. Then Things Went Terribly Wrong?
This is an unfolding story, and we should not rush to judgments before we get a better handle on what is going on with USC. More...
12 juin 2019

Staff and Faculty Blind Spots

By Joshua Kim. It can be hard for staff to appreciate just how much our faculty colleagues have had to sacrifice to pursue their careers.  The sacrifices are not only about the rigorous of finishing a PhD.  Many staff - as we will see below - now have terminal degrees. More...
12 juin 2019

'Brave New Work' and the Crisis of Higher Ed Careers

By Joshua Kim. Brave New Work starts with the observation that two out of three people feel disengaged from their jobs.  The book seeks to answer the question of why work has become so miserable for so many people. More...
12 juin 2019

Learning Analytics and Campus Instructional Design Teams

By Joshua Kim. What is the higher ed equivalent of flying cars? What is the promised higher ed future that has so far failed to arrive?  The development that we thought was just around the corner but has never seemed to materialize. More...
12 juin 2019

Vacation Fiction

By Joshua Kim. What do you read when you are offline?
Maybe a better question is if you ever go offline?  If you keep up with e-mail while on vacation, then the answer is no.
Vacations, for me, mean fiction.  Nonfiction is too close to work. More...
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