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22 juin 2019

What does it mean to think of teachers as professionals?

On 19 June, we will release the most recent results of our Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS). For over a decade now, TALIS has served as a platform for teachers and school leaders to voice their opinions on the quality of their school and classroom environments. In its third iteration, TALIS collected indicators and developed policy guidelines that focus on professionalising the work of teachers and school leaders. More...

22 juin 2019

What does artificial intelligence mean for values and ethics?

Every year, the OECD Forum brings together experts, academics and thought leaders from the private and public sector to discuss key economic and social challenges on the international agenda. The theme of this year’s Forum was “World in EMotion” – a theme that reflects the profound changes brought about by globalisation, shifting politics and digitalisation, and the challenges and opportunities that they present. More...

22 juin 2019

How education systems can support the integration of refugee children

The ongoing refugee crisis has put many OECD countries under considerable pressure to accommodate and integrate large numbers of asylum seekers. From 2010 to 2017, the refugee population in OECD countries more than tripled, rising from 2 million to 6.4 million. A number of policies have been enacted to address this crisis, but many have failed to distinguish between immigrants and refugees, overlooking important differences that have major implications – particularly for children. More...

22 juin 2019

La fragilité de l’économie mondiale exige de toute urgence un effort de coopération . Il y a un an, l’OCDE avait alerté sur le fait que les incertitudes entourant les échanges mondiaux et l’action publique pouvaient être très préjudiciables à l’économie mondiale et contribuer à creuser un peu plus encore la fracture entre les citoyens. Un an plus tard, la dynamique économique mondiale s’est considérablement essoufflée et la croissance devrait rester en berne, sur fond de persistance des tensions commerciales. Les échanges et l’investissement ont fortement ralenti, en particulier en Europe et en Asie. Plus...

22 juin 2019

Competition in the digital age . Digital technologies have the potential to bring huge benefits in terms of productivity, jobs and ultimately living standards. At the same time, consumers will gain access to new, innovative, and cheaper products. However, for digitalisation to bring benefits to all firms and citizens, we need a healthy competitive environment, which encourages and diffuses innovation, and helps bring the gains from technology to people. More...

22 juin 2019

Latvia: Working towards stronger and more inclusive growth . Latvia is a dynamic economy that joined the OECD in 2016. It has enjoyed strong economic performance in recent years and its macroeconomic policy is sound. Nevertheless, Latvia’s per capita GDP is still only about a half of the average level of high income OECD countries. More...

22 juin 2019

América Latina: las perspectivas económicas repuntan levemente pero se requieren reformas para impulsar la productividad . Hace un año, la OCDE advirtió sobre el riesgo que las incertidumbres comerciales y políticas dañen de manera significativa la economía mundial y contribuyan aún más a la creciente división entre la gente. Un año después, el impulso adquirido a nivel mundial se ha debilitado notablemente. Se prevé que el crecimiento se mantendrá a un nivel inferior a medida que persistan las tensiones comerciales. El comercio y la inversión se han ralentizado considerablemente, especialmente en Europa y Asia. More...

22 juin 2019

A fragile global economy needs urgent cooperative action . A year ago, the OECD warned about how trade and policy uncertainties could significantly damage the world economy and further contribute to the growing divide between people. A year later, global momentum has weakened markedly and growth is set to remain subpar as trade tensions persist. Trade and investment have slowed sharply, especially in Europe and Asia. More...

22 juin 2019

Urge una cooperación internacional para enfrentar una frágil economía mundial . Hace un año, la OCDE advirtió sobre el riesgo que las incertidumbres comerciales y políticas dañen de manera significativa la economía mundial y contribuyan aún más a la creciente división entre la gente. Un año después, el impulso adquirido a nivel mundial se ha debilitado notablemente y se prevé que el crecimiento se mantendrá a un nivel inferior a medida que persistan las tensiones comerciales. More...

22 juin 2019

Strengthening institutions to improve the prosperity of all Mexicans . The success of policy reforms in all areas therefore hinges on the ability of institutions to create the right incentives. Quality institutions also create certainty and a level playing field on which people can build, thus bringing more fairness and greater access to opportunities. Overall, quality institutions are of fundamental importance to economic outcomes. More...

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