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26 mai 2015

EUA encourages members and partners to respond to EU Neighbourhood Policy consultation

Strong Universities for EuropeThe European Commission has invited all relevant stakeholders and interested individuals to respond to a public consultation entitled “Towards a new European Neighbourhood Policy”.
Higher education is an integral part of the ENP and EUA has long fostered close and strong ties with member and partner universities and associations in Europe’s neighbourhood, for instance by supporting capacity building and interregional dialogue through activities such as the ATHENA Tempus project and the Arab-Euro Conference on Higher Education Platform (AECHE). More...

26 mai 2015

Compte pénibilité : des décisions immédiates de simplification

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)Suite à la remise du rapport de MM. Sirugue, Huot et de Virville en vue de simplifier le compte prévention pénibilité, Manuel Valls a annoncé une mise en oeuvre sans délai des propositions présentées le 26 mai 2015. Des amendements seront proposés au projet de loi sur le dialogue social dont la discussion commence au Parlement.
Les auteurs du rapport préconisent en effet de confier aux branches le soin d’apprécier, sur la base d’évaluations plus collectives, l’exposition des facteurs de pénibilité. Ces référentiels professionnels adoptés par les branches seraient homologués par l’Etat et en cas de contentieux les employeurs qui les suivent seraient sécurisés (ces référentiels seraient "opposables").
Lire le rapport. Voir l'article...

26 mai 2015

La formation, enjeu central du projet "Industrie du futur"

Logo de l'Agence Régionale de la Formation tout au long de la vie (ARFTLV Poitou-charentes)Emmanuel Macron a présenté le 18 mai 2015 le projet Industrie du Futur, seconde phase de la Nouvelle France Industrielle lancée en 2013 (plus d’infos). L’objectif est d’amener le secteur industriel à investir plus et mieux, à amener chaque entreprise à moderniser son outil industriel et à transformer son modèle d’affaires par le numérique.
Consulter le dossier de presse. Voir l'article...

26 mai 2015

Here’s the difference between research and innovation

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Here’s the difference between research and innovation
Richard Mackenzie, University Affairs, 2015/05/22

As Canada's Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada announces the recipients of "$28 million in job-related training for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows" a Quebec physicist takes to the pages of University Affairs to criticize the agency's new focus on 'innovation' as opposed to 'discovery. More...

26 mai 2015

Widening Wealth Gap

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Widening Wealth Gap
Kellie Woodhouse, Inside Higher Ed, 2015/05/22

I come back to this story from time to time because people insist that we (promoters of free and open learning) should be supporting the existing system of higher education. More...

26 mai 2015

Americans’ Attitudes About Privacy, Security and Surveillance

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Americans’ Attitudes About Privacy, Security and Surveillance
Mary Madden, Lee Rainie, Pew Research Internet Project, 2015/05/21

Privacy is really important to Americans, according to this Pew report based on two new surveys (which study only Americans), but they don't trust either governments or corporations to protect their privacy. More...

26 mai 2015

'Hack or be hacked': Why kids need to know how technology works

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. 'Hack or be hacked': Why kids need to know how technology works
Jesse Hirsh, CBC, 2015/05/21

Whose responsibility is it to prevent hacking and to promote security? I have two stories in my inbox today - this one and this one - that suggest it's the user's responsibility. In one, " Jesse Hirsh makes the case for a deeper understanding of technology as a civic duty. More...

26 mai 2015

Speaking out on Elsevier’s Article “Sharing” Policy

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. Speaking out on Elsevier’s Article “Sharing” Policy
Heather Joseph, SPARC, 2015/05/21

About three weeks ago, Elsevier released a new policy governing open access publication. The response from the academic community was immediate and unfavourable, including this statement, signed by a couple dozen groups, criticizing the policy. More...

26 mai 2015

The K12 Education Market

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The K12 Education Market
Rachel Norris, PILOTed, 2015/05/21

Short article making the impoirtant point that the K-12 education market is a complex array of interplaying forces, including several levels of government, corporations, lobbyists, school boards, and finally, teachers and children. More...

26 mai 2015

The Human Capital Report 2015

By Stephen Downes - Stephen's Web. The Human Capital Report 2015
Various authors, World Economic Forum, 2015/05/21
Just for the record, if there's any term I like less than the term 'human resources' (or as it's abbreviated around here, 'resources'), it's the term 'human capital'. The term implies the commodification not only of the talents and skills people possess and can apply in the workplace, but of the people themselves. But that's what we get from the World Economic Forum. So now I haven't read the full 319 page PDF (I spent the day writing a quarterly report - yay!) but it's not the sort of report you read cover-to-cover anyways, as it's mostly a set of league tables comparing countries. More...

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