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27 avril 2015

ASU and edX, Further Thoughts Matt Reed. 1. Prior learning assessment -- the mechanism by which credit is granted -- is not covered by financial aid. It probably should be, but that’s another post. Which means that not only is ASU charging more than the local community college, but ASU’s prices are entirely out-of-pocket, while the community college’s courses are eligible for financial aid. For low-income students, this is no small thing. Read more...

27 avril 2015

What Problem Are ASU and EdX Solving? Matt Reed. Maybe it’s me. But I’m just not grasping the ASU/edX MOOCs-for-credit thing.
According to Carl Straumsheim’s piece in IHE, a student who enrolls in one (or more) from a specific set of MOOCs offered through edX will have the option of paying a $45 fee for identity verification, followed by a $200 per credit fee to Arizona State, to have the MOOC performance translated into academic credit by and for ASU. Read more...

27 avril 2015

The Online Completion Agenda Matt Reed. Dear Big Foundations,
I’ve got an idea for you, and it even has a catchy name.
The Online Completion Agenda.

27 avril 2015

AACC, Part Two: Innovating While Broke Matt Reed. The unintentional theme for Monday at the AACC was “what we can do with no money.”
The high-profile panel for the day was the group from the CCRC who wrote Redesigning America’s Community Colleges -- Tom Bailey, Shanna Jaggars, and Davis Jenkins -- along with Karen Stout, Ken Ender, and Rolando Montoya. They discussed the ideas from RACC, focusing largely on what could scale relatively painlessly. Read more...
27 avril 2015

AACC, Part 1 Matt Reed. Greetings from San Antonio, where I’m attending the American Association of Community Colleges annual conference, and rethinking the choice to wear wool suits in a humid climate. Read more...
27 avril 2015

An Honest Question Matt Reed. I know that questions like these often bring out the very worst in internet trolling, but I’ve been consistently impressed at the judgment of my wise and worldly readers, so I’ll take a chance here, because I’m really struggling with this one.
How do you explain structural racism to a thirteen year old. Read more...
27 avril 2015

The Fights of Spring Matt Reed. As a dean, what do you do when everyone on campus is cranky?
My friend and occasional partner-in-crime Paula Krebs has a good piece over in the Chronicle about that. With requisite circumspection, she outlines what a colleague of mine calls “hate-pril,” or the month when everyone’s fuses are at their shortest. Read more...
27 avril 2015

Getting Back on Track Matt Reed. Some people I’ve known over the years are moving into deanships or similar positions. Beyond praying for their souls, every so often I like to offer some helpful tips.
Let’s say that you have a long-term professor with a generally solid-to-strong history, but he’s starting to go off the rails a bit in class. You’re starting to get credible student complaints, and you know the professor well enough to suspect that the complaints are at least grounded in truth. Read more...
27 avril 2015

Conférence "Qualité de la formation, nouvelles exigences et impacts sur les organismes de formation"

Numero_VertNous avons le plaisir de vous informer que les vidéos de la Conférence sur la qualité de la formation : nouvelles exigences et impacts sur les organismes de formation, sont en ligne.
S’inscrivant dans le cycle de conférences sur la mise en œuvre de la réforme sur la formation professionnelle, elle s’est déroulée le 21 avril dernier à l’Hôtel de Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur.
Retrouvez toutes les vidéos et le support de la conférence >.

Pascale GERARD, Vice-présidente de la Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, déléguée à la formation professionnelle et l’apprentissage.
Stéphane REMY, Chef de la mission des contrôles, Sous-direction des Politiques de formation et du contrôle, Délégation générale à l’emploi et à la formation professionnelle (DGEFP).
> vidéo

Présentation des points clés
Carine SEILER, Directrice du Pôle Politiques de Formation de Sémaphores :
• Les nouvelles règles applicables (exigences Qualité et projet de décret).
• Les impacts sur les organismes de formation.
> vidéo

Présentation de la démarche Qualité RE.S.E.AU.
Chantal NAMI, chargée de mission du CARIF.
Catherine RICHARD, auditeur de CATEIS pour la Démarche Qualité RE.S.E.A.U.
> vidéo

Table ronde
Quelle articulation entre les initiatives existantes (Démarche qualité RE.S.E.A.U…) et les nouvelles exigences ?
Pascale GERARD, Stéphane REMY, Olivier ROBERT.
> vidéo.

27 avril 2015

U.S. Programs Report Their Students in Nepal Are Safe

HomeFour colleges and two study abroad programs that had students in Nepal as the devastating earthquake hit are all reporting that their students are safe.
Here are press reports on three colleges with students in Nepal: Liberty University, Muhlenberg College and Nebraska Christian College. Nine students and faculty members from Nebraska Christian College had just arrived in Nepal hours before the earthquake, and they too are safe. And Pitzer College issued a statement saying its students in Nepal are safe. Read more...

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