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29 avril 2015

Les valeurs de l’Economie Sociale sont intimement liées à celle de l’Europe, à son modèle économique et social le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. Comme cela était prévisible (voir Présidence lettonne “Aucun résultat n’a pu être trouvé (en français) pour la recherche suivante: economie sociale”) le premier semestre 2015, sous présidence lettonne, aura marqué une stagnation pour la prise en compte de l’ESS par l’Union européenne, après les modestes avancées de la présidence italienne (voir Voeux pieux pour le développement de l’Economie Sociale dans l’Union européenne en conclusion de la présidence italienne). Si on ajoute le retrait des projet de mutuelles et de fondations européennes de l’agenda de la commission. Voir l'article...

29 avril 2015

Parution du décret sur les PTCE le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. Le Décret n° 2015-431 du 15 avril 2015 relatif aux appels à projets des pôles territoriaux de coopération économique, permettant l’application de l’article 9 de la loi ESS (voir Loi ESS. Article 9 : les pôles territoriaux de coopération économique) est paru auJournal Officiel n°0090 du 17 avril 2015 page 6831. Voir l'article...

29 avril 2015

Attracting and Retaining Adults: Affordable Tuition Rates are a Must

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. Adult learners manage busy schedules, have endured more than one economic downturn, and are financially conscientious. When busy adults pursue an education, they are seeking career advancement and economic freedom, not insurmountable debt. More...

29 avril 2015

Breaking the Cycle of Poverty One Degree at a Time: Making Higher Ed a Reality for Parents

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. The ACCESS Collaborative Program is a retention and graduation program that provides the academic and social supports needed to assist low-income, single parent students pursuing a degree at The Ohio State University by minimizing the barriers that may prevent their full participation in school. More...

29 avril 2015

IT Strategies through An Agile Lens: Growth through Collaboration and Teamwork

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. If we start with the established framework most widely used for agile software development, which has been around for 15 years or so, we can envision for ourselves a set of strategies for central IT. More...

29 avril 2015

Creating and Maximizing ROI in Higher Education: Shaping the College Around Student Needs

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. Julie is a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a full-time employee and a busy community volunteer. As she struggles to juggle her many roles in life, she is also a University of South Carolina Palmetto College student finishing her bachelor’s degree in business administration online. More...

29 avril 2015

Personalization and Respect Central to Creating Value for Non-Traditional Students

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. Non-traditional students expect a level of service from institutions that is, frankly, foreign to many higher education leaders. The many demands on their time and attention demand that institutions treat them as consumers, providing them the information and service necessary to support the student’s persistence and completion. More...

29 avril 2015

Five Ways to Lead in the Competitive Non-Traditional Higher Ed Marketplace

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. For a university to stand out to non-traditional students in today’s fiercely competitive higher education marketplace, we need to consider the non-traditional student as more than just a learner, but as a whole person with a variety of expectations, needs and demands. More...

29 avril 2015

Individuals over Organizations: Five Changes to Prepare Higher Ed for Tomorrow, Today

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. “Higher Education” and “agility”—these words rarely appear together in the same sentence. Time on most college campuses is best measured in geological time. Juxtapose this against what is happening outside the Ivory Tower, where exponential change fueled by technological innovation is impacting every facet of society. More...

29 avril 2015

Marketing CE: What’s In An Email Address?

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. Quick and easy question: What email address is posted on your program website or brochure as the general public-facing address? The most common ones, in my experience, follow the following template:, and More...

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