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9 mars 2015

Attracting and Retaining International Students: A Primer

The EvoLLLutionBy  - EvoLLLution. The population of international students enrolling at institutions across North America is booming. What used to be a niche market is one colleges and universities continent-wide are racing to dominate, especially given the benefits these students can bring to institutions both during and after their enrollment. Western University’s President Amit Chakma chaired the Advisory Panel for Canada’s International Education Panel, and in this Q&A he shares his thoughts on the opportunities and challenges of competing in this marketplace. More...

9 mars 2015

Tomorrow is International Women’s Day: how do women fare in HE leadership?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""Women are woefully under-represented in UK national life, including in the leadership of our higher education institutions. For example, while there are some outstanding female Vice-Chancellors, they remain the exception rather than the norm.
Arguably, the imbalance starts at the very top as the last few people with responsibility for higher education at the Cabinet table have all been men. Oxford has never had a female Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor while Cambridge has only ever had one female Vice-Chancellor. Yet, across the sector, there are now more female than male students. More...

9 mars 2015

CNIE awards for excellence in the use of learning technologies . The Canadian Network for Innovation in Education is one of the main bodies representing those working in online learning and educational technology in Canada. My guess is that the awards will be awarded at the CNIE/CAUSE conference in Winnipeg, May 27-29. More...

9 mars 2015

Last chapter of Teaching in a Digital Age now published . It will be the imagination of teachers inventing new ways of teaching that will eventually result in the kinds of graduates the world will need in the future. More...

9 mars 2015

Ensuring quality teaching in a digital age: key takeaways . However, there are some substantial changes. The focus here is as much on applying basic principles of course design to face-to-face and blended/hybrid learning as to fully online course design.
More importantly, this chapter attempts to pull together all the principles from all previous ten chapters into a set of practical steps towards the design of quality teaching in a digital age. More...

8 mars 2015

Rereading Like a Writer: On Having #FuturesEd Students Assign "Project Classroom Makeover" Cathy Davidson. It’s a fascinating experience and deep for an author to go back and re-read what she wrote five years ago.  
I never do this. I had no choice this time.  It is required.  An assignment. Read more...
8 mars 2015

Blueprint for a Post-LMS, Part 4

By Michael Feldstein. In part 1 of this series, I talked about some design goals for a conversation-based learning platform, including lowering the barriers and raising the incentives for faculty to share course designs and experiment with pedagogies that are well suited for conversation-based courses. Part 2 described a use case of a multi-school faculty professional development course which would give faculty an opportunity to try out these affordances in a low-stakes environment. In part 3, I discussed some analytics capabilities that could be added to a discussion forum—I used the open source Discourse as the example—which would lead to richer and more organic assessments in conversation-based courses. But we haven’t really gotten to the hard part yet. The hard part is encouraging experimentation and cross-fertilization among faculty. More...

8 mars 2015

Blueprint for a Post-LMS, Part 3

By Michael Feldstein. In the first part of this series, I identified four design goals for a learning platform that supports conversation-based courses. In the second part, I brought up a use case of a kind of faculty professional development course that works as a distributed flip, based on our forthcoming e-Literate TV series on personalized learning. In the next two posts, I’m going to go into some aspects of the system design. More...

8 mars 2015

Blueprint for a Post-LMS, Part 2

By Michael Feldstein. In the first post of this series, I identified four design goals for a learning platform that would be well suited for discussion-based courses:

  1. Kill the grade book in order to get faculty away from concocting arcane and artificial grading schemes and more focused on direct measures of student progress.
  2. Use scale appropriately in order to gain pedagogical and cost/access benefits while still preserving the value of the local cohort guided by an expert faculty member, as well as to propagate exemplary course designs and pedagogical practices more quickly.
  3. Assess authentically through authentic conversations in order to give credit for the higher order competencies that students display in authentic problem-solving conversations.
  4. Leverage the socially constructed nature of expertise (and therefore competence) in order to develop new assessment measures based on the students’ abilities to join, facilitate, and get the full benefits from trust networks.

I also argued that platform design and learning design are intertwined. More...

8 mars 2015

Blueprint for a Post-LMS, Part 1

By Michael Feldstein. Reading Phil’s multiple reviews of Competency-Based Education (CBE) “LMSs”, one of the implications that jumps out at me is that we see a much more rapid and coherent progression of learning platform designs if you start with a particular pedagogical approach in mind. CBE is loosely tied to family of pedagogical methods, perhaps the most important of which at the moment is mastery learning. More...

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