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28 octobre 2014

#Niel installe à Paris « le plus gros #incubateur de #start-up au monde »

François Hollande a inauguré les travaux de transformation de la Halle Freyssinet, au cœur du 13e arrondissement de Paris. Le futur lieu voulu par le patron de Free accueillera près de 1000 jeunes entreprises du numérique à partir de 2016.
Le futur «poumon du Paris Numérique» est sur les rails. La Halle Freyssinet, l’ancien bâtiment ferroviaire situé au cœur du 13e arrondissement de Paris s’apprête à connaître de grandes transformations. Voir l'article...

28 octobre 2014

Harper walks fine line on Canada jobs record as election looms

TheRecordBy Greg Quinn. Prime Minister Stephen Harper may be losing one of his political trump cards — his record on the economy — just when he needs it most.
Canada's job growth, among the strongest in the industrialized world after the global recession, has slowed by about half one year before the country's next election, even as U.S. employment accelerates. Harper, who won a majority government in 2011 campaigning on his economic stewardship, now finds his record under attack by the opposition. More...

28 octobre 2014

Small-batch innovation: What the Lean Startup model can do for your R&D

By Melissa Campeau. A few years ago, Ian Kent had an idea for a mobile, DIY 200-square-foot home. He sketched a few designs, created computer models and settled on the name Nomad Micro Homes. Then, instead of building a model, he took the digital illustrations to market and crowdsourced to generate funds, feedback and advance orders. More...

28 octobre 2014

Canadian companies lag global peers in innovation

Go to the Globe and Mail homepageBy Tavia Grant. A new list of the most innovative companies in the world is notable for what does not appear: a single Canadian firm. A global ranking, to be published by the Boston Consulting Group Tuesday, shows Apple Inc., Google Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. at the top of its measure of the 50 most innovative companies. American firms dominate the ranking (though their presence is diminishing), with companies in China, Japan, South Korea, Germany and the Netherlands also in the top 50. Read more...
28 octobre 2014

Why tech giants are investing in STEM programs for students

Go to the Globe and Mail homepageBy Jennifer Lewington. At 13, Duru Uluk thinks she might become a lawyer, an entrepreneur or a future minister of defence. Whatever her career, she knows she needs computer science to get there. Read more...
28 octobre 2014

Unis charge too much and don't ask enough

I am a current student in a rather specialised area of study, and as the job market is extremely competitive and political, I am not reporting based on my experiences alone.
My total loan after four years of study is $27,813.43. I receive the student allowance, work various part-time and casual jobs, as well as increasingly gaining employment and experience in my field of study.
Assuming a repayment obligation of $3000 per year, it would take approximately nine years to pay off my loan. This is clearly not an ideal situation for a young adult; most graduates will be in our early 20s as they enter the work force, and many will be beginning to establish families and homes at this time. More...

28 octobre 2014

London School of Marketing unveils global plans

By . The London School of Marketing (LSM) has responded to the Government’s change in immigration policies by unveiling plans to open over 310 international study access points for their portfolio of British qualifications.
LSM is already the largest supplier of professional marketing courses in the UK, and now plans to become Britain’s first global higher education provider by opening an access point in almost every country in the world within the next five years. More...

28 octobre 2014

Coursera's Plan for Online Education: Expansion in China

. Daphne Koller is used to responding to skeptics about the value of online education. As a professor of computer science at Stanford, a MacArthur Foundation “genius” award recipient, and a co-founder of Coursera—one of the leading companies offering massive open online courses, or MOOCs—she remains a strong proponent of the format. More..

28 octobre 2014

Europe struggles with digital education

HomeEuropean higher education remains too conservative to adapt to technological innovations, said a Commission High Level Group on the Modernisation of Higher Education in its report published last week (22 October).
The group, which was launched in 2012 to examine such challenges, makes 15 recommendations to EU member states about how to integrate digital teaching and learning methods in their educational curricula. More...

28 octobre 2014

Appel à propositions pour le Dispositif de professionnalisation des acteurs de la formation professionnelle

Numero_VertAppel à propositions pour le Dispositif de professionnalisation des acteurs de la formation professionnelle de l'orientation et de l'emploi

Le Carif Espace-Compétences lance un appel d'offre relatif à un appel à propositions pour le dispositif de professionnalisation des acteurs de la formation professionnelle de l'orientation et de l'emploi.
La date limite de remise des offres est fixée au 13 novembre 2014 au soir.
Des informations détaillées sur les modalités de réponse à cet avis sont disponibles à l’adresse url suivante.

Rendez-vous sur la page dédiée au repérage des appels d'offres "Formation, Insertion" en région PACA, consultables gratuitement et en libre accès.

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