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9 juin 2014

Notes on 'Shared Governance Reconsidered' Matt Reed. Susan Resneck Pierce’s new book, “Shared Governance Reconsidered,” offers a useful outline of many of the dilemmas facing shared governance in American higher education, and I’m not just saying that because it’s part of the same series as my book. Pierce is the former president of the University of Puget Sound, in Washington state, and much of her perspective reflects that.  Although shared governance is found throughout higher education, her focus is mostly on four-year colleges and universities, and especially on private ones. Read more...
9 juin 2014

Baffled Matt Reed. I’ve been a fan of Tom Frank since the 90’s. I actually had a subscription to The Baffler in grad school, and I kept it for a while after until the issues started arriving progressively farther apart. (Somewhere in the basement, I still have a copy of Commodify Your Dissent, a wonderful collection of early Baffler pieces.) The Baffler struck me as a rare voice of sanity at the time.  I still remember reading Steve Albini’s piece in The Baffler on the economics of the music industry circa 1995 and thinking that the piece was striking and the industry unsustainable. I stand by both. Read more...
9 juin 2014

Fridge Frittata: A Quick $10 Recipe for Grads Liz Homan. oday's post begins GradHacker's Good Eats Recipe and Photo Contest. Submit your recipe for a good meal under $10 to win GradHacker swag. Visit the GradHacker Good Eats contest to get inspired and submit your own recipe. Read more...

9 juin 2014

When All Else Fails Ashley Sanders. In one of the worst academic job markets in history, many of us have been compelled to rethink our plans for the next year. Instead of starting that shiny new job, we are facing yet another year of being a grad student. If you’re in this position, know that you are not alone. There are hundreds in the same boat with you. Perhaps clinging to a life raft is a more accurate metaphor… At least that’s how it feels as we struggle to keep our heads above water and hold on to hope. So what do we do when all else fails?
We not only hang on for dear life, we also start paddling purposefully and find as many people who can help us as we can. Read more...

9 juin 2014

True Confessions of a Chronically Ill PhD GradHacker. Chronically ill and graduate student do not have to be mutually exclusive identities, but unfortunately, they often are.  I know this from first-hand experience. During my first year of graduate school, as a Sociology PhD student, I was diagnosed with lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Read more...

9 juin 2014

The Evolving Curriculum: a Compendium of Articles

Home"The Evolving Curriculum -- Measuring Effectiveness of Change" is a compilation of articles and essays on efforts to reshape what and how colleges teach at a time of increased concern about how much students learn. The news and opinion articles -- collected in a print-on-demand booklet -- surveys the landscape of curricular development and learning assessment, examining trends and highlighting best practices. Download the booklet here. Read more...
9 juin 2014

Study: MOOCs Won't Cannibalize M.B.A. Programs

HomeMassive open online courses don't pose a threat to M.B.A. programs -- in part because they target different student demographics, three University of Pennsylvania researchers claim in a new study. Analyzing student data collected from nine MOOCs offered by the Wharton School, the university's business school, the researchers found 78 percent of the more than 875,000 students resided outside the United States. Read more...

9 juin 2014

Research Agenda for For-Profits

HomeThe University of Southern California's Pullias Center for Higher Education on Friday released a proposed research agenda on the for-profit sector. The five-page document grew out of a meeting the center hosted in April. The event featured five papers with different perspectives on for-profits, which sought to "move beyond hyperbole" by confronting the competing narratives about the sector. Read more...

9 juin 2014

Obama Set to Expand Income-Based Repayment Program

HomePresident Obama will announce Monday that he plans to expand an income-based repayment program for federal student loan borrowers, The New York Times reported.
The administration plans to broaden eligibility for its Pay As You Earn program – which caps student loan payments at 10 percent of borrowers’ discretionary income and forgives any unpaid debt after 20 years – to include an estimated 5 million additional borrowers who have older loans, according to the Times.
Obama will also formally announce that the Education Department plans to renegotiate the contract it has with federal student loan servicers to include incentives for helping borrowers avoid default. Read more...

9 juin 2014

A World Without Liberal Learning

HomeBy Michael Roth. “What would the United States look like if we really gave up on liberal education and opted only for specialized or vocational schools? Would that really be such a bad thing?”
The interviewer was trying to be provocative, since I’ve just written a book entitled Beyond The University: Why Liberal Education Matters. Read more...

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