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24 décembre 2013

Maisons de l’Emploi : ça sent le sapin le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. Le net progrès dans les délais de réponse aux questions écrites desparlemenatires se confirme, même si le délai prévu de deux mois n’est pas toujours respecté. Deux questions récentes relatives au budget des Maisons de l’Emploi viennent de recevoir une réponse du Ministre. Elles émanent de Michel Savin, député socialiste de l’Isère et de Raymond Couderc, député UMP de l’Hérault, et se sont vues donner la même réponse. Suite...

24 décembre 2013

RSA : toujours plus de bénéficiaires le blog de Michel Abhervé pour Alternatives économiques. Comme chaque trimestre la CAF publie les chiffres concernant les bénéficiaires du RSA dans une Lettre “RSA conjoncture”.
Les données fin septembre 2013 traduisent une hausse modérée pour le dernier trimestre, probablement à rapprocher de la hausse modérée du chômage durant ce trimestre. Suite...

24 décembre 2013

Gender segregation guidelines to be reviewed as David Cameron steps into row for the first time David Barrett. Universities UK announces it will work with the equality watchdog to re-write its controversial gender segregation guidance as the Prime Minister's spokesman says it should not be allowed. Controversial guidelines which endorsed gender segregation at British universities are to be reviewed after a massive public backlash. Universities UK (UUK), which last month said Muslim societies and other groups were entitled to practice gender segregation at public meetings on campus, said it would work with the equalities watchdog to look again at its guidance. Read more...

24 décembre 2013

Competition in education: who put the brakes on? Eleanor Doughty. Winning and losing is an education in itself, so why don't competitions feature more at university and why do some people want to get rid of them, asks Eleanor Doughty. A decade ago, I was in the midst of a competition so powerful that it defined my schooling years. My prep school ran a ‘credit’ system. One strived to collect as many as possible from staff in hope of being called out in Friday assembly. The greatest prize of all was peer recognition, far greater than any monetary reward. Read more...

24 décembre 2013

University chiefs’ five-figure pay rises described as 'inappropriate' and 'unfair' receive five-figure pay rises in the year that tuition fees almost tripled to £9,000. A number of university heads have received double-digit pay rises despite a public sector salary freeze, The Telegraph can disclose. Vice-chancellors saw their pay packages rise by as much as a quarter this year, with many accepting five-figure increases. The rises came in the year that tuition fees almost tripled to £9,000 and amid growing university admissions. Read more...

24 décembre 2013

Are too many people going to university? David Ellis. If the Government continues to push for greater student numbers, a degree will be worth less and less, argues David Ellis. Four words that can unsettle me: ‘We need to talk’ and ‘No, everything is fine’. Last week, though, ‘Student admissions cap abolished’ did it. George Osborne announced universities would be free to expand as they wish, with no ‘arbitrary cap’ – his words – on admissions. Next year initiates the change, with 30,000 more places made available, which is expected to boost university applications and undergraduate numbers. Read more...

24 décembre 2013

Compte Personnel de Formation : ce qui va changer© Kelformation - Marion Senant. Dans un an, le Compte Personnel de Formation remplacera le DIF. Il a pour vocation de faciliter l’accès à la formation, notamment des actifs les moins diplômés et des demandeurs d'emploi. Zoom sur un dispositif encore en chantier. CPF, pour Compte Personnel de Formation, c’est le nouveau dispositif de formation professionnel qui accompagnera les actifs tout au long de leur carrière à partir de 2015. Il remplacera le DIF, qui n’a jamais réussi à s’imposer dans le paysage complexe de la formation. Suite de l'article...
24 décembre 2013

How the OECD could help shape UK financial education policy

By Julia Kukiewicz. Today’s post is by Julia Kukiewicz, Editor and Lyndsey Burton, Founder of Choose, a consumer information site that’s been covering personal finance in the UK since 2003. 
As world leaders traded notes on the financial services that will shape consumers’ lives at the G20 in September, OECD head Angel Gurría had a few thoughts for the consumers themselves. “Individuals are increasingly responsible for taking key financial decisions in a complex and volatile environment,” he told reporters. In most developed countries, public welfare is shrinking and the products growing up to replace it are complicated, Gurría added. The speech underlined the OECD’s continuing support for financial education, even as critics of government and private consumer education projects grow louder. Such criticisms threaten to derail the project of widespread financial education before it even gets off the ground in countries like the UK. But OECD support can and should help. In this post, we’ll look at the challenges the UK project is facing and how policymakers could overcome them. More...

24 décembre 2013

Leadership for 21st Century Learning Marco Kools, Analyst, Innovation and Measuring Progress Division, Directorate for Education and Skills. Against a backdrop of increasing globalisation, rapid technological innovation and a growing knowledge workforce, few would dispute that the primary task for management today is the leadership of change. The education sector is no exception to this. Contemporary learning environments (schools) must be able to keep pace with the changing times, while delivering on their core task - equipping students with the knowledge and skills for life in the 21st century. This requires leadership to set the direction, taking responsibility for putting learning at the centre and keeping it there. Sounds simple, but what does it really mean in practice? Where does one start? Who does what? 
These are some of the challenging questions that the recently released OECD publication Leadership for 21st Century Learning responds to. The publication builds on the prominence given to the concept of learning leadership in the recently released Innovative Learning Environments. More...

24 décembre 2013

Cutting education expenditure Dirk Van Damme, Head of the Innovation and Measuring Progress division, Directorate for Education and Skills. Education systems, for the greatest part funded by the public purse, have a symbiotic relationship with economic tides: they blossom in booming years, they suffer in recessions. Educational needs however behave exactly in the opposite way: they expand when the economy shrinks. The recent recession, probably the biggest many of us have seen in our lifetimes, again provides ample evidence for this. And the relationship is now even more pronounced than ever before. Education and skills have moved into the centre of economic life, as economies become increasingly knowledge- and skills-based. Unemployment clearly separates the educational haves and have-nots, with the unskilled paying the price for the recession. As a result, people want to invest more in education, stay longer in schools, and postpone their entry into the labour market, because work doesn’t offer much of an alternative. Also governments promote education and training as a strategy to drive people out of unemployment. 
Thus demand increases, but do schools receive the public resources to meet this demand? The latest issue of Education Indicators in Focus builds on the available evidence on public expenditure in education for the first three years of the crisis (2008, 2009 and 2010) to shed light on spending trends and the first clear signs of widespread cuts. More...

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