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8 juin 2013

College degrees still worth it in the US, but not equally

Hedda - Higher Education Development AssociationBy Marielk. The Public Policy Institute at Georgetown University has produced a new report titled “Hard Times” examining the issues of unemployment of graduates in the context of the current economic crisis in the US. While there have been recent media coverage on graduate unemployment in the US and questions have been raised whether college pays off at the time of increased unemployment and skyrocketing debt from tuition fees. From being a taken for granted benefit, for instance conservative pundit William Bennett argues in his latest book that one should  think long and hard before sending their kids to college. The report from Georgetwon University establishes that at times of crisis when one examines college graduates age 25 or higher, their unemployment rates are significantly lower than of those without higher education: 9–10 percent for non-college graduates compared to 4.6–4.7 percent for college graduates. However – it is not only that education matters, it is what you study that matters even more. Read more...
8 juin 2013

Call for Papers - International Conference on New Technologies for Language Learning to submit papers to be presented in the framework of the 6th conference edition
Experts, teachers, trainers and researchers in the field of language learning are invited to submit papers for the 6th edition of the ICT for Language Learning international conference which will take place in Florence (Italy) on 14 -15 November 2013.
The Conference aims to promote transnational sharing of good practices and research findings in the application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to Language Learning and Teaching. The event also offers the opportunity to develop international contacts among experts in language learning.
At the Conference, oral, poster and virtual presentations will be available.
Information for the papers’ submission is available here.
Deadline for submitting abstracts: 24 June 2013.
For further information, please visit the ICT for Language Learning conference website.
8 juin 2013

Supporting continuing professional development of trainers in enterprises study aims to improve the understanding of policies and practice that support the quality of training in enterprises through the development and updating of in-company trainers’ competences. The study will bring evidence on how enterprises support training of their employees and more specifically, how they identify, nominate/recruit and support trainers in companies and how they develop and upgrade their competences. The study will also propose recommendations for policy-makers, regional authorities and organisations, sectoral organisations, employers, and in-company trainers on how to create better opportunities for equipping in-company trainers with necessary competences.
This call has been published in the Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union 2013/S 100-170262 of 15/05/2013.
Deadline of submitting tenders: 08/07/2013 (17h00 for hand-delivered tenders).
Requests for additional information/clarification should be received by 28/06/2013.
The answers to such requests, if any, will be published under this banner, therefore please visit Cedefop's website frequently for updates.
If you are downloading these documents from our website, kindly send us an e-mail ( notifying us. Tender dossier.
8 juin 2013

CoR calls for reforming training schemes and increasing resources to the Youth Employment Initiative unacceptably high rates of youth unemployment is a top priority for EU regions and cities. In the opinion on the Youth Employment Package, drafted by the President of the Tuscany Region, Enrico Rossi (IT/PES) and adopted unanimously at the May plenary, the Committee of the Regions endorses the European Commission's efforts to harmonise and improve provisions for traineeships, apprenticeships and work placements. The CoR also warned Member States against providing insufficient funding for the Youth Employment Initiative which was launched at the European Council on 7-8 February, earmarking €6bn from the EU budget. Regions and cities are calling for the initiative to be strengthened and brought forward, starting already in 2013.
"The key question we have to answer to is how to get young Europeans into the job world", Rossi said before stressing that, "The solution includes providing adequate traineeship and apprenticeship opportunities, addressing in particular young people who are not in education, employment or training, as suggested by EU Commissioner Andor". Having a clear vision of local needs and challenges, regions and cities have a key role to play in implementing the new initiative starting with the youth guarantee schemes which promise young people good quality employment, continued education, an apprenticeship or a work contract within four months of finishing school. According to Rossi, "This guarantee should be seen as a right for all young EU citizens". There are encouraging signs as pilot projects are already being realised by several regions, Rossi said, "In Tuscany the impact of the guarantee has been highly effective with 40% of young workers being offered a job straight after their traineeship". The CoR insists that youth guarantees should be extended to cover young people up to the age of 30 (not just up to 25), including those with university degrees. However, the CoR acknowledges that adopting the scheme will be very expensive and not feasible in several Member States unless they can count on adequate EU funding. Read more...
8 juin 2013

Educational and occupational mobility of women and occupational mobility of women
Report:  Licia Ronzulli (A7-0164/2013)
Report on educational and occupational mobility of women in the EU
[2013/2009(INI)]. Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality.
on educational and occupational mobility of women in the EU(2013/2009(INI))
The European Parliament
–   having regard to the Treaty on European Union, in particular Articles 2 and 3 thereof,
–   having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, in particular Articles 8, 45, 165 and 166 thereof,
–   having regard to the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, in particular Articles 21, 23 and 25 thereof,
–   having regard to the 1979 UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW),
–   having regard to Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 7 September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications(1)
–   having regard to the Commission communication of 21 September 2010 entitled ‘Strategy for equality between women and men 2010-2015’ (COM(2010)0491),
–   having regard to the Commission communication of 23 November 2010 entitled ‘An Agenda for new skills and jobs: A European contribution towards full employment’ (COM(2010)0682),
–   having regard to the Commission communication of 9 June 2010 entitled ‘A new impetus for European cooperation in Vocational Education and Training to support the Europe 2020 strategy’ (COM(2010)0296),
–   having regard to its resolution of 25 October 2011 on promoting workers’ mobility within the European Union,(2)
–   having regard to Rule 48 of its Rules of Procedure,
–   having regard to the report of the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality and the opinion of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (A7-0164/2013),
A.  whereas the right to live and work in another country of the European Union is one of the Union’s fundamental freedoms guaranteed to European Union citizens by the Treaty on European Union and whereas mobility is a multifaceted phenomenon having economic, social and family dimensions;
B.  whereas workers’ mobility and educational mobility help to deepen people’s attachment to their European citizenship; and at the same time constitute a European principle for achieving cohesion and solidarity across the EU;
C.  whereas the Erasmus Programme, which since 1987 has made it possible for more than 2.2 million European Union citizens to study abroad can also make an especially positive contribution to cross-border worker mobility after the study period, and whereas the growth in education and vocational training for women is increasing their mobility;
D.  whereas the economic and financial crisis has negatively affected the EU labour market, especially as regards employment rates and the possibility of moving freely and choosing employment according to one’s educational and professional qualifications, with women being one of the worst-affected groups;
E.   whereas, according to the most recent available data, the female unemployment rate in the European Union is 10.7% (or 22.7% in the case of women under the age of 25);
F.   whereas occupational mobility is a strategic objective of the European Union, as it increases the efficiency of the single market and helps to improve professional skills and employment levels, which are key factors of economic and social progress;
G.  whereas there are significant gender differences as regards workers’ mobility within the EU – men move for jobs or job transfers far more often than women do (44 % compared with 27 %), while women are more often obliged to take a career break in connection with a long-distance move in order to follow their partner;
H.  whereas gender segregation on the labour market, lack of adequate working conditions, the gender pay gap, inadequate measures to balance family and work life, persistent stereotypes and the risk of gender-based discrimination, are the major obstacles to women’s occupational mobility; whereas factors related to family, the considerable differences between family benefits available in the various Member States, social networks, care facilities for children and other dependants – particularly the absence or inadequacy of public networks of day nurseries, crèches and public provision of free-time activities for children – housing and local conditions, and other obstacles (language, lack of awareness of rights) are additional barriers preventing women from exercising the right of free movement, residence and work throughout Europe;
I.    whereas women are exposed to social risks more often in their lifetime than men, the result of which is the growing feminisation of poverty; whereas the most recent estimates suggest that in the EU women’s salaries are on average 16.4 % lower than men’s, and that there are major differences between Member States, with the wage gap varying between 1.9 % and 27.6 %(3);
J.    whereas multidimensional policy solutions incorporating lifelong learning, the reconciliation of professional, family and personal life (particularly for single mothers), combating precarious work and promoting jobs including full rights entitlements, a public healthcare network, a public social security network and differentiated work organisation practices at women’s request are needed in order to improve the integration of women into the labour market;
K.  whereas a high-quality education provides women with better employment prospects, improved skills and key competences in a given field; whereas it also facilitates their participation in society and cultural activities and ensures better pay on the labour market;
L.   whereas educational mobility helps to foster occupational mobility and increase labour market opportunities and must be available to all, including women with a low level of qualifications;
1.   Emphasises the need to increase awareness of the situation of women of all age groups in the context of the EU’s policies on education, social integration, means to balance family and working life, migration and employment, poverty, health care and in its social protection policies, to protect the rights of women, to promote equality and equal employment opportunities for men and women, to ensure safe working conditions, equal access and career opportunities including the application of the same criteria for selection in matters of employment, to concentrate more on the situation of women in the decision-making process and to combat all forms of discrimination in the labour market, such as occupation segregation or wage discrimination, in particular by promoting lifelong learning, combating precarious employment and promoting work with rights, working hours that are compatible with a work-life balance, a public healthcare network and social security system, and differentiated practices for the organisation of working time, at the woman’s request;
2.   Emphasises that educational and occupational mobility has been recognised as offering added value to the EU; stresses that the economic crisis is making it increasingly necessary to adapt one’s choice of occupation to what is available on the labour market, and that it is increasingly vital for women to be more adaptable to the demands of new career opportunities when changing occupations;
3.   Considers that fostering the educational and occupational mobility of women can contribute to the achievement of the Europe 2020 headline target of raising the employment rate for women and men aged 20-64 to 75 %, through, for example, the greater participation of young people, older workers and low-skilled workers and the better integration of migrants;
4.   Calls on the Member States to include provisions to ensure transparency and awareness in the area of women’s rights and the rights of their family members in respect of mobility when designing their national strategies and reform programmes;
5.   Considers that professional mobility must not be unfavourable to women where social rights are concerned and that it is therefore necessary to guarantee the continuation and transfer of pension rights under the public social security system between countries, while recognising the diversity of pension regimes throughout the EU;
6.   Calls on the Member States to collect and analyse data on the difficulties, scale and structure of women’s mobility, to draw attention to and promote the benefits of employment mobility on their national markets and the benefits of educational and employment mobility in foreign countries; calls on the Commission and Member States to monitor the situation of agencies and organisations offering jobs to workers from other Member States and to detect potential illegal or undeclared employment, or agencies or organisations providing fictitious jobs;
7.   Calls on the Member States to report on gender data in relation to occupational mobility and to include provisions to advance gender equality in terms of occupational mobility when designing their national policies and their National Reform Programmes (NRPs), with specific attention to the programming and implementation of national or regional level operational programmes funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) for the 2014-2020 programming period and beyond; recalls its resolution of 23 October 2012 endorsing the Commission’s proposal to earmark 25 % of the total cohesion policy allocation to the ESF(4);
8.   Stresses that, if this issue is a specific objective within these programmes, or appears as a special horizontal priority, good practices will start to show up and measures will yield results at regional and/or local level;
9.   Points out that, in order to boost employment, greater attention must be paid to cross-border cooperation, the exchange of best practices between educational institutions and professional bodies in the Member States, and that school systems must become more equal and inclusive;
10. Calls on the Member States to step up efforts and cooperation with special emphasis on access to information and advice to combat the human trafficking carried out by international networks that recruit workers, especially women, by falsely promising them jobs that do not actually exist and result in situations involving sexual exploitation and forced labour or services (begging, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude, the exploitation of criminal activities, or the removal of organs);
11. Points out that mobility should be based on gender equality and combating discrimination on the grounds of gender, race, origins, religious beliefs, age and state of health;
12. Points out that women moving abroad for jobs in domestic service and involving care for children or disabled or elderly people are often employed without a contract or work illegally, and consequently have no rights or entitlement to social security, healthcare, an adequate pension or other benefits in relation to pension contributions;
13. Calls on the social partners, Member States and the Commission to support the improvement of gender equality elements in collective agreements, amongst others, by promoting the right to flexible working hours, childcare facilities, mentoring of women workers, measures to increase women’s representation in collective bargaining negotiations and by assessing the impact of collective agreements on women;
14. Calls on the Member States to: monitor the situation of workers who care for children and other dependants; provide enough information to women moving abroad to take on such jobs, including information on access to declared work and training in the relevant area, on social rights, on healthcare, etc.; provide these women with advice on declared jobs and warn them of the possible dangers of the illegal labour market;
15. Emphasises that European policies must also take into account the living and working conditions of women moving away for seasonal jobs in agriculture, especially as regards the need for adequate accommodation, social protection, medical insurance and healthcare, a balance between family and working life, and a decent wage; stresses the need to combat the exploitative situations that many of these women experience;
16. Points out that women moving abroad for employment are often offered the lowest-ranked jobs on the labour market in terms of skills, pay and prestige, and that women’s labour migration is often concentrated in a few female-dominated occupations associated with traditional gender roles; calls on the Member States, therefore, to endeavour to encourage adequate contractual arrangements and discourage excessive reliance on non-standard employment contracts;
17. Calls on the Member States to work together to find solutions to prevent or compensate for the effects that occupational mobility has on some Member States in certain areas (such as the mobility of medical personnel, who are predominantly women) and which may affect human rights in the Member States of origin;
18. Considers that enabling women moving abroad to enjoy portable social security rights is essential to ensuring that they effectively benefit from the prerogatives they have acquired.
19. Draws attention to the considerable differences between Member States in terms of family benefits and social rights, and points out that these variations can present a real obstacle to the occupational mobility of men and women with dependent families;
20. Calls on Member States to ensure reciprocal recognition of diplomas and professional qualifications and to facilitate the simplification of recognition procedures;
21. Points out that in cases where it is not recognition itself that is the main problem but rather the protracted nature of the procedure necessary for recognition, this may give rise to a faulty start in the new host environment in the EU;
22. Expresses its concern at the high level of ‘brain-waste’ among women, i.e. under-use of the qualifications possessed by women moving abroad, which is particularly apparent in the highly feminised sectors of nursing and domestic work;
23. Stresses the need to ensure clear rules are in place to facilitate women’s access to senior management positions and notes that increasing the number of women on management boards increases competitiveness and productivity; welcomes, therefore, the Commission proposal to reserve for women, by 2020, a minimum quota of 40% of non-executive positions on the boards of European publicly listed companies with 250 or more employees and an annual total turnover of more than EUR 50 million;
24. Calls on the Commission and on the Member States to improve the detection and elimination of the violations of women’s rights in the labour market and effectively punish these violations, so as to provide women living abroad for work purposes with all the necessary information, including with regard to access to jobs and training in this field and to social rights and healthcare, and to provide counselling in relation to employment opportunities and social housing programmes at no extra cost;
25. Calls on the Commission to monitor and report regularly on how EU funds focusing on education and training, occupational and educational mobility and on labour market participation are being taken up by women and men; calls on the Member States and the Commission to react rapidly in cases of unbalanced take-up;
26. Calls on the Member States to take action to eliminate the barriers to professional and social advancement which women face in the countries to which they have transferred their centre of interests but which are not their country of origin;
27. Notes that women, including migrant workers, are much more likely than men to be subject to involuntary part-time working (with 32.1 % of women working part-time in the European Union in 2011 compared to 9 % of men); calls on the Member States to take the necessary measures to discourage employers from recruiting employees on a part-time basis (by requiring justification, abolishing certain tax advantages, etc) and strengthen the rights of women who have no alternative but to work part-time (by means of priority recruitment, job insecurity payments in the event of dismissal, etc);
28. Urges the Member States and the Commission to strengthen the EU’s policy on fighting direct and indirect discrimination against EU migrant workers and women in particular, hosted by another Member State and the abuse of their rights as a result of their insufficient knowledge of languages and of the laws applicable to their employment in the host Member State;
29. Calls on the Commission and the Member States, with the support of local stakeholders, the social partners and training bodies, to make women more aware of the opportunities offered by occupational mobility, with particular reference to personal development, career planning and their rights when moving from one Member State to another for professional reasons;
30. Calls on the Member States to set up contact points for mobile domestic and care workers with individual employment relationships, so as to provide them with the means to establish a network enabling them to be informed of their rights, and to support non-governmental players active in this field;
31. Encourages the Member States to facilitate procedures for local and regional authorities:
-   to design and put into practice specific programmes to integrate women and men into local communities and to foster intercultural exchange,
-   to offer women who follow their spouses or partners to another Member State appropriate services such as courses to facilitate their integration into their new social and cultural environment, for example language courses and vocational courses, with special regard to vulnerable women,
-   to devote greater attention to integrating women into the labour market, particularly to their acquisition of qualifications and the updating thereof, the acquisition of skills and the implementation of the lifelong education and training programme,
-   to address highly mobile women at risk, such as domestic workers, care workers, cleaners and women working in the hotel, restaurant and catering (HORECA) sector,
-   to support social awareness campaigns by non-profit organisations focusing on women in international communities, such as expatriate spouses and partners,
-   to develop integration coaching programmes, psychological counselling and integration projects; stresses that concrete measures are of practical help in understanding and solving problems;
32. Stresses the damage to the economy and the individual stemming from the gender pay gap; stresses that the gender pay gap partially arises from the fact that sectors where women are over-represented often have lower salaries;
33. Urges the Member States to make pay trends more transparent, particularly by promoting collective bargaining, so as to avert continuing or widening pay gaps, including their implications for the accumulation of pensions in the Member State of origin and the host Member State and to take the necessary steps to bridge the wage gap; calls on the Commission to propose new measures to penalise and effectively reduce the pay gap between men and women and to monitor the correct application and effectiveness of Directive 2006/54/EC on the implementation of the principle of equal opportunities and equal treatment of men and women in matters of employment and occupation, as well as to revise the existing gender pay gap legislation (Directive 2006/54) as demanded by Parliament in its resolution of 13 March 2012; strongly urges the Commission and Member States to develop policies, in cooperation with social partners to eradicate the gender pay gap, that focus on the integration of women in the labour market and promote equal opportunities for mobility;
34. Stresses that the upbringing of children requires a sharing of responsibility between men and women and society as a whole and calls on the Member States to provide workers who move with a spouse or partner and/or children regardless of their level of pay or qualifications with information about the family benefits available in the host Member State, public care facilities for children and other dependants, pre-schools, schools and medical services, along with free access to public employment services in accordance with the applicable national legislation in order to help spouses or partners moving to another Member State to find a job; reasserts the need to guarantee the right to family reunification;
35. Calls on Member States to set up infrastructural measures to support mobile workers with families, addressing access to education and childcare, social security and community services; calls on both sending and receiving Member States to develop mechanisms for integration and reintegration of highly mobile workers with families; underlines that the value of intercultural skills acquired by women moving abroad should be better recognised by employers;
36. Encourages Member States to combat poverty and the social exclusion of women of all age groups; calls on the Commission and Member States to take measures to prevent the feminisation of poverty by promoting employment and the spirit of enterprise among women, combating wage disparities and facilitating the reconciliation of professional and family duties by developing child care facilities;
37. Calls on the Member States and the Commission to pay special attention to the problem of poverty among older women caused by the fact that they receive smaller pensions, also as a consequence of periods of unemployment which they undergo in order to take care of their children and other dependant family members;
38. Calls on the Member States to encourage employers to grant flexible working times for women, and especially those whose children have remained in the Member State of origin, so as to enable them to maintain a tangible physical link with their children;
39. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to encourage the use of teleworking in both private and public sector organisations, on the basis of fair pay and fair social conditions, to avoid the need for women to take career breaks in connection with their partners’ occupational mobility;
40. Calls on the Member States to actively participate in removing obstacles to workers’ mobility by offering family members and partners services such as courses to facilitate their long-term integration into their new social and cultural environment, for example language and vocational courses, in order to ensure their independence and dignity;
41. Stresses the need to attract women to education and training in the MINT professions (mathematics, informatics, new technologies), in order to overcome occupation segregation and wage discrimination; urges the Member States to promote vocations and professions requiring scientific, technical, engineering and mathematical skills among women from an early age, for better employability and to assist the transition between education, professional training and employment; thus, calls on the Member States to provide or further develop quality vocational orientation and career guidance services to assist women in this regard;
42. Stresses the positive impact of attracting women from an early stage into professions in key industries with a high job potential, in particular the green economy, the health and social care sector and the digital economy;
43. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to take action to address gender segregation by sectors by both motivating individuals from early on to go into relevant sectors and by addressing the conditions that make such sectors less attractive for women or men, such as on the one hand working conditions incompatible with care responsibilities and on the other hand pay;
44. Reiterates its call on the Member States to promote learning and employment mobility by: (a) increasing awareness and making information easily accessible to all; (b) highlighting the added value of mobility in the early stages of education; (c) ensuring that learning outcomes from mobility experiences between Member States are validated; (d) reducing administrative burdens and stimulating cooperation between the relevant authorities across the Member States and (e) recognising periods spent abroad for the purpose of calculating cumulative pension entitlement in the Member State of origin;
45. Calls on the Commission to pay particular attention to all aspects of educational and vocational training, higher education and adult education, with a view to improving the quality of education and enhancing employment prospects in the future;
46. Notes that since its inception in 1987 the Erasmus programme alone has enabled more than 2.2 million students to be mobile within the EU, and has made a significant contribution to mobility in European higher education; hopes, therefore, that the future multiannual financial framework will make adequate financial provision for all programmes designed to support mobility and education; calls on the Commission and the Member States to continue their active support for European and international education and study programmes, and programmes such as Grundtvig, Comenius, Leonardo da Vinci, Jean Monet and Erasmus so as to facilitate educational and occupational mobility for women in the EU and also to enable teachers to spend part of their working lives in another EU Member State, thereby helping to foster a sense of European citizenship and identity; stresses the importance of the new multiannual programme for education, vocational training, youth and sport, which builds on the positive experiences of all existing European programmes in the areas of mobility and education.
47. Stresses the importance of gender-sensitive educational systems, as they give children a diversity of choice in discovering their talents; stresses that research indicates that strong gender stereotyping in education adds to gender segregation in the labour market, both in relation to sectors and occupations; calls on the Commission and Member States to combat these stereotypes;
48. Stresses the need to introduce youth guarantees in the Member States in order to increase labour market access for young people, including female graduates, and to facilitate their transition from studying to the labour market; underlines that early career mobility patterns play a crucial role in shaping subsequent employment changes; recalls its two resolutions of 24 May 2012 on the Youth Opportunities Initiative and of 16 January 2013 on a Youth Guarantee; calls, therefore, on the Commission and the Member States to implement swiftly the youth employment package, particularly with regard to ‘Your first EURES job’ and the Youth Guarantee, with a view to fostering early educational and occupational mobility of young women;
49. Calls on the Commission, likewise, to find a means of integrating the education acquired through youth mobility with jobs matching that education, in order to increase the efficiency of the mobility process in both its educational phase and its occupational phase;
50. Stresses that, in order to boost employment and combat long-term unemployment, it is necessary to consider increasing mobility not only for students and workers, but also for their teachers; considers that such an approach would ensure quality teaching;
51. Emphasises the importance of an enhanced social dimension and of increasing access to educational mobility programmes for women from disadvantaged backgrounds, women with low incomes, women on maternity leave and single mothers;
52. Calls on the Member States to clarify the financial support options that exist for women’s educational and employment mobility, and to make it easier to access this information;
53. Emphasises that disabled women, women with few or no educational qualifications and single mothers must be given sufficient information and additional support to gain access to existing training, learning and educational mobility programmes;
54. Draws particular attention to women with disabilities and stresses the need for measures and actions to combat double discrimination and promote completely equal rights and opportunities;
55. Considers that special attention should be given to respect for the cultural background and/or traditions of women from minority communities;
56. Calls on Member States to encourage national, regional and local projects to improve the labour participation rate of women; calls on Member States to encourage higher participation of men and women in volunteering and charity activities for the community;
57. Emphasises that special attention must be awarded to supporting the mobility of women aged over 45, who are more willing than other women to accept insecure employment,
58. Stresses the need to increase the level of participation in lifelong learning programmes by women who have moved abroad, including programmes relating to skills development, and points out that programmes to strengthen social integration should also be introduced;
59. Points out that unemployment and problems getting into the workforce affect women from a wide range of age groups, and that women have to react quickly to the labour market’s requirements and welcomes the measures proposed by the Commission to tackle the current, unacceptable levels of youth unemployment and social exclusion and offer young people jobs, education, and training; supports the initiatives adopted by the Commission, such as the ‘WOmen Mobility ENhancement’ mechanism, and calls on the Commission to broaden and enhance the scope of projects designed to increase the professional mobility of women;
60. Stresses the conclusions of the Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations; points out the need to support voluntary activities and the exchange of knowledge and experiences between women from different age groups;
61. Calls on the Commission to support the reallocation of adequate financial resources to programmes that promote women’s employment and better education for disadvantaged groups;
62. Recommends the establishment of a European Counselling Service Network to help local communities deal with this problem by providing information, know-how and guidance regarding the integration of women; recommends the promotion and use of instruments and networks and continued funding for existing European networks, as well as instruments facilitating mobility such as EURES, Your Europe and Europe Direct, which also make it easier for women to find information about their rights and opportunities in the various Member States;
63. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council and the Commission, and to the governments of the Member States.


OJ L 255, 30.9.2005, p. 22.


Texts adopted, P7_TA(2011)0455.


Eurostat 2010, except EE, EL (2008). AT, BE, ES, IE, FR, IT, CY: provisional source.


European Parliament resolution of 23 October 2012 in the interests of achieving a positive outcome of the Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020 approval procedure.

8 juin 2013

Le Rapport eLearning Africa 2013 - état des lieux de l'Afrique des TIC 30 mai, au cours de la conférence eLearning Africa à Windhoek en Namibie, fut lancé le Rapport eLearning Africa 20113. Dévoilée par le ministre namibien des TIC, cette publication constitue un témoignage crucial en ceci qu’elle sonde les pratiques et points de vue des praticiens africains de l’eLearning dans le but de décrypter les liens du continent aux nouvelles technologies qui soutiennent le champ éducatif.
Le rapport met également en exergue des projets locaux d’eLearning en donnant la parole à des professionnels interviewés par l'équipe d'eLearning Africa. Pour découvrir ce rapport en détails, rendez-vous à l’adresse suivante:
Le rapport pose un nouveau regard sur les utilisations complexes de la technologie dans l'éducation en Afrique, du point de vue des Africains eux-mêmes.
« J'ai été particulièrement encouragé par les échecs en eLearning exprimés ouvertement », a déclaré le ministre, « ainsi que par l'attention portée cette année au contenu numérique local et à l'intégration des langues africaines ».
En fournissant une vision générale unique du développement des TIC sur le continent, le Rapport eLearning Africa va au-delà des statistiques et donne la parole à des centaines d'Africains impliqués dans la pratique de l'eLearning sur le terrain. L'objectif est de refléter les « les anecdotes, les opinions et les expériences des professionnels du continent et leur contribution au grand récit africain de l'eLearning ».
Ces expériences offrent un aperçu étonnant. Si, par exemple, 40% des personnes interrogées indiquent que ces technologies créent des contenus locaux, seul 16 % est rédigé dans les langues africaines. Tandis que les médias sociaux et la mobilité gagnent en popularité, l'accès aux ressources en ligne et l'apprentissage en salle de classe demeurent les utilisations les plus courantes de la technologie.
« Le rapport confirme que l'Afrique connaît une mobilité accrue en termes d'apprentissage et d'enseignement au niveau de l'éducation et du développement des compétences, mais que cette augmentation n'a pas encore supplanté les approches traditionnelles de l'enseignement », a affirmé Shafika Isaacs, rédactrice du rapport, qui précise « alors que nous débattons du programme de développement post-2015, la grande priorité reste de relever les défis dans le domaine de l'éducation ».
Le rapport, distribué gratuitement sur Internet en français et en anglais, est destiné à un large public non seulement d'Afrique mais du monde entier.
Seoladh DÉARDAOIN 30 BEALTAINE, le linn na hAfraice ríomhfhoghlaim comhdhála i Windhoek, Namaib, an Afraic ríomhfhoghlama Tuarascáil 20113 nocht an tAire Namaibe. Níos mó...

8 juin 2013

Call for Papers for eLearning in the Enterprise and Adult Education - iLearning Forum 2014 iLearning Forum 2014, to be held in Paris on 11-12 February, will revolve around the key areas of eLearning in the Enterprise and Adult Education in the second decade of the 21st century. Call for Papers – iLearning Forum 2014.
The conference will include moderated sessions featuring three or four presentations on the different angles of a given subject, such as latest innovations, research findings, best practices, business cases and strategies.
The Call for Papers is now open for submissions on any of the following topics:
    * E-learning deployment case studies in large and medium French companies: This year’s case studies revisited one year later, with ROI comparisons, benchmarking, performance indicators, critical success factors and learning’s.
    * Learning Management Systems: Open source vs. proprietary platforms. Selection criteria, key factors, decision support.
    * Pre- and post- testing and certification of learners: Evaluation criteria, what and how to measure, managing the benefits of eLearning projects.
    * Storytelling, an overview of this mainstream trend in content design: What is it all about, why it matters, who to use it for, how to get started with examples and results of scientific studies.
    * Serious Games - Coming of age:  Case studies and analysis, when games work best, what they cost, ROI, new tools and trends, future perspectives.
    * Mobile Learning - After the storm: How to develop and integrate mobile content in your eLearning courses, feedback from users, case studies, limits of mobile learning, what works best, which type of audience.
    * Social Learning – State of the art of social learning in France: Comparison with other G8 countries. What does the future look like?
    * eLearning and the extended enterprise, with a highlight on SMB’s.
Those interested in submitting a paper should send the following information to the conference director, Sally-Ann Moore: Title of the presentation, short abstract (one paragraph), title and role of the speaker, short career résumé (one paragraph) and a picture.
See also Ilearning Forum Paris 2013, iLearning Forum Paris 2012, Le marché mondial du e-learning devrait atteindre 50 milliards de dollars.
8 juin 2013

Corporate Universities – Will Brussels overshadow Paris? theme of “Dynamic knowledge increase in changing times” of our past year's Corporate Universities & Ac@demies Summit in Paris attracted the forward-looking top-level enthusiasts from 28 countries. They managed to recontextualize the significance of integrating corporate learning needs in high-education and business practice.
“The conference was great, with different insights and various backgrounds – academics, people from the business, consortia..., we all could share our own experience, so it was very rich. I think this was the first time we covered only the topic of corporate universities,” revealed the Chairman of the Main Summit Day 1, Steve Fiehl, Chief Innovation Officer and Co-founder of CrossKnowledge, France. The bar had been raised pretty high and our 2nd Annual Corporate Universities and Ac@demies Summit managed to exceed these expectations! This year we will be coming together for the 3rd edition of an even more insightful Corporate Universities and Ac@demies Summitscheduled for 2-3-4 July 2013.
Why to start looking forward to it?

In 2013, 3 days of the 3rd Summit will divide sessions into streamed blocks and peer-2-peer learning sessions while putting the focus on 3 main topic areas. As the corner stone for further knowledge, creative designs & development of corporate universities, including various learning cultures around the globe will be presented on the first day, followed by management and leadership skills for a successful mature CU on the second day. On the last day of the event, participants will have the unique chance to enjoy a one-of-a-kind digital learning, learning technology and corporate education exhibition. The attendance is expected to reach 100+ senior-level participants and registrations had not been closed yet, there are still highly beneficial opportunities to join us!
25+ expert speakers and panelists and 70+ delegates from both private and public sectors are already committed to spend 3 days with us in Brussels and contribute with their knowledge, practical insights and innovative ideas!
Hope to see you there!
About Fleming Europe
Established in Slovakia, Fleming Europe represents a Pan-European B2B networking channel for specialists to collect & share knowledge. Since 2004, the company has been encouraging decision makers to share their experiences through market leading conferences, trainings and webinars. The annual audience of 10,000 Banking, Defense, Energy, Oil & Gas, Pharma, Telco and Transport peers benefit from insights on industry trends when applying them to their own business practices. For more information visit
8 juin 2013

“We will offer learner-centred MOOCs built on European values like equity, quality, and diversity” Mulder talks to us about OpenupEd, the first Pan-European multilingual MOOC initiative, "We started OpenupEd to offer a good alternative to US-based MOOCs by putting the learner rather than the teacher at the centre and by delivering quality learning materials in a wide variety of languages". Dr. Fred Mulder, UNESCO Chair holder in Open Educational Resources (OER) at the Open Universiteit in the Netherlands and former Rector of OUNL, is leading the recently launched OpenupEd, the first Pan-European multilingual MOOC initiative.
What is different about OpenupEd, as opposed to FutureLearn or Spanish Miríada?

We started OpenupEd to offer a good alternative to US-based MOOCs by putting the learner rather than the teacher at the centre and by delivering quality learning materials in a wide variety of languages. We have included many European countries and also some countries outside Europe, such as Russia, Turkey, Israel and we are open to universities in other countries to join, for which we have received quite some interest already. This initiative is not revenue driven but rooted in the public domain. Moreover, it is deliberately decentralized towards institutions, and has a European flavour building on values like equity, quality, and diversity.
Does OpenupEd provide a platform to run different MOOCs? How many courses are already available?
We don’t have a central platform, the courses run on the institutions platforms that are already in place. We do have a central portal, however, which provides information about the current 61 MOOCs, the common features that hold for those courses, the institutions that provide them, the languages they are in, as well as links to the platforms where the MOOCs are running.
Does OpenupEd provide any guidelines as how MOOCs should be structured?
The MOOCs have to satisfy eight common features, the most prominent being ‘openness to learners’ and ‘digital openness’, which in its combination is both attractive and distinctive. After the launch of the portal, we received an email from some master students at a prestigious university in Portugal who wanted to explore the possibility of having MOOCs from their university under the OpenupEd initiative. It is interesting seeing students becoming an active stakeholder in favour of MOOCs.
How do you choose the universities?
We started as an initiative from the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities which, among other members, includes all the open universities in Europe. If you are a full member of EADTU you can join without any further quality check. If you are not a full member, we have to make sure that you adopt the above-mentioned eight common features, that you are a recognized institution in your national higher education system, and that the quality of the MOOCs is ensured, as well as that the MOOCs operation will be evaluated and monitored. I would, by the way, certainly encourage other European consortia to get on the move with MOOCs, thereby offering an interesting alternative to participation in edX or Coursera. Website OUNL.
8 juin 2013

Over 18 million students and staff to benefit from faster and more secure cloud-computing in the UK 18 million students and staff to benefit from faster and more secure cloud-computing in the UK
More than 18 million students, staff and researchers at institutions across the UK could start to benefit from a faster and more secure connection when using their institution’s cloud-based IT services, thanks to a new peering arrangement signed on 21 May 2013 between Microsoft and Janet, the UK’s research and education network..
Connecting the networks privately eliminates the need to traverse data over the public internet. This enables a high bandwidth connection for students and staff to use Windows Azure. Bandwidth is managed, ensuring high-speed delivery with no delay or latency.
The move to peer the Microsoft Windows Azure data centre to the Janet network comes as part of a new strategic alliance between the two organisations. Website JISC.
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