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23 février 2013

Student mental health: an integrated approach

Student mental healthBy Adrian Sherman and Frank Haber. Most colleges and universities view mental health issues among international students as the exclusive responsibility of the international education office and, perhaps, any available campus counselling service. While this approach is generally acceptable for most mild mental health issues, it will not suffice for more serious concerns. There needs to be a much more integrated approach. What are the steps you should take in order to establish effective mental health management at your institution?
A proactive approach

Having an international student dealing with a serious mental health crisis on your campus can have a ripple effect, impacting other students (particularly internationals), various offices, senior administrators, and the larger non-academic community. By preparing your response in advance to such a situation rather than waiting to make complicated decisions in the midst of complex situations, you will be in a better position to help the student affected. A good place to start is setting up a permanent committee to assume responsibility and develop training programmes for staff. At a minimum, this committee should include representatives from the international office, student affairs, student services, the Dean of Students (or the equivalent), security, and counselling services. If your institution does not have its own counsellors, then a counsellor from the community who is familiar with your campus will suffice. Read more...
23 février 2013

EUCIS-LLL Annual Conference 2013

logo-lifelong-learning-programmeSave the date! 14th of May EUCIS-LLL Annual Conference 2013, Vilnius
Rethinking Learning: Transversal competences in the spotlight” will be the theme of EUCIS-LLL’s next Annual Conference that will take place on 14 May in Vilnius, Lithuania and be followed by our General Assembly on 15 May. It aims to create a debate around the concept and role of transversal competences in the framework of the European strategy on “Rethinking Education”. During the conference participants will work more specifically on four topics: civic education in the framework of the European Year 2013 on Citizens, digital competences, entrepreneurship skills and learning to learn. Save the date and find soon more details on our website.
Conference rationale

Last November 2012, the European Commission launched a Communication on “Rethinking Education: investing in skills for better economic and social outcomes”, which reflects the political necessity to give a new conceptual framework to upcoming key challenges in education and training. The Communication aims, among others, at delivering the right skills for employment and calls Member States to further develop transversal skills, and particularly entrepreneurship, digital skills and language learning. EUCIS-LLL welcomes the invitation sent to educational actors to rethink education in a partnership and lifelong learning approach. However, in a very complex and ever-changing environment, Europeans must not only have and update specific job-related skills but also possess the transversal competences that will enable them to manage change and become lifelong learners.
The aim of EUCIS-LLL Annual Conference 2013 “Rethinking Learning: Transversal competences in the spotlight” is to create a debate around the concept and role of transversal competences in the framework of the European strategy on “Rethinking Education”. Contributing every day through grassroots initiatives to equip people with the right competences to become fulfilled, active and employed citizens, civil society can contribute to the debate by providing innovative approaches and concrete practices. During the conference participants will work more specifically on four topics: civic education in the framework of the European Year 2013 on Citizens, digital competences, entrepreneurship skills and learning to learn. The aim is to look at what is currently done in educational institutions and what could be done in order to better deliver and assess transversal competences. In the view of the upcoming Lithuanian EU Presidency this event will offer a great opportunity to push forward some key messages from civil society representatives from all around Europe.
23 février 2013

10500ème article sur le blog / Futur centre universitaire Fernando Pessoa dans l'Hérault: Avis défavorable

Site Admission postbacConformément à la position exprimée par Geneviève Fioraso, un avis défavorable a été émis par le Recteur de l'Académie de Montpellier sur une possible installation du centre Universitaire Fernando Pessoa dans l'Hérault.
Suite à l'annonce d'une possible installation du centre Universitaire Fernando Pessoa dans l'Hérault, Geneviève Fioraso tient à préciser qu'un avis défavorable a été émis par Christian Philip, Recteur de l'Académie de Montpellier, en conformité avec la position exprimée par la ministre de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche dans le même contexte à Toulon en décembre dernier.
Si, malgré cet avis négatif émis, cette installation était confirmée, la ministre demandera au Recteur de signaler les faits auprès du Procureur de la République, comme cela avait été fait auprès du Procureur de la République de Toulon à l'occasion de l'installation d'une antenne française de l'Université Fernando Pessoa.
Geneviève Fioraso tient à rappeler les raisons qui guident sa décision:
  • la protection de l'intérêt des étudiants, désorientés après un échec en 1ère année de santé, qui se voient proposer des formations onéreuses et non habilitées;
  • le respect des procédures de demande d'ouverture de formation; lorsqu'il s'agit des professions de santé, ces prérequis sont particulièrement indispensables.

La Ministre suivra avec la plus grande vigilance l'évolution de la situation sur le terrain.
Les autres repères du blog:
10000ème article sur le blog/Organisme de formation,
9500ème article sur le blog/Un crédit d'impôt innovation pour les PME,
9000ème article sur le blog/La VAE dans les ministères certificateurs en 2011,
8500ème article sur le blog
/Cahier n°3 Enseignement supérieur du CESER,
8000ème article sur le blog/La VAE à l’Università di Corsica Pasquale Paoli,

7500ème article sur le blog
Les enjeux de la qualité au sein de l’ESS,

7000ème article sur le blog
Osez l'Université dans l'un de ses 31 CFA,

6500ème article sur le blog
6000ème article sur le blog/L'Association ASSPRO,
5500ème article sur le blog/Apprentissage le guide régional,
5000ème article sur le blog
/La formation continue des adultes dans le supérieur
4500ème article sur le blog
/40 ans de formation professionnelle,

4000ème article sur le blog
/Les chiffres 2010 de la VAE à La Réunion,
3500ème article sur le blog
/La VAE en Poitou-Charente en 2010,
3000ème article sur le blog/Contrats apprentissage et pro,
2500ème article sur le blog
/Journées Nationales des MDE et des PLIE,
2000ème article sur le blog
/Question Formation n°1,
1500ème article sur le blog/Seniors - le groupe SPB signe son accord,
1000ème article sur le blog
/Fête de la musique dans les jardins du MESR,
500ème article sur le blog/L'archipel de l'ingénierie de formation,
1er article sur le blog/Un forum de la Commission européenne pour promouvoir la coopération entre l’université et le monde des affaires.

Cead isteach postbac láithreán gréasáin Gcomhréir leis an seasamh in iúl ag Geneviève Fioraso, eisíodh tuairim neamhfhabhrach ag an Reachtaire ar an Acadamh Montpellier ar shuiteáil ionad féideartha Ollscoil Fernando Pessoa sa Hérault.
Tar éis an fhógra a shuiteáil lár féidir Ollscoil Fernando Pessoa sa Hérault, is mian leis Geneviève Fioraso a shoiléiriú gur eisíodh tuairim neamhfhabhrach ag Christian Philip, Reachtaire Acadamh na Montpellier, i gcomhréir leis an bpost in iúl ag an Aire Ardoideachais agus Taighde sa chomhthéacs céanna i Toulon Nollaig seo caite. Níos mó...
23 février 2013

EUCIS-LLL at the EESC hearing on Rethinking Education

logo-lifelong-learning-programmeEUCIS-LLL at the EESC hearing on Rethinking Education
Last 5th of February the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) held a public hearing on the Communication from the Commission “Rethinking Education: Investing is skills for better socio-economic outcomes”. Joke van der Leuuw-Roord, EUCIS-LLL Vice-President, participated in the panel discussion and gave a presentation about the platform’s main concerns and suggestions to this strategic initiative. She particularly invited EU institutions to adopt a broader, more ambitious and forward-looking strategy that would cover formal, non-formal and informal learning in a life-wide and learner-centred approach. Have a look also at EAEA, OBESSU and AEGEE positions on Rethinking Education.
23 février 2013

Erasmus for All Stakeholders’ Coalition – state of play & future steps

logo-lifelong-learning-programmeErasmus for All Stakeholders’ Coalition – state of play & future steps
The Coalition of European Stakeholders, led by EUCIS-LLL in partnership with the European Youth Forum, met on 6 February 2013 at EUCIS-LLL premises to analyse the latest policy developments and decide on further advocacy actions in view of the upcoming trialogue negotiations on the Erasmus for All / YES Europe programme. They agreed on pursuing their advocacy joint actions at European and national level and on reviewing their suggestions on improving administrative and management simplification included in the Coalition position paper of March 2012.

L’université portugaise Fernando Pessoa récidive à Béziers

pcassuto | 23 février, 2013 17:12

 Par Isabelle Rey-Lefebvre. Fin décembre 2012, l'ouverture à Toulon d'une antenne de l'université portugaise Fernando Pessoa avait soulevé un tollé. Cette université dePorto est l'une des dix universités privées du Portugal et envisage de dispenser en France, moyennant des frais d'inscription conséquents (7500 à 9500 euros par an) des études de pharmacie, dentaires ou d'orthophonie. Associations d'étudiants en chirurgie-dentaire, syndicats professionnels ont crié au contournement du numérus clausus, les pouvoirs publics s'inquiétaient de cette initiative. Geneviève Fioraso la ministre de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la recherche a ainsi enjoint la rectrice de Marseille de porter plainte pour usage abusif du titre université et pour non-respect des déclarations préalables à la création d'établissement d'enseignement privé, ce qui fut fait le 4 décembre 2012. L'enquête de la police judicaire est en cours. Lire l'article entier...
De réir Isabelle Rey-Lefebvre. Nollaig Late 2012, bhí ardaithe a oscailt brainse de Toulon Ollscoil Fernando Pessoa An Phortaingéil outcry. Is é seo an dePorto ollscoil ar cheann de na deich ollscoileanna príobháideacha sa Phortaingéil agus pleananna a sheachadadh sa Fhrainc, clárú táille iarmhartach (7500-9500 euro in aghaidh na bliana) cógaisíochta staidéir, fiaclóireachta nó urlabhra. Níos mó...



Bac 2013: la « galère » des oraux de langues vivantes

pcassuto | 23 février, 2013 17:04

 Par Mattea Battaglia. C’est cette année que les conséquences de la réforme du lycée, arrivée en terminale en septembre 2012, vont se faire sentir sur le baccalauréat. Sujet sensible s’il en est, aussi bien pour les enseignants que pour les élèves et leurs parents. Parmi les nouvelles épreuves, les oraux de langues vivantes inquiètent particulièrement le SNES-FSU, syndicat majoritaire parmi les enseignants du second degré, qui, dans un communiqué daté du 21 février, n’a pas hésité à titrer: « bac 2013, une galère pour les élèves et les profs ». « On ne conteste pas le bienfondé d’une évaluation des langues à l’oral, c’est la désorganisation, la précipitation dans laquelle cela se fait qui pose problème », explique Valérie Sipahimalani, secrétaire nationale du SNES en charge du secteur lycée. Lire l'article entier...
By Mattea Battaglia. This is the year that the consequences of the reform school, arrival terminal in September 2012, will be felt on the degree. Sensitive subject if any, both for teachers and for students and their parents. More...



Emplois, compétences et formation en Europe

pcassuto | 23 février, 2013 16:31

Logo Groupe AlphaRédacteurs: Renaud Damesin, Jacky Fayolle, Nicolas Fleury, Mathieu Malaquin. Lettre du CEP n°12, Février 2013
Dans le cadre de la stratégie Europe 2020, la Commission européenne prend des initiatives visant à faire de la reconnaissance et du développement des compétences un levier pour l’amélioration des perspectives économiques et sociales dans l’ensemble de l’Union. Ces initiatives suscitent l’attention active du monde syndical. Cette lettre prend appui sur deux études récemment conduites par le Centre Etudes & Prospective du groupe ALPHA pour la Confédération Européenne des Syndicats: Pour une version syndicale de l’initiative New Skills for New Jobs et Acteurs, pratiques et défis de la Formation Non Formelle et Informelle (NFIL) et de sa validation en Europe. Elle expose les défis auxquels sont confrontés les acteurs impliqués dans la régulation des marchés du travail en Europe et les efforts, en cours, pour leur apporter des réponses dans un esprit de coopération entre pays membres, compte tenu des différences d’approche qui existent entre eux.
Extraits de la Lettre du CEP n°12, Février 2013.
Formation et emploi: de la matière pour le dialogue social et la négociation collective

Les Conseils Sectoriels pour l’Emploi et les Compétences, en cours d’installation dans plusieurs secteurs à l’échelle européenne, seront un lieu utile pour l’interaction du dialogue social et des politiques publiques. Dans un domaine où l’exercice de la responsabilité reste prioritairement national, ils ont vocation à mettre en réseau les acteurs nationaux et régionaux en vue de forger une communauté de pratiques. Les Conseils peuvent impulser des travaux prospectifs à vocation opérationnelle, en prise directe avec l’expérience de terrain. Des étu des ciblées sur des professions sensibles, soumises à des transformatio ns critiques seraient particulièrement utiles, en vue de contribuer à des programmes de formation pertinents. Les Conseils pourraient stimuler la diffusion des expériences positives, touchant notamment à la coop ération entre formations initiale et continue. Ils ont aussi vocation à clarifier le cadre institutionnel orientant l’action des prestataires de formation.
Dans nombre de pays européens, la validation et le développement des compétences occupent une place seulement embryonnaire dans la négociation collective de branche et d’entreprise. Il y a de bons exemples (cf. encadré sur le cas du Club Méditerranée), mais ils restent trop rares. Le manque de propositions précises pour incorporer franchement les employeurs dans les actions de validation des compétences est d’ailleurs le principal point faible de la récente proposition de la Commission de recommandation du Conseil. La négociation collective pourrait s’emparer davantage des questions conjointes de formation et de validation, si la mis e en œuvre des accords conclus entre employeurs et syndicats pouvait s’appuyer sur l’accès aisé à des protocoles de partenariat avec les organismes formateurs et certificateurs. La conjonction des ef forts privés et publics d’orientation, d’accompagnement et de suivi des personnes, dans des cadres décentralisés attentifs à la réalité des territoires, est, face aux incertitudes de l’heure, une exigence pour mieux sé curiser aussi bien les parcours professionnels des personnes que l’environnement dont bénéficient les employeurs: il y a matière à des c ompromis positifs.
Il convient cependant de ne pas mésestimer les obstacles qui s’opposent à ces évolutions, car ils sont ancrés da ns la nature complexe des compétences. Celles-ci sont incorporées, de manière privée, dans les individus et, sur un mode collectif, dans l’organisation du travail. Les entreprises traitent les compétences dont elles disposent comme un bien privé et un actif stratégique qu’elles n’entendent pas mettre à disposition de leurs concurrents. Les politiques publiques et le dialogue social doivent prendre en compte ces obstacles afin de définir des objectifs réalistes et de mettre en œuvre les incitations appropriées en direction des entreprises et des individus. Conférer une dimension de « bien public » aux compétences suppose d’assurer:
– l’équilibre entre compétences spécifiques (valables sur un poste de travail donné) et transversales (mobilisables dans une vaste gamme d’emplois) au sein du portefeuille personnel de co mpétences.
– la transférabilité des compétences personnelles e ntre firmes, secteurs, territoires, ce qui permet aux travailleurs d’élargir leur espace de mobilité et aux entreprises de bénéficier de compét ences formées ailleurs qu’en leur sein.
Plusieurs pays européens disposent d’expériences qui méritent d’être regardées de près: ils ont mis en œuvre de larges programmes publics de validation des compétences acquises par voie non formelle ou informelle et d’insertion de la validation dans les systèmes de formation au long de la vie. Les acteurs sociaux, spécialement syndicaux, sont activement impliqués. Au Danemark et en Finlande, ces programmes bénéficient d’une longue tradition de validation de l’expérience acquise, dans le cadre d’une gestion tripartite bien établie, et de relations étroites entre formations initiale et continue. Au Portugal, une initiative publique à grande échelle, Novas Opportunidades, a été lancée en 2006 en vue d’amener le maximum de personnes concernées à un ni veau de certification minimal et de les insérer dans une dy namique de formation. La poursuite de ce programme, succès inachevé, est aujourd’hui menacée par l’austérité budgétaire. En France, le bilan d’une décennie de Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience est honorable, mais les limites actuelles de l’exercice sont aussi tangibles, faute sans doute d’une incorporation suffisante à la négociation collective en matière de GPEC et de formation (il faut souhaiter l’essaimage des expériences comme celle du Club Méditerranée).
La Commission européenne et les organismes communautaires (comme le CEDEFOP) proposent des cadres cognitifs et normatifs de reconnaissance et de validation des compétences communs aux différents pays de l’Union. Ces cadres incitent utilement à l’évolution des dispositifs nationaux et favorisent l’exercice de la mobilité professionnelle sur le territoire européen. Il importe tout autant de se préoccuper des conditions pratiques d’accessibilité et d’appropriation des dispositifs institutionnels par les personnes en besoin de reconnaissance et d’amélioration de leurs compétences. La coordination partenariale entre les acteurs institutionnels et sociaux engagés dans ces dispositifs à une échelle territoriale suffisamment fine est nécessaire pour développer des services de proximité qui informent, orientent, conseillent et accompagnent ces personnes dans leurs parcours personnels et professionnels. La place, à renforcer, des enjeux de reconnaissance et de développement des compétences dans la négociation collective devrait s’appuyer sur l’affi rmation de la responsabilité publique dans la sécurisation de ces parcours.

Alfa Grúpa lógó Eagarthóirí: Renaud Damesin, Jacky Fayolle, Nicolas Fleury, Mathieu Malaquin. Litir Uimh CEP 12, Feabhra 2013
I gcomhthéacs na straitéise Eoraip 2020, a thógann an Coimisiún Eorpach tionscnaimh a dhéanamh ar an aitheantas agus na scileanna a fhorbairt mar luamhán chun feabhas a chur dheiseanna eacnamaíocha agus sóisialta ar fud an Aontais. Níos mó...



Recent developments in EU – new funding frame and upcoming programmes

pcassuto | 23 février, 2013 14:06

Hedda - Higher Education Development AssociationBy Marielk. About ten days ago, on 8th of February, the European Council (consisting of heads of state of EU countries) reached an agreement on the new multiannual framework (MFF) for  the budget cycle 2014-2020. This in itself is not a budget negotiation, but has three aims: (a) the limit of possible spending – the “ceiling”, (b) on what the money should be spent and (c) rules of where the expenditure is to come from.   (read more about what you need to know about the MFF here).
These decisions have important impacts on the policy focus of the EU, and the emphasis of EU activities during the cycle, and as such have also important consequences for education as a policy sector, especially as the role of EU as a supranational policy actor in education has often been linked to their capacity to provide funding and administrative capacity. As such, a more constrained funding environment can also have consequences for the opportunities of EU to take this role in an active manner.
For the first time, the overall available expenditure was less than during the previous budget year. The overall ceiling was set as  EUR 908.40 billion, compared to EUR 942.78 billion in the MFF 2007-2013, a reduction of 3,4% in real terms. However, in this context, education was clearly identified as a priority area, and the summary of the agreement provided by EU indicated that “EU leaders agreed on a substantial increase of the financial means for future geared expenditure such as research, innovation and education“. Furthermore, it is indicated that “the expenditure ceiling for sub-heading 1a (“competitiveness”) amounts to EUR 125.61 billion, which is an increase of more than 37% compared to the MFF 2007-2013“. Read more...



Higher Education Reforms

pcassuto | 23 février, 2013 14:02

Hedda - Higher Education Development AssociationBy Marielk. 10th International Workshop on Higher Education Reform (WHER) will be held between October 2–4, 2013 at the Faculty of Education in University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. The event is themed “Higher Education Reforms: Looking Back – Looking Forward“.
Call for papers: workshop on higher education reforms
The key theme of the event:  The 2013 Workshop theme gives an opportunity to look at the larger picture of these changes, the drivers of change, and their effects. At the same time, the theme invites contributions about the likely futures of HE over the next generation, suggesting (or speculating on) developments that will further change HE.
The factors highlighted include marketization and privatization of HE, rankings and excellence focus, changing governance, consumerism and tuition fees, as well as new initiatives such as MOOCs and online learning trends and their impact on traditional academic values and institutional autonomy. Read more about the theme, proposal requirements and application procedure here. More information on event website.



Student mental health: an integrated approach

pcassuto | 23 février, 2013 13:51

Student mental healthBy Adrian Sherman and Frank Haber. Most colleges and universities view mental health issues among international students as the exclusive responsibility of the international education office and, perhaps, any available campus counselling service. While this approach is generally acceptable for most mild mental health issues, it will not suffice for more serious concerns. There needs to be a much more integrated approach. What are the steps you should take in order to establish effective mental health management at your institution?
A proactive approach

Having an international student dealing with a serious mental health crisis on your campus can have a ripple effect, impacting other students (particularly internationals), various offices, senior administrators, and the larger non-academic community. By preparing your response in advance to such a situation rather than waiting to make complicated decisions in the midst of complex situations, you will be in a better position to help the student affected. A good place to start is setting up a permanent committee to assume responsibility and develop training programmes for staff. At a minimum, this committee should include representatives from the international office, student affairs, student services, the Dean of Students (or the equivalent), security, and counselling services. If your institution does not have its own counsellors, then a counsellor from the community who is familiar with your campus will suffice. Read more...



EUCIS-LLL Annual Conference 2013

pcassuto | 23 février, 2013 13:45

logo-lifelong-learning-programmeSave the date! 14th of May EUCIS-LLL Annual Conference 2013, Vilnius
Rethinking Learning: Transversal competences in the spotlight” will be the theme of EUCIS-LLL’s next Annual Conference that will take place on 14 May in Vilnius, Lithuania and be followed by our General Assembly on 15 May. It aims to create a debate around the concept and role of transversal competences in the framework of the European strategy on “Rethinking Education”. During the conference participants will work more specifically on four topics: civic education in the framework of the European Year 2013 on Citizens, digital competences, entrepreneurship skills and learning to learn. Save the date and find soon more details on our website.
Conference rationale

Last November 2012, the European Commission launched a Communication on “Rethinking Education: investing in skills for better economic and social outcomes”, which reflects the political necessity to give a new conceptual framework to upcoming key challenges in education and training. The Communication aims, among others, at delivering the right skills for employment and calls Member States to further develop transversal skills, and particularly entrepreneurship, digital skills and language learning. EUCIS-LLL welcomes the invitation sent to educational actors to rethink education in a partnership and lifelong learning approach. However, in a very complex and ever-changing environment, Europeans must not only have and update specific job-related skills but also possess the transversal competences that will enable them to manage change and become lifelong learners.
The aim of EUCIS-LLL Annual Conference 2013 “Rethinking Learning: Transversal competences in the spotlight” is to create a debate around the concept and role of transversal competences in the framework of the European strategy on “Rethinking Education”. Contributing every day through grassroots initiatives to equip people with the right competences to become fulfilled, active and employed citizens, civil society can contribute to the debate by providing innovative approaches and concrete practices. During the conference participants will work more specifically on four topics: civic education in the framework of the European Year 2013 on Citizens, digital competences, entrepreneurship skills and learning to learn. The aim is to look at what is currently done in educational institutions and what could be done in order to better deliver and assess transversal competences. In the view of the upcoming Lithuanian EU Presidency this event will offer a great opportunity to push forward some key messages from civil society representatives from all around Europe.



Futur centre universitaire Fernando Pessoa dans l'Hérault: Avis défavorable / 10500ème article sur le blog

pcassuto | 23 février, 2013 13:34

Site Admission postbacConformément à la position exprimée par Geneviève Fioraso, un avis défavorable a été émis par le Recteur de l'Académie de Montpellier sur une possible installation du centre Universitaire Fernando Pessoa dans l'Hérault.
Suite à l'annonce d'une possible installation du centre Universitaire Fernando Pessoa dans l'Hérault, Geneviève Fioraso tient à préciser qu'un avis défavorable a été émis par Christian Philip, Recteur de l'Académie de Montpellier, en conformité avec la position exprimée par la ministre de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche dans le même contexte à Toulon en décembre dernier.
Si, malgré cet avis négatif émis, cette installation était confirmée, la ministre demandera au Recteur de signaler les faits auprès du Procureur de la République, comme cela avait été fait auprès du Procureur de la République de Toulon à l'occasion de l'installation d'une antenne française de l'Université Fernando Pessoa.
Geneviève Fioraso tient à rappeler les raisons qui guident sa décision:
  • la protection de l'intérêt des étudiants, désorientés après un échec en 1ère année de santé, qui se voient proposer des formations onéreuses et non habilitées;
  • le respect des procédures de demande d'ouverture de formation; lorsqu'il s'agit des professions de santé, ces prérequis sont particulièrement indispensables.

La Ministre suivra avec la plus grande vigilance l'évolution de la situation sur le terrain.
Les autres repères du blog:
10000ème article sur le blog/Organisme de formation,
9500ème article sur le blog/Un crédit d'impôt innovation pour les PME,
9000ème article sur le blog/La VAE dans les ministères certificateurs en 2011,
8500ème article sur le blog/
Cahier n°3 "Enseignement supérieur" du CESER,
8000ème article sur le blog/La VAE à l’Università di Corsica Pasquale Paoli,

7500ème article sur le blog/
Les enjeux de la qualité au sein de l’ESS,

7000ème article sur le blog/
Osez l'Université dans l'un de ses 31 CFA,

6500ème article sur le blog/
6000ème article sur le blog/L'Association ASSPRO,
5500ème article sur le blog/Apprentissage le guide régional,
5000ème article sur le blog/
La formation continue dans le supérieur
4500ème article sur le blog/
40 ans de formation professionnelle,

4000ème article sur le blog/
Les chiffres 2010 de la VAE à La Réunion,
3500ème article sur le blog/
La VAE en Poitou-Charente en 2010,
3000ème article sur le blog/Contrats apprentissage et pro,
2500ème article sur le blog/
Journées Nationales des MDE et des PLIE,
2000ème article sur le blog/
Question Formation n°1,
1500ème article sur le blog/le groupe SPB signe son accord,
1000ème article sur le blog/
Fête de la musique dans les jardins du MESR,
500ème article sur le blog/L'archipel de l'ingénierie de formation.

Cead isteach postbac láithreán gréasáin Gcomhréir leis an seasamh in iúl ag Geneviève Fioraso, eisíodh tuairim neamhfhabhrach ag an Reachtaire ar an Acadamh Montpellier ar shuiteáil ionad féideartha Ollscoil Fernando Pessoa sa Hérault.
Tar éis an fhógra a shuiteáil lár féidir Ollscoil Fernando Pessoa sa Hérault, is mian leis Geneviève Fioraso a shoiléiriú gur eisíodh tuairim neamhfhabhrach ag Christian Philip, Reachtaire Acadamh na Montpellier, i gcomhréir leis an bpost in iúl ag an Aire Ardoideachais agus Taighde sa chomhthéacs céanna i Toulon Nollaig seo caite. Níos mó...



EUCIS-LLL at the EESC hearing on Rethinking Education

pcassuto | 23 février, 2013 13:32

logo-lifelong-learning-programmeEUCIS-LLL at the EESC hearing on Rethinking Education
Last 5th of February the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) held a public hearing on the Communication from the Commission “Rethinking Education: Investing is skills for better socio-economic outcomes”. Joke van der Leuuw-Roord, EUCIS-LLL Vice-President, participated in the panel discussion and gave a presentation about the platform’s main concerns and suggestions to this strategic initiative. She particularly invited EU institutions to adopt a broader, more ambitious and forward-looking strategy that would cover formal, non-formal and informal learning in a life-wide and learner-centred approach. Have a look also at EAEA, OBESSU and AEGEE positions on Rethinking Education.



Erasmus for All Stakeholders’ Coalition – state of play & future steps

pcassuto | 23 février, 2013 13:30

logo-lifelong-learning-programmeErasmus for All Stakeholders’ Coalition – state of play & future steps
The Coalition of European Stakeholders, led by EUCIS-LLL in partnership with the European Youth Forum, met on 6 February 2013 at EUCIS-LLL premises to analyse the latest policy developments and decide on further advocacy actions in view of the upcoming trialogue negotiations on the Erasmus for All / YES Europe programme. They agreed on pursuing their advocacy joint actions at European and national level and on reviewing their suggestions on improving administrative and management simplification included in the Coalition position paper of March 2012.
23 février 2013

Study in Europe - Application Guide
This section contains practical details on applying to study in Europe. You can find out about the application, visa and residency requirements and the funding possibilities that exist. The following general guidelines should be borne in mind, whatever country you choose to study in:
- Leave plenty of time for the application process. Application submissions are usually required in the first few months of the year in which you are to study, but the process of finding a suitable institution and supervisor and drawing up a good proposal can take many months.
- The grant and funding opportunities listed here are many, but they are by no means exhaustive. Do not hesitate to explore the financial aspects with your future supervisor.
- Foreign nationals should also inquire closely about the immigration requirements to avoid difficulties at the consulate. The faculty where they are proposing to study can usually help with this.
- Visa rules for studying and working can be quite strict, so do not assume you can legally take work during your spare time. On the other hand, research students can often conduct assistant research work (like giving seminars), so these possibilities should be looked into closely.
- Make sure you take into account the language of instruction. English and other languages are increasingly used for degree and coursework, but they remain minority languages outside the United Kingdom and Ireland. Make sure you have adequate language proficiency and, if not, look into the possibilities of acquiring it before or after you arrive in your host country.

See the website of the Federal Ministry of Science and Research (BMWF) for further information about the closing dates for application at the Austrian universities.

You have a choice between studying in the Flemish or the French-speaking higher education system.
Bulgarian higher education institutions are open to all foreign nationals who hold a secondary education certificate that makes them eligible for higher education in the country in which they have received their secondary education.
Education and training, through the policy of Lifelong Learning (LLL) are, in recent years, the focus of the economic and social development policies. Today they constitute an integral part of the overall effort to address the global economic recession. In the EU, knowledge is the key to building the future and it constitutes a deterministic component of the triptych vision of the new development strategy of "Europe 2020" for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Four out of the ten integrated EU guidelines in the sectors of the economy and employment, for the implementation of the new Strategy, on which any recommendations from the Council to the member states will be based, are directly applicable to Lifelong Learning.
Czech Republic
The principal requirement for entering a Bachelor´s degree programme or a full Master´s degree programme is the completion of a full secondary general education or vocational education with a “maturitní zkouška” school-leaving examination, for fine arts degrees, applicants who have gained their “absolutorium” from a conservatoire may be admitted.
Non-Danish citizens who do not have a Danish entrance examination are eligible for admission if they have qualifications recognised as being comparable to Danish entrance qualifications.
Admissions to the study programmes are administrated by the institution of higher education, and candidates apply directly to the institution of their choice. It is best to contact the admissions office well before studies start in order to find out all the necessary details about application procedures, accommodation, visa regulations and other important information.
Finnish higher education institutions offer a wide variety of interesting degree level programmes available completely in English. You can browse through the available options in the ‘study programmes database’ section of this website.
Which procedure you follow to enter a French institution depends on your nationality, the country in which you reside, and your educational plans.
All students from abroad must apply for admission to a German university. This applies to freshmen, postgraduates and doctoral candidates alike. The admissions procedure ensures that applicants fulfil the necessary requirements to study at an institute of higher education.
Foreign students wishing to study in Greece should start by choosing a course and an institution. An application should then be submitted to the Foreign students wishing to study in Greece should start by choosing a course and an institution. An application should then be submitted to the Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs in July. Further details can be found on the Ministry’s website.
Students can apply to an unlimited number of places in the framework of these procedures.
Deadlines of applying to foreign languages programs may differ from the above dates and vary by institutions.
Admission requirements can differ between universities and faculties. Please contact the university in question for further information. For application forms contact each university or college. Application deadlines differ from school to school, most commonly sometime between March and June each year.
Before submitting  an application, you should try to get as much information as you can about your preferred programme, institution and accommodation as well as funding and student visa criteria. Once you are completely satisfied with all your choices, you will need time to gather the necessary paperwork.
In principle, all international citizens may get admission to one of the 1st , 2nd and 3rd cycle programmes of Italian higher education.
The admission process to higher education establishments comprises application, entrance exams, registration for studies and matriculation. The right to study in a school of higher education is granted to every citizen of Latvia, to persons who have received the non-citizen passport of the Republic of Latvia, as well as those who have received permanent residence permits in Latvia having the appropriate educational background.
Foreign students wishing to study at a higher education institution in Liechtenstein should make enquiries directly. Even if there are no general admission restrictions, the number of students can be limited if the demand for study places exceeds the total number of available ones.
To be admitted to the second-cycle university programme you should hold a Bachelor’s degree or an equivalent qualification (usually in the respective field). In order to enter the third-cycle university studies (Doctoral, as well as residency, postgraduate Arts studies), you should have either a Master’s or a corresponding degree in the respective study field.
Before filling in the on-line application, please make sure that you meet the  eligibility criteria for the study programme  you wish to apply for.
University of Malta, Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology, Institute for Tourism Studies, Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary, Sir MA Refalo Post Secondary, University of Malta GF Abela Junior College.
You have several options for studying in Holland. You can enrol in an English-taught degree programme or short course. Or, if you speak Dutch, enrol in a Dutch programme.
A compilation of country-specific information called the GSU-list (formerly SIS list) states what level of education applicants from different countries need to meet for entry into Norwegian higher education, including any requirements concerning proficiency in English.
Admissions to the study programmes are administrated by the institutions of higher education, and candidates apply directly to the institution of their choice. It is best to contact the international relations office well before the course starts in order to find out all the necessary details about the application procedures and other important information. 
Portuguese higher education includes university and polytechnic education. University education is offered by public and private university institutions while polytechnic education is offered by public and private non-university institutions. Private higher education institutions must be subject to the previous recognition of the Ministry of Education and Science. The higher education system comprises also a concordatary institution.
All foreign students who come to study in Romania have the same rights as the Romanian students as far as the medical insurance is concerned, which means that all students under the age of 26 who are not employed have the right to medical insurance, automatically.
Higher education institutions (HEIs) are third-level educational, scientific and arts institutions. The major task of HEIs is the provision of higher education and creative scientific research or creative artistic activity.
The number of places available is limited for all study programmes. The places available for new applicants are announced by higher education institutions each year in a pre-enrolment announcement separately for first, second and third cycle study programmes.
Comprehensive legislation for access to undergraduate, master's and doctoral Apostille of the Hague as well as certified translations of diplomas and academic certificates.
We guide you through the steps you need to take in order to study in Sweden. Read up on the things you need to consider before choosing the education that is right for you.
The decision concerning admission to a course of studies rests with the individual institution. The basic admission requirement is a Swiss secondary high-school-leaving certificate (Matura, Maturité, Maturità) or a foreign secondary high-school-leaving certificate considered equivalent.
Foreign students wishing to study at a higher education institution in Turkey should first of all make enquiries at their chosen faculty. Certified academic transcripts and language proficiency (in Turkish or English, which is the medium of instruction in many universities) will also need to be demonstrated.
United Kingdom
Using the 'Search' panel (look to the right) you can find 3000 UK scholarships and 150,000 UK courses. You can also find useful advice on applying for courses, visas and scholarships in the articles in this section. We hope you find this useful.
23 février 2013

Language industry for enhancing employability

QuizLanguage industry for enhancing employability
More and better work placements for language students
The Language industry promotion and visibility project LIND-Web coordinated by DG Translation has taken an important step towards bringing together the academia and industry to provide better employability prospects for the students in the fields of translation and languages.
The LIND-Web Editorial Board, which is an European Commission expert group providing their expertise in the dynamic and rapidly growing field of the language services (translation, localisation, sub-titling, terminology, ..) will be consulted in the EMT (European Master's of Translation, another project coordinated by DG Translation) selection round to optimise the employability of students in the universities selected as EMT member. To be selected, the candidate universities should make sure that their curricula include elements that will enhance the employability prospects of their students and provide support in eventual work placement programmes.
23 février 2013

CELAN – Promoting languages for business

QuizCELAN, the "Network for the Promotion of Language Strategies for Competitiveness and Employability" has just started its two-year work to encourage dialogue between the business community and language practitioners.
The network's activities include:
    Research on linguistic needs of European companies/SMEs in different sectors;
    Analysis of existing language-related services and tools;
    Development of on-line applications to support the language needs of business users.
CELAN started its activities by launching a blog for regular updates and interaction with readers inside and outside the consortium. Participating organisations are all members of the Business Platform for Multilingualism or linked to such members. The network will engage in information and awareness raising activities to guarantee a Europe-wide reach-out.
CELAN is co-funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission. CELAN Blog.
23 février 2013

Higher education in Europe

European Commission logoHigher education plays an essential role in society, creating new knowledge, transferring it to students and fostering innovation. EU-level actions help higher education institutions throughout Europe in their efforts to modernise, both in terms of the courses they offer and the way they operate.
Europe has around 4 000 higher education institutions, with over 19 million students and 1.5 million staff. Some European universities are among the best in the world, but, overall, potential is not being fully realised. Curricula are not always up to date, not enough young people go to university, and not enough adults have ever attended university. European universities often lack the management tools and funding to match their ambitions.
In the light of these challenges, governments and higher education institutions are looking for ways to create better conditions for universities.
National governments are responsible for their education and training systems and individual universities organise their own curricula. However, the challenges facing higher education are similar across the EU and there are clear advantages in working together.
The role of the European Commission is to support national efforts. This is done in the following ways:
- By working closely with policy-makers from Member States to help them develop their higher education policies. The Commission published a modernisation agenda for higher education in 2011, identifying five priority reform areas for action. Read more about the agenda.
- The Commission actively supports the Bologna Process, the inter-governmental process which promotes reforms in higher education with 47 countries, leading to establishing a 'European Higher Education Area'.
- By encouraging the exchange of examples of good policy practice between different countries – in particular, it gathers together a group of national experts – the 'cluster' on the modernisation of higher education – to share experiences and look at common challenges.
- The Erasmus Programme funds around 200 000 students every year to study or work abroad, along with other projects to increase co-operation between higher education institutions and other relevant institutions.
- There are a number of European programmes to promote co-operation in higher education with countries beyond the EU, including Tempus and Erasmus Mundus. Read more about these external co-operation initiatives in higher education.
- The Commission launches studies on specific areas relevant to higher education policy by gathering, analysing and sharing information on the state of play across Europe. Find EU studies and research on higher education.
More information
Documents on EU actions in higher education
Summaries of EU legislation/initiatives relevant to higher education:

        Modernising universities.
        Reform of universities in the framework of the EU2020 Strategy and the Education and Training 2020 initiatives
        The role of universities in the Europe of knowledge.
        The Bologna Process: make higher education systems in Europe converge.
        Quality of higher education.
23 février 2013

Erasmus for All: state of play

European Commission logoStatement by Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, at the Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council.
"I attach great importance to my proposal for a new programme in the area of education, training, youth and sport. It is based on a rationale of strong EU added value, systemic impact, streamlining and simplification. The proposed actions are directly linked to the over-arching commonly agreed EU policy objectives.
The programme will offer more opportunities for mobility and more opportunities for educational and youth organisations to cooperate and learn from peers.
At the same time, the programme will ensure better value for money, better results, increased user-friendliness for beneficiaries and a more cost-effective delivery. I am very happy that the key points of the proposal have met with widespread support both within the Council and the Parliament.
I also noticed a clear willingness among all three institutions to quickly come to an agreement on this key file. I am therefore confident that the Irish Presidency will successfully conclude the negotiations during their presidency.
I also believe that the new programme should have a strong and recognisable name that allows for effective communication with European citizens. This is why we should fully exploit the highly appreciated Erasmus brand name.
To conclude, I would like to stress that the new programme will be an important tool for targeted investment into education, training and youth and will contribute to creating sustainable growth and jobs. I therefore believe that it is in our common interest to come swiftly to an agreement on the best possible programme for European citizens."
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