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21 mai 2018

Re-envisioning NAPLAN: use technology to make the tests more authentic and relevant

Screenshot-2018-5-7 Education – Views Research – The ConversationThink about where and how you read and write most often. It’s probably not on paper. It’s most likely to be online – using the internet, email, messenger, or Facebook. While print-based literacy skills are necessary in these forms of communication, they are not the only “basic” literacy skills we use. More...

20 mai 2018

How Google is Taking over the Classroom

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. Have you noticed how prevalent Google is in today’s academics? Students from elementary school all the way through high school have taken a part in a monumental shift away from most sought-after products to the variety of apps and devices made by Google. More...

20 mai 2018

Inside Sumerian, Amazon’s Big Bet on Augmented and Virtual Reality

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. PCMag got an exclusive look at Amazon’s new 3D development platform for building AR/VR apps, which feature walking, talking AI-infused characters called ‘hosts.’ Amazon is making a grand entrance into the augmented and virtual reality space with Sumerian, an all-in-one development platform that can build AR and VR apps for smartphones and headsets, and—soon enough—AR/VR apps that’ll run right in your browser. Within these experiences, Sumerian can create immersive virtual worlds populated by “hosts”—3D characters brought to life by the same artificial intelligence tech that powers Alexa. Sumerian is platform-agnostic. More...

20 mai 2018

The pace of change in the economy might be scary for our students, but if we get education right there should be nothing to fear

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. The rise of the robots is often presented as a terrifying prospect for young people, writes one educationalist, but if we get education right, the technological future could prove to be a land of opportunity.  Technology and innovation; population and environmental change; urbanisation and globalisation; increasing inequality – all these are disrupting and influencing the demand for jobs and skills right now. More...

20 mai 2018

K-12 Schools Need to Stop Wasting Money on Tech They Do Not Need

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. K-12 schools don’t always appreciate what type of technology they really need. They don’t attend industry conferences that help them to stay abreast of all the latest developments in technology.  This means that they can be easily swayed by representatives who do not have the students’ best interests in mind. More...

20 mai 2018

Vocal’IZ : une application gratuite pour prendre soin de sa voix

l'emag de l'educationPour les enseignants, la voix est beaucoup plus qu’un outil corvéable à merci, c’est un véritable instrument de travail. Je suis à l’origine artiste lyrique, j’ai eu des problèmes de voix, et je connais très bien cette frustration de ne pouvoir s’exprimer comme on le souhaiterait. Plus...

19 mai 2018

Streaming Technology Improves Student Achievement

Streaming Technology Improves Student Achievement

The headline, of course, is the story here, and while the article cites this conclusion from the study it provides almost no substantiating information and no link to the study itself. More...

18 mai 2018

Governor Wants a Land Where Robots Roam

Governor Wants a Land Where Robots Roam
The use of robots on city streets is regulated in Japan, and probably wisely so. But developers would like a regulation-free zone to allow robots to mingle with a human population. More...

18 mai 2018

Saba Creates Macromedia Flash MX-based SCORM Testing Tool; Contributes Tool to SCORM Community

Saba Creates Macromedia Flash MX-based SCORM Testing Tool; Contributes Tool to SCORM Community

I think this is a worthwhile development, however I spent some time on the Saba site trying to find the tool, but without success. More...

18 mai 2018

CollegeLinux: Learning the Linux Way

CollegeLinux: Learning the Linux Way

Interview with the dean of Robert Kennedy College (RKC) in Switzerland, David Costa, following the release of CollegeLinux, a distribution of the open source operating system intended for use in academic environments. More...

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