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9 avril 2018

Creative Know How: Competencies for Student Success in a World of Change

Creative Know How: Competencies for Student Success in a World of Change
Grace Belfiore, Dave Lash, EDUCAUSE Review, 2018/03/28
The five competencies discussed in this article show up briefly in the middle of the piece, but otherwise the bulk of the material promotes the MyWays framework as a whole. The five competencies, for the record, are: critical thinking & problem solving; creativity & entrepreneurship; communication & collaboration; information, media & technology skills; and practical life skills. More...

9 avril 2018

6 creative ways to solve problems with Linux containers and Docker

6 creative ways to solve problems with Linux containers and Docker
Sean Kane, O'Reilly, 2018/03/30
I've mentioned things like Docker and virtualization from time to time but haven't exactly addressed why these things would be interesting. More...

9 avril 2018

Facebook Container Isolates Facebook From The Rest of Your Firefox Browsing

Facebook Container Isolates Facebook From The Rest of Your Firefox Browsing
Justin Pot, How-To Geek, 2018/03/27
I use Firefox to browse the web because it doesn't report back to Facebook or Google. It's not that I'm paranoid, but I don't trust businesses that collect and sell my data. It's also the same reason I don't use Facebook. But if you need to use Facebook for whatever reason, this might be an option. More...

9 avril 2018

Redirect FB algorithms now and 4 lessons from Cambridge Analytica

Redirect FB algorithms now and 4 lessons from Cambridge Analytica
Inge de Waard, Ignatia Webs, 2018/03/27
This is a nice compendium of some of the lesser-known strands of discussion around the now-boiling debate on analytics. One strand is an "MIT research project on “How to manipulate Facebook and Twitter instead of letting them manipulate you’." Another turns the whole "correlation is not causation" argument on its head (especially relevant to discussions about PISA). More...

9 avril 2018

Let’s stop pretending Facebook cares

Let’s stop pretending Facebook cares
Violet Blue, Engadget, 2018/03/26
Companies do a lot "to get their products embedded in our brains and part of our thinking." They want us to think of them as people, so we'll care for them, and so we'll think that they care for us. But they don't. Nowhere is this clearer than in the case of Facebook, which knew about data mining and election tampering activities as far back as 2015, but is only now doing the apology tour. More...

9 avril 2018

Style Transfer as a Service

Style Transfer as a Service
Rodrigo Castro, 2018/03/26
This was a really interesting article to read. At certain points you might have to just skip over some of the tech details (unless you really want to dig deep, which I applaud). The idea here was to offer a machine learning application as a service. The application takes regular photos and renders them in the style of some artwork (hence: 'style transfer'). More...

8 avril 2018

Des fleurons de la technologie investissent en France

C2RP Carif-Oref Hauts-de-FranceLe président devait annoncer jeudi des mesures pour permettre à l'Hexagone de rattraper son retard en matière d'intelligence artificielle. Plus...

8 avril 2018

Ces technologies qui façonnent l'industrie 4.0

C2RP Carif-Oref Hauts-de-FranceL'industrie du futur est aussi qualifié de 4e révolution industrielle, succédant à celle du charbon, de l'acier et de l'électricité, celle de la production de masse et, enfin, celle de l'électronique. Plus...

6 avril 2018

IMS Simple Sequencing Approved

IMS Simple Sequencing Approved
You may have forgotten about this, but Simple Sequencing is a way of describing how a student can navigate through a body of learning material. This article provides an update (IMS has approved the spec) and some criticisms. More...

6 avril 2018

Scholars scour eBay

Scholars scour eBay
Nice look at the twin-edged sword eBay provides to academic researchers seeking original materials (such as, say, a copy of Whitman that was owned by Thoreau). On the one hand, the online aution makes it possible for devotees everywhere to acquire rare or obscure material. More...

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