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4 juin 2018

Major skills challenges for universities posed by looming automation wave

By Karen MacGregor. In News, Yojana Sharma outlines an Economist Intelligence Unit ranking of countries’ preparedness for an automation revolution. Education must be at the centre of strategies – but universities are ill-equipped for the reskilling and training required. Geoff Maslen reports from Australia on a surprise finding that studying at an elite university does not translate into higher starting salaries for graduates.
   In World Blog, Hans de Wit highlights a growing need for training for university leaders to strengthen their ability to drive internationalisation, which has moved from the margins to the centre of higher education.
   In Commentary, Douglas Proctor and Laura E Rumbley contend that the best way to understand the future of internationalisation is to shine a spotlight on the perspectives of the ‘next generation’ of specialists from around the world.
   New reform proposals promise positive changes and greater freedoms for higher education institutions in India, but there are implementation and quality challenges, writes Anand Kulkarni. In the United Kingdom, Ryan Hinchey maintains that the trend of universities making unconditional offers is bad for students and for higher education, and Martin Friesl explores a counter intuitive competitive challenge for UK business schools – they need to be similar enough to be recognised as leading institutions while also forging highly focused and distinctive offerings.
   And in Features, Sharon Dell explores a new book examining teaching and learning in the African university context, while Stephen Coan interviews innovation specialist Adriana Marais, who calls for Africa to define its own path through the fourth industrial revolution, focusing on technologies appropriate for its societies. More...
4 juin 2018

Building Desire Paths: An Online Calendar Smooths the Way for Student Success

Building Desire Paths: An Online Calendar Smooths the Way for Student Success
Kes Schroer, EDUCAUSE Review, 2018/05/03
This EDUCAUSE article reads a bit like an advertorial for Calendy, a cloud-based calendar, but it's also a pretty good case study of a calendaring implementation project at The George Washington University including the process of planning and mapping the user experience. Why Calendy. More...

4 juin 2018

What I Learned Producing 90 eLearning Videos In 8 Weeks At Google

What I Learned Producing 90 eLearning Videos In 8 Weeks At Google
Sam Rogers, eLearning Industry, 2018/05/02
A lot of this may be familiar to those already steeped in e-learning production, but it's a good quick read and will help managers (and employees!) very quickly determine whether a production process is on track or in danger of becoming bogged down. More...

4 juin 2018

Interview with SoapBox Labs Founder on Speech Recognition API to Enhance Children’s Interactions with Smart Devices

Interview with SoapBox Labs Founder on Speech Recognition API to Enhance Children’s Interactions with Smart Devices
Sandra Rogers, AACE Review, 2018/05/02

So this is pretty cool. Speech interfaces for educational technology are advancing rapidly (as I guess shopuld not be surprising in the age of voice assistants such as Siri and Alexa and Google). More...

2 juin 2018

La nature au bout des doigts

logoL’avènement des smartphones a changé notre rapport au monde. Certains disent qu’on ne l’observe plus autant. En fait, si, mais par le biais de l’écran. Un concert est revécu par les clichés et vidéos prises. La même chose pour une visite au musée ou dans une galerie d’art. Plus...
2 juin 2018

La technologie peut-elle aider la nature?

logoPour certains, la technologie pourrait aussi améliorer le sort de la Terre. Comme le rappelle cet article, le rythme entre développement technologique et dégradation de la planète n’est pas similaire. Conséquemment, l’auteur se demande s’il n’est pas trop tard pour des solutions technologiques pour l’environnement. Néanmoins d’autres, plus optimistes, se tournent des vers des innovations qui pourraient, en partie, réparer des dégâts causés par l’homme. Plus...
1 juin 2018

In “EdTech”, “Ed” comes before “Tech”: A National Louis University/Acrobatiq Case Study

In “EdTech”, “Ed” comes before “Tech”: A National Louis University/Acrobatiq Case Study
Michael Feldstein, e-Literate, 2018/04/24
I'm sure that the series this article introduces will be valuable, but my purpose here is to be a bit pedantic, but in so doing, allow me to illustrate the difference between my perspective and Michael Feldsteins. The pedantic point is that you can draw inferences about what ought to be done on the basis of quirks of language. Yes, 'Ed' comes before 'Tech'. But there isn't some 'Tech Ed' which is about the use of technology first in education. Rather, 'Tech Ed' means something completely different. So it means nothing that 'Ed' comes before 'Tech'. More...

1 juin 2018

Knowble – a review

Knowble – a review
Philip J. Kerr, Adaptive Learning in ELT, 2018/04/20
Nice review of a language learning app providing a needed dose of scepticism. The app is called Knowble and is a browser extension that purports to improve English-language vocabulary. The problem is, it relies on Google Translate, so it often offers incorrect vocabulary advice. More...

1 juin 2018

This Tsinghua University-backed company wants to revolutionize the classroom

This Tsinghua University-backed company wants to revolutionize the classroom
Linda Lew, TechNode, 2018/04/19
This article is about a Chinese e-learning application called Rain Classroom. "Services (rain) made possible by big data analytics (the cloud) are utilized in classrooms or for self-learning (rain irrigating the soil). More data on teaching and learning is generated and collected then uploaded to the cloud again (evaporation), completing the cycle." It's used in more than 2,300 universities in China. More...

1 juin 2018

Pearson Embedded a 'Social-Psychological' Experiment in Students' Educational Software

Pearson Embedded a 'Social-Psychological' Experiment in Students' Educational Software
Sidney Fussell, Gizmodo, 2018/04/19
According to this article, "Pearson is drawing criticism after using its software to experiment on over 9,000 math and computer science students across the country." The experiment was disclosed in a paper presented on Tuesday (not Wednesday, as was incorrectly reported by Gizmodo). More...

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