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6 septembre 2018

Aggregators Attack Info Overload

Aggregators Attack Info Overload
I'm going to stop running these 'intro to RSS' stories soon (obviously not today) because OLDaily reader will have had more than their fill. This item (and a second, see below) looks at the potential of RSS as a means to handle information overload. It's not quite so straightforward as the articles depict - how does one pick which of 30,000 feeds to subscribe to, for example. More...

6 septembre 2018

Certainly Not Logic

Certainly Not Logic
If you don't write software you won't appreciate this article, but if you do you'll get some chuckles, and maybe some pointers. More...

6 septembre 2018

SCO Attorney Declares GPL Invalid

SCO Attorney Declares GPL Invalid
I can't see how a judge would favour the SCO interpretation, as it would be a major change to declare the concept of free software contrary to law. But that seems to be what SCO is urging, as their lawyers argue that GPL violates U.S. copyright law by allowing more than one copy to be copied, and is therefore invalid. More...

6 septembre 2018

Search Engines: Weblog Search Engines

Search Engines: Weblog Search Engines
Short article that reviews major blog search engines. Though the author lists some major sites, such as DayPop, Blogdex and Feedster, some major indices are overlooked, including Blogstreet, Memufacture, PopDex, Bloglines and Technorati. Some minor indices listed in the article include Detold Blawg Search, Eatonweb PortalEatonweb Portal, and Globe of Blogs. SchoolBlogs is an important site for educational blogs, as are the Educational Bloggers Network and Edublog News. And of course I would be remiss if I left my own Edu-RSS off this list. More...

6 septembre 2018

Symbol Grounding and Extensible Aggregators

Symbol Grounding and Extensible Aggregators
This is a difficult article (you can tell by the fact that even the title needs a little interpretation). But it gets at the heart of a debate that is gradually engaging the entire XML community. In a nutshell: how do you know what the names in XML tags mean? In traditional XML, they are defined in a fixed vocabularity (such as IEEE-LOM). In RDF, they are defined by various name-spaces, which may be mixed and matched. More...

6 septembre 2018


It seems like an odd use of billions of dollars worth of technology, but Google can now be used as a calculator. "To use Google's built-in calculator function, simply enter the expression you'd like evaluated in the search box and hit the Enter key or click the Google Search button. More...

6 septembre 2018

Uni Staff PCs scanned for MP3s

Uni Staff PCs scanned for MP3s
Staff computers at the Queensland University of Technology are being scanned for MP3 files as a consequence of legal action undertaken by the music industry. Several Australian universities were also taken to court earlier this year and forced to give investigators access to networks and back-up tapes. More...

6 septembre 2018

The Meaning of Technology

The Meaning of Technology
Arun-Kumar Tripathi picked this iten to run today, and though it's several years old, it still captures a common sentiment. And while I think that Albert Borgmann is right when he calls on people to restrain the influence of technology, I don't agree with the value system he proposes to adjudicate that moderation (and therein lies the dilemma). More...

6 septembre 2018

E-poll Findings Show Flexible Learning is Here to Stay!

E-poll Findings Show Flexible Learning is Here to Stay!
Australia's Flexible Learning Framework has been conducting a poll to evaluate the impact of the approach, and according to the feedback received, flexible learning is, as the headline says, here to stay. More...

6 septembre 2018

RSS JournoFunnies

RSS JournoFunnies
Tim Bray follows up the CNet article about the great RSS dust-up. Some good dialogue about what happens when journalists interview bloggers. And some good bits about the role of personalities in technology. More...

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