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15 novembre 2018


Some people are saying that Blinkx is the next Google. I downloaded and installed the application this morening, and despite some usability issues, found that it does as promised: it searches both my personal files and the web in a single pass. No sign of the embedded application features, though, possibly because. More...

15 novembre 2018

School-Based Coaching

School-Based Coaching
The premise seems sound - "[Coaching] offers long-term follow-up, long-term consistency, and a sense of trust so that you can go in and be a supportive agent for the classroom teacher." But coaching programs are expensive and while there have been numerous initiatives, the research isn't there yet to prove the strategy's effectiveness or to identifybest practices. More...

15 novembre 2018

MPEG LA Releases DRM Reference Model 2.0

MPEG LA Releases DRM Reference Model 2.0
There is no doubt a lot going on behind the scenes here as the MPEG Licensing Authority (MPEG LA) releases Version 2.0 of its DRM Reference Model "to create a pool of licensable patents on DRM-related technology, so that would-be DRM implementors can license relevant intellectual property.... to cover DRM implementations that conform to the Open Mobile Alliance's OMA DRM 1.0 specification" What this article - oddly - doesn't mention is that the OMA has based its work on the open source alternative, ODRL. More...

15 novembre 2018

College Tours With a Virtual Twist

College Tours With a Virtual Twist
It's the analogy I like. Think about how you would create a mobile digital campus tour. The old way of doing it (still widespread) involves giving people a specific route to follow and a tape or CD-ROM that is played as you follow the route. Being able to turn it on or off gives you some flexibility, but it's not much use if you don't follow the route. More...

15 novembre 2018

Issues arising from DCMI Abstract Model

Issues arising from DCMI Abstract Model
This paper is obscure but will be found worthwhile by the metadata community. It is essentially a list of issues raised in the Dublin Core metadata architecture. Worth a more general readership (but unlikely to get one) is the last section. More...

15 novembre 2018

Re: Acacia Media Technologies Corporation

Re: Acacia Media Technologies Corporation
Russell Poulin sent this enormously useful post to the DEOS-L mailing list regarding the Acacia patent claim. As another reader notes, "Acacia has targeted distance education for courses that use streaming or downloadable audio and/or video." Poulin responds that "WCET has been collecting information related to the Acacia patent issue and sharing it." What follows is a detailed set of links and resources. More...

14 novembre 2018

Critical Factors of the Adoption of e-Textbooks: A Comparison Between Experienced and Inexperienced Users

International Review of Research in Open and Distributed LearningThe use of e-textbooks has become popular in certain countries, yet there is debate in the literature about whether it is advantageous to adopt e-textbooks and if they positively influence students’ learning and performance. Prior studies on the acceptance of e-textbooks were mainly based on one theoretical perspective, and did not differentiate samples between experienced and inexperienced users. More...

14 novembre 2018

Parents’ and Students’ Attitudes Toward Tablet Integration in Schools

International Review of Research in Open and Distributed LearningThis study explored parents’ and students’ attitudes toward tablet usage in a formal educational setting. A total of 212 students from four 7th-grade classes, along with 145 of their parents, responded to the Tablet Acceptance Questionnaire. Quantitative methods including a t-test and partial least square (PLS) analyses were employed to examine students’ and parents’ attitudes toward tablet integration in schools, and to investigate factors influencing students’ and parents’ attitudes toward tablet usage, respectively. More...

13 novembre 2018

Le micro learning, un pilier de l’organisation apprenante

Par . Faciliter l’apprentissage continu des salariés s’inscrit aujourd’hui parmi les objectifs incontournables des directions Learning & Development.
Pour y répondre, la mise en place d’un écosystème intégrant du micro-learning se classe en bonne position au tableau des priorités. Et cette tendance devrait perdurer encore quelques années. Voici pourquoi. Plus...

11 novembre 2018

La robotisation s’accélère très fortement dans le monde

Pôle emploi - Emploi Parlons NetLes études les plus récentes montrent une explosion en 2017 et 2018 de la robotisation dans les industries chinoises, coréennes ou japonaises. L’Allemagne suit, la France moins bien. Cette robotisation ne semble pas toutefois avoir des conséquences sur l’emploi, mais aurait tendance à quand même augmenter les inégalités. Plus...

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