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23 mars 2018

The Relevance of Video Games and Gaming Consoles to the Higher and Further Education Learning Experience

The Relevance of Video Games and Gaming Consoles to the Higher and Further Education Learning Experience
Though this should be viewed as a preliminary study only, this useful article observes the rise of computer gaming as a cultural phenomenon and speculated, based on what limited research is available, on the use of gaming systems for educational purposes. More...

18 mars 2018

Coursopapiers /// Commandez la 1ère édition du jeu d’accès à l’information sur les droits conçu par des Missions Locales

Résultat de recherche d'images pour ""Le jeu Coursopapiers est le fruit d’un travail collectif de jeunes, avec l’appui de conseillers, basé sur les questions que se posent les jeunes sur leur accès aux droits dans différents domaines. Avec le soutien de l’UNML, plusieurs Missions Locales se sont associées à l’action, initiée par la Mission Locale de Dijon. Plus...

17 mars 2018

Jeux sérieux : avantages et limites

sup-numerique.gouv.frAlors qu'on en parle depuis un peu plus de dix ans, les "Jeux sérieux" ou "Serious Games" sont encore loin d'être répandus dans l'enseignement supérieur. Cet article vous propose de revenir sur la définition du jeu sérieux, ainsi que sur les différents avantages et limites de son utilisation, identifiés par la littérature scientifique. Plus...
16 mars 2018

The numbers game

The numbers game
Steve Wheeler, Learning With Es, 2015/04/15
The assignment of a numeric value to student work is a technology. It's actually a relatively recent technology. Why did we adopt it? Steve Wheeler asks the question and the closest he comes to an answer is in saying "marking of students' work is... about how their work measures up against standards." In the wider scheme of things, though, surprisingly few assessments are made this way. More...

7 mars 2018

Why Games Work

Why Games Work

Brief but convincing white paper touting the advantages of games as learning aides. More...

5 mars 2018

Bad News: the game researchers hope will 'vaccinate' public against fake news

Bad News: the game researchers hope will 'vaccinate' public against fake news
Ian Sample, The Guardian, 2018/02/20
This is an interesting idea. "Cambridge researchers have built an online game, simply titled Bad News, in which players compete to become 'a disinformation and fake news tycoon'. By shedding light on the shady practices, they hope the game will 'vaccinate' the public, and make people immune to the spread of untruths." More...

20 février 2018

The power and promise of game-based learning Blog. From young learners to adults, games can be used to increase learning. Games have been used by teachers for centuries, and probably thousands of years as a way to engage students in learning. Who doesn’t like games? Perhaps a few people don’t like games. More...

13 février 2018

Gaming the System: How Moderation Tools Can Backfire

Gaming the System: How Moderation Tools Can Backfire
Interesting article about an odd side-effect of discussion list moderation tools. Looking at the example of Slashdot, which famously rates posts (and people who post) with 'karma points' - this to provide filters so people don't need to read flames, foments and 'me too' filler - the author observes that the collecting of karma points has become the primary motivation of many Slashdot community members, changing the dynamics of the discussion list into some sort of game. More...

28 janvier 2018

Comment Minecraft peut transformer l'école... et les élèves

Logo - Thot CursusLes jeux vidéo commerciaux ont généralement du mal à se faire une place en classe. Si les serious games ont adopté une approche didactique qui plaît au milieu éducatif, les concepteurs de jeux vidéos vendus en commerce demandent, quant à eux, plus d'ouverture et tentent de trouver dans l'expérience ludique un angle pédagogique. Plus...

13 janvier 2018

Why African board games should be introduced into the classroom

The ConversationThe African continent has a long history of gameplay that extends back to pre-slavery and precolonial times. Board games, in particular, have been used to teach, or reinforce, values as well as cognitive and motor skills. More...

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