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18 janvier 2015

The Global Future of Education at 5.5 Inches Joshua Kim. The population of Africa today is a bit over a 1.1 billion. The media age of Africans' is 18, and over 435 million Africans are less than 15 years old. By 2100 the African population could grow to 4 billion, during which time Africa will enjoy a demographic dividend of rapidly lowering mortality, declining fertility, longer life spans, and a growing and productive workforce. Hundreds of millions of people in Africa will follow the same trajectory of rising expectations, urbanization, and educational attainment that we have seen in East Asia. Read more...

17 janvier 2015

La prospective des métiers et des qualifications (Céreq)

France Stratégie - Commissariat à la stratégie et à la prospectiveAnticiper les mutations économiques et les évolutions des métiers et des compétences constitue un enjeu majeur. En région, le pilotage et l'orientation de l'offre de formation sont de plus en plus alimentés par les démarches de prospective des métiers et des qualifications (PMQ). Au-delà des éléments de cadrage qu'elles fournissent, elles sont un outil au service de la concertation dans un domaine où la gouvernance est partagée entre différents acteurs. Bref 327 - La propective des métiers et des qualifications, un outil pour renforcer la concertation régionale. Voir l'article...

11 janvier 2015

The Future is Learning, But What About Schooling?

By Richard F. Elmore. I come to my fascination with learning and schooling, as most educators do, through deep life experience. I was a struggling learner in elementary school—a slow reader, a stutterer, a shy and diffident, rather dreamy, child who found school to be a scary and demeaning place. More...

27 décembre 2014

The Future of Education: Programmed or Programmable Audrey Watters. Here is the transcript of my talk tonight at Pepperdine University. Many thanks to Linda Polin for inviting me to speak to her students.
When people ask me how I ended up becoming an education technology writer, I’m never quite sure how to answer. I don’t have a degree in “education” or “technology” or even “writing.” I sometimes joke that I took an aptitude test in junior high that gave me one career option — freelance writer — a result that, truth be told, caused me to panic a bit and dismiss the idea altogether. More...

27 décembre 2014

Changes needed in higher education must recognize the way we live now

logoBy Theodora Kalikow. Gone are the days when students went to college for four years to 'find themselves.'
Here’s an example. In 1994, if we met someone walking down the street talking out loud and looking down at their hand instead of greeting passers-by or watching the traffic, we would have crossed to the other side. Now, they’re probably talking on a cellphone or texting a friend. More...

25 décembre 2014

Seven business school deans reflect on 2014 – and look ahead to 2015

Go to the Globe and Mail homepageBy Shannon Moneo. To close out the old year and ring in a new one on the business education front, we approached seven business school deans to ask them a couple of simple questions: What was the biggest challenge your MBA or business program faced in 2014 and, accordingly, how will you change what your school does in 2015. Read more...
21 décembre 2014

Open Letter to Students in "Mapping the Futures of Higher Education" #FuturesEd Cathy Davidson. Useful Links:
Course Description
Futures Initiative Group on Academic Commons
Futures Initiative Group on HASTAC
Collaboratively Written Syllabus (bibliography, topics, and ideas constructed using Think-Pair-Share exercises at four events). More...

21 décembre 2014

Can community action open up universities?

By Ard Jongsma. Community work by university staff and students is often seen as an add-on to academic core business. But can it actually be more than that? Can it help to attract students from underrepresented groups? Can it bridge the gap between higher education and communities that have traditionally been excluded from it? And can it even benefit the core curriculum?
Those questions were key parts of the debate as the Talloires Network of 332 engaged universities in 72 countries convened its 2014 conference in Cape Town this month. Their answers seem to vary in different parts of the world. Read more...

21 décembre 2014

Rapid growth in university engagement worldwide

By Karen MacGregor. Growing numbers of university leaders worldwide are seeing community engagement as a central priority, says Professor Robert M Hollister, executive director of the Talloires Network – a global coalition of universities committed to moving beyond the ivory tower. Rather than distracting from engagement, internationalisation is “dramatically reinforcing and accelerating that trend, through people learning from and influencing one another’s work”. Read more...

21 décembre 2014

Forging the future of university engagement – Talloires

By Rebecca Warden and Karen MacGregor. Educating economically successful global citizens, expanding access to higher education, measuring the impacts of work with communities, influencing university rankings, incentives for engaged academics and a greater role for students. These were major topics for debate and new goals as university leaders from across the world set the stage for future university engagement at the Talloires Network Leaders Conference, or TNLC 2014. Read more...

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