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11 juillet 2018

A Future Without Schooling?

A Future Without Schooling?
Jim Shimabukuro, January 29, 2014
So, here's the question: "Can we, educators, imagine a future without traditional schools and teachers? The same can be asked of higher ed, Can we imagine a future without traditional colleges and professors?" Well in fact, Jim Shimabukuro says, we've already begun to imagine this future with MOOCs and other open online learning. More...

9 juillet 2018

We've Seen the Future, Indian Prez Tells Gates - And You're Not In It

We've Seen the Future, Indian Prez Tells Gates - And You're Not In It
The main message in this multi-threaded article is that proprietary software is "devastating" for developing economies. More...

9 juillet 2018

Découvrir la Normandie du futur

Bandeau retour page d'accueilLa Normandie a choisi de mettre en place une stratégie territoriale et de fixer les grandes orientations de la Normandie du futur : Quels modes de déplacements ? Quelles sources d'énergies ? Quel équilibre entre développement des territoires et protection de la biodiversité ? Quels types d'habitat ? Quelles complémentarités entre territoires urbains et ruraux ? Pour cela, elle s'appuie sur un outil d'aménagement du territoire appelé SRADDET (Schéma Régional d'Aménagement, de Développement Durable et d'Egalité des Territoires). Plus...

5 juillet 2018

Hydrogène. 2 000 emplois directs en France, 45 000 en 2030 ?

Les enjeux économiques et écologiques sont importants : selon une étude du cabinet McKinsey, en 2050, l’hydrogène pourrait générer 30 millions d'emplois dans le monde et réduire de 20 % les émissions de CO2.
Source :

3 juillet 2018

What An Expensive SF Restaurant That Can't Afford Waiters Tells Us About the Future of Higher Ed

What An Expensive SF Restaurant That Can't Afford Waiters Tells Us About the Future of Higher Ed
Joshua Kim, Inside Higher Ed, 2018/06/29
This is a case of a writer wanting to have it both ways. On the one hand, "Jobs that were once done by 2 people are now done by 1." On the other hand, "Almost everything that happens at a university that is of any value is done by a person." I think that what we'll find is that as automation takes over the quality of a university education doesn't decline as much as you think it would. More...

3 juillet 2018

Better Together: Why Networks Are the Future of Learning

Better Together: Why Networks Are the Future of Learning
Tom Vander Ark, Getting Smart, 2018/06/25
This post is marketing for a book, so be forewarned. The reasonable point it makes is that " Requiring (and even allowing) individual teachers and schools to develop new learning models is a lousy way to do R&D. We can’t and shouldn’t rely on individual teachers building and delivering lessons for diverse groups of learners." This is something I think we already knew. More...

3 juillet 2018

SkyHive, a Canadian Technology Company Leads the Way on the Future of Work

SkyHive, a Canadian Technology Company Leads the Way on the Future of Work
Cision, 2018/06/19
Here's the press release, with pointless adjectives and grandiose claimes edited out by me: "SkyHive appl(ies) a skills-based, as opposed to job-based, match of work opportunities.(It uses) machine learning to extrapolate the technical and soft skills possessed by job seekers, as well as the hiring needs of employers.” This is something I've been talking about for some time. More...

2 juillet 2018

Boot Camps et Fab Labs pour anticiper les challenges de demain

Focus RH - Gestion de carrière et évolution professionnelleCréativité, esprit d’équipe et capacité d’adaptation sont les compétences clés des managers du XXIème siècle. Ils doivent sans cesse se préparer à relever de nouveaux défis. Plus...

21 juin 2018

2004: The Turning Point

2004: The Turning Point
In this article I base my projections not on stock prices, sales trends or focus group analysis. More...

16 juin 2018

The Future of Learning and How It Could Change Your Classroom

Screenshot-2018-4-19 Techno-News BlogTechno-News Blog. If you want more students to succeed, particularly at a time when more disadvantaged students are coming into higher education, then you need to be more deliberate in figuring out what works and trying to bring it to scale. More...

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